2� 17� 125�
<br /> � DEED �F TRUST
<br /> {Continued} �age 6
<br /> their successo�s in interest, The successor trus�ee, without conveyance vf the Property, shall succeed t❑ all the
<br /> t�tIe, pvwer, and duties conferred upon the Trustee in t�is Deed nf Trus�and by app�icab�e law. This pracedure far
<br /> substitutivn❑f Trustee shalI govern to the exclu�ion of all other pror�isions for$ubstitutian.
<br /> N�T�CES. Any notice required to be gi�en under this Deed of 7'rust, inciuding wzthou� ['rmita�ion any no�ice of defaujt
<br /> and any nvtice of sa�e shaIl be gi�en in writing, and shaiI be effecti�e when actually delivered, when a�tuaI�y recei�ed
<br /> by�e�efacsimi�e {un�ess otherwise required by faw},when deposited with a nationalty recogni�ed arrernight courier, ar. if
<br /> mailed, when depasited in the United States mai�, as firs�c�ass, certi�ied �r registered maiI postage prepaid, directed to
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning ❑f this Deed ot Trust. AII copies o�notic�s ❑f fareciosure from the holder o�
<br /> any �ien which has priority n�er this Deed of Trust sha!! be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any person may chan�e his or her addre�s for no�ices under thi� ❑eed of Tru�� �y giving for-mat
<br /> writ-ten no�tice ta the other person ❑r person�, spec�fying that the purpase of the nvtice is to chang� the person's
<br /> address. For notice purposes,Trus�or agrees to keep Lender in�ormed at aII times af Trustor's cur�ent address. UnIess
<br /> otherwise pro�ided or required by law, i�there is more than one T�ustor, any notice given by L�nder to any Trustor is
<br /> deemed to be notice g��en to a�!Trusto�s. it wiIr be�rUstar's r�sponsibility to teII tt�e vthe��o�the notice�rom Ler�der.
<br /> M[S�ELLANEQCJS PR�V�SI�NS. The�Fallvwing mis�eIlanevus pro�ision�a�e a part af this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. What is written in this Deed of Trus� and in the ReIated Documents is Trustor�s enti�e agreement
<br /> with �.ender concerning�he ma�t�ters cvvered by�his Deed of 7'rus�. To be effective, any change or amendmen�to
<br /> this ❑eed ❑f Trus�must be in writing and must be signed ��whoeUer will be bound or❑bli�ated tay the change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are for �on�enience purposes only and are not�ta be
<br /> used�a interpret or de�ine t�e provisivns of�his ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> Merger. There sha�I be no merger of the interes�or e��a�te crea�ed by this Deed af Trust v,rith any❑th�r interes�or
<br /> �state in the Pr-operty at any�ime heId by or for th� henefit of Lender in any capacxty, withou�th� writ�en cansent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Governing Law. Thzs Deed of Trust wi11 be go�erned hy federa� Iaw applicab[e fio Lender and, ta the extent no�
<br /> preempted by federai 1aw,the Iaws o�the Sfiate of Nebraska withvut regard tv its confIicts vf law provisions. This
<br /> Deed of Trust has been accepted by Lender in th�State of Nebraska.
<br /> Choice of Venue. lf there is a tawsuit� Trustar agrees upon Lender's request ta submit�o the jurisdicti�n of the
<br /> caurt�o�Half �ounty, S#ate o�Nebraska.
<br /> No VlJaiver by Lender. Trustor unders�ands Lende�will nat gi�e up any of Lender's rights under this Deed ❑f Trust
<br /> un�ess Lender daes �o �n writing. The fac�t tha-� Lender deIays or omi�ts to exercise any right wi11 nv� mean that�
<br /> Lender has gi�en up tha� right. If Lender does agree in writing to gi�e up ❑ne af Lender's rights� that �oes not
<br /> mean Trustor w�I� not ha�e to comply with the other p�ovisions ot this �eed of Trust. Trustor- afso understands
<br /> that i� Lende� does consent to a request, that does no� mean that Trustor will not have to get Lender's consent
<br /> again if the situation happens again. Trustor further understands that just because Lender consents to one or more
<br /> of Trustor's requests, that do�s not mean Lender will be required t❑ consent ta any af`T'rustor's �Fufiure requests.
<br /> Trustar waives presentment� demand far payment� protest, and notice of dishonor.
<br /> S�verabiIity. If a court finds that any prv�ision af this D�ed af T�ust is not�alid or should na� be enforced, �hat
<br /> fa�t by itse�f wi�i nvt�mean that the rest❑�this Deed ❑t Trust wiI� not be �a�id or er�fo�ced. There�vre, a court will
<br /> enforce the re�t of the pro��sion�of this Deed of Trust�ven if a provisian of this ❑eed ❑f Trust may be faund�o b�
<br /> invaIid or unen�orceable.
<br /> Successat's and Assigns. 5ubject ta any �imitations sta�ed in this Deed of Trus�an transfer ❑f Trustor's interest,
<br /> this ❑eed of Trus�shali be binding upan and inure ta the benefit of the parties, their successars and assigns. If
<br /> awner�hip vfi the Property be�omes�ested in a person other�han Trustar� tende�, withaut no�ic�t� Trustor, may
<br /> dea�wi�h Trustor's successars with reference to this❑eed of Trust and the Indebtedness by way of�arbea�ance o�
<br /> extensivn without releasing Trustor from the ❑bligativns of this Deed ot Trust or iia�iIity under the �ndebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time i�ot the essence in the performan�e af this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Wai�er of Hvmestead Exemption. Trus�or herehy releases and waives aEl rights and bene�its o� the homestead
<br /> exemption Iaws vf the State of Nebraska as to all �ndebtedness secured hy this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEF�NITI��IS. The fa!lawing words shail ha�e the fofl�wing meanings when used in this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Benefciary. The word "Bene�iciary" means Exchange Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> gorrower. The ward "Borrower" means Rodney VV C�umrine and includes a�i cv-signers and ca�make�-s signing the
<br /> Credit Agre�ment and aII their successors and assigns.
<br /> Gredit Agreement. The words "Credit Agreemen�" mean the cr�dit agreement dated February �'i, 2�17� w�th
<br /> �redit Iim�t �f $7�rDD�.�D frvm Trustor to Lender,together with atI renewals of, extensions a�, modzfications
<br /> of, r-��inancings of, consoIida�ions o�F� and su�sti�utions tar tt�e promissory nate ❑r agreement. ll[DTICE TD
<br /> �
<br /> Deed vf Trust. The words "Deed o�T�us�" mean �his Deed o� Trus� among Trustor, L�nder, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes without Iimi�a�ion all assignment and secur�ty interes� pro�isions relating to the PersonaI Praperty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Enviranmenta[ Laws. The words nEn�iranmentai La'ws" mean any and aII state, �ederaI and �ocaf sta�utesr
<br /> reguIations and ordinan�es reiating to the pratection of human health or th� environment, inciuding without
<br /> limitation the Camprehensi�e En�ironmen�al Response, Compensation. and LiabiIity Ac�of �I98�� as amended, 4�
<br /> U,S.C, S�ction 960"I� et seq. �"CERCLA"}� �he Superfund Amendments and Reautho�ization Act of 'I 98�� Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 {"SARA"��the Hazardous Mate�ials Transpartation Act,49 U.S.C. Se�tion 'i 80'I� et seq,,the Resou�-ce
<br /> Conservation and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 69D'l, et seq., ❑r other applicable state o��ederai laws, rules,
<br /> or regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
<br /> E�ent of Defau�t. The wo�ds "E�en�of De�aul�n mean any❑f the e�ents of defauI�set forth in this ❑eed of 7'rus�in
<br /> �he e�en�s❑f defauit sec#ion a�thi�Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Existing indebt�dness. The wards nExistin� Indebtedness" mean�he indebtedness described in the Existing L�ens
<br /> proWisian of this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Hazardous Substances, The wQrds �Hazardous 5ubs�ancesn mean materials that. be�ause of their quantityr
<br /> concen�ration or physical, chemical or �nfe�tious characteristics, may cause or pose a present or potential hazard
<br /> to human health or the enviranment when improperly used, treated, stvred, dispvsed ❑f, generated, manufactu�ed,
<br /> transported or otherwise hand[ed. The words "Hazardous Substanc�s" are used in their very braades�sense and
<br /> include without limitation any and all ha�ardous or toxic substancesr materials or waste as defined by or listed
<br /> under the Environmental Laws. The t�rm "Haza�dous Sub��ances" also includes, without limitatian, petroIe�m and
<br /> pe�roieum by-praducts or any fractian therevf and asbestos.
<br /> lmprovements. The ward "Impro�ements" means all existing and future impr��ementsr buiIdings� structures�
<br /> mobile homes affixed ❑n the ReaI Property, faciIi�ies, addztions, repiacements and other construc-t�on on the Real
<br />