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2� 17� 12�4 <br /> Borrower sha�l gi�e Lender prampt notice of any lapse in required hazard <br /> insurance covera�� and of any Ivss o�curring fron� a h��ard. Irr fhe event of a <br /> distributi�n of ha�ard insuran�e pr�ceeds in lieu �f restorati�n or repair <br /> follo�ving a loss to the Proper�y or t�cammon areas and facil�ties of the PUD, <br /> any proceeds �ayable to Barrawer are h�reby as�ig�ed and shai! be paid to <br /> . Lender for app�icatian to the sums secured by this �ecurity Ins�rumen�,vvith <br /> any excess pai�t�the entity I�gally entit�ed thereto. <br /> B. Bvrrawe�promises�o par�al!dues and assessments irn�osed �ursu�nt to the <br /> legaf instruments creating and governing the PUD. <br /> �. If Borrower d�es n�t pay PUD dues and assessments when due, then Lender <br /> may pa�them. Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph �s�aii <br /> become addit�onal debt of Barrower secured by�the �ecurity Instrument. Unless <br /> Borrower and Lender a�ree tv�ther terms of payment, �hese amounts shal! b�ar <br /> �nterest frvm the da�e of d�sbursement at the No�e rate and shall be paya��e, <br /> with interest, upon nfltfce from Lender ta Borrovuer r�questing pa}�ment. <br /> FHA PUD Rider T� Se�ternber��'I4 <br /> Bankers�ystems V111�P � qo��71$����z oz�� ��z a�a3 VMP5�9U �15��}.4� <br /> Wolters �Cluwer Financia! �er�ices Page�of 3 <br />