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2� 17� 12�4 <br /> 19. Sa�e af hlvte; �hange of Lvan Servicer;lVotice of Grievance.The Note or a partial in�er�st in the <br /> Note�together�vith this Security�nstrument}can be sald orie or more times withaut pri�r notice ta <br /> Borrower,A sale might result in a chang�in�he entity�knawn as�he"�.oan.�ervicer")��at collects <br /> P�riodic Payments du�under th�T�Tote an�this�ecurity Instrument a�ad per�'�rms ot��r�nortgage��an <br /> ser�icing obligation�under the Note,t�is Securi�y In�trumen�,and Applicab�e La�u. There also might be <br /> one or more chan�es af the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the 1V�te.If t�ere is a change of the Loan <br /> Servicer, Borro�ver w�ll be given wr�tten notiee of the change�hich��i�l state the name and address of <br /> the new Loan Servicer,the addre��ta�vhich payments should b�made and any other informatian RESPA <br /> requires in connecti�n tivith a nc�tice of transf�r of servicing. If the Note is sold an�ther�after the Loan Y� <br /> serviced by a Loan Servicer ather than the purchaser o�'the N�te,the mor�ga�e Xoan ser��cing oblig�.tions <br /> to Borro�ver wi11 remain�ith the Loan Seruicer or be�ransferre�.to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are <br /> not assumed by the 1�1ote purchaser un�ess otherwis�provided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Nei�her Sorro�ver nar Lender may commence,jo�n,or be jo�ned to any judicial action�as either an <br /> �nd���dua��itigant or the member of a cXass}that arises fram the c�ther party's ae�ions pursuant to this <br /> Securi�Instrument or that al�eg���hat th�other part�has br�ached any pravis��r�af,or any duty owed <br /> by reason of,thiS Security Instrument,until su�h Barrawer or Lender ha�nc�tified the o#her party(�vith <br /> such notice given in compliance�uith the requirements�f S�ction 14}of such alleged breach and afford�d <br /> �he other party heret�a reasanable per�od after the gi�ing of such notice to take corrective actian,If <br /> Applicable Law pro�ides a ti�m�peri�d which must el�.ps�befor��ertain a��ian�an b�taken,that tirrie <br /> period will�e deerned to be reasanable for purpose�af th��Section. The natic�o�acceleratio�and <br /> oppartunity to�ure gi�en to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the nofzce af a.ccelerat��n given to <br /> Borro�er pursuant to�ecti�r� 17 shal�be deemed ta satisfy the notice and opportunit�ta take carrecti�e <br /> actian pro�isions of this�ection i�. <br /> ��. Bvrro�v�r Not Th�rd-PartyBen�ficiaryto Contract vf Insurance.Mortgage insuran�e reimburses <br /> Lender�or an�entity that purchases the Note)fo�r certain losses it may incur if Borra�ver does nat repay <br /> thc Loan as agreed. Barrower acknowledges and agrees�hat the Bonaw�r is not a third party bene�c�ary <br /> to the contract qf insurance between the Se�retary and Lender,nar is Borrower entitled to enfarce any <br /> agreement between Lender and the Secretary,unless explici��y autharized ta do so by Applicable Law. <br /> ��, H��ard�us5ubstanees.As used in this Section��: �a}"Hazardous Substances"are tho��substances <br /> d�fined a�taxic or ha�ardous sub�tances,pflllutants,ar�va�tes by En�ironmenta��a�u and the fol�owing <br /> sub�tances:gasoline,kerasene,other flammab�e or�oxic petraleum�aroducts,toxic pes�icides and <br /> herbicides,�o�atile s�lvents, materials containing asbestos or f�rma�dehyde,and radioact�ve ma�er�als; <br /> �b}"En�iranmenta�La�v"means federal�aws and ta��of the�uxi�diction�here the Praperty is located <br /> �that relate to h�alth, safe#y or en�irot�mental protection; (�} "Enviranm�ntal Glea�.up" includes any <br /> response action,remedial act�on,or remova�action,as defined in Environmenta.�Law;and(d)an <br /> "Environmental��ndition"means a c�ndition that�an cause,contribute to,or othea-vvis�trigger an <br /> En�rironrnental Cleanup. <br /> Borro�ver sha�1 not cause or permit the presence,u�e,disposa�,stc�rage,or re�ease of any Hazardous <br /> �ubstanGes,or threa�en�o rele�.se an�Hazardaus��bstan�es,�n or in the Property.Borrot�er shall r�ot <br /> do,nor�110�anyone else ta do,anything affecting th�Proper�y(a�that is�n violation af any <br /> Environmental�,aw,�b}�vhxch creates an En�iranmental�ondit�on,or�c}which,due t�the presence, <br /> use,or release af a Ha7ardaus Substance,creates a candition�hat ad�ersely affects the value af the <br /> Property.The pre�eding�vo sentences sha11 nat appl�to the presence,use,or starage an the Pr�perty of <br /> FHA Deed of Trust lrVith MERS-NE �13412014 <br /> Banke�s SystemsT�+ VMR� IfMP4N(NE}(1546}.40 <br /> Wol#ers Kluw�r Financial 5ervices Page 93 of 17 <br /> q�337182�4$2 �233 351 1317 <br />