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2� 17� 1172 <br /> � <br /> wai�e Borrovuer's�bligation �o pay t�Ler�der Funds for an�or a�l Escrow I�ems a�any�i�ne. Atay such waiuec•may <br /> only be in v�ritin�. �n�he e�ent of such��aiWer, Bo'rrower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts <br /> due for any Escraw I�enls for which payment vf Funds has been waived by Lender an�, if Lender requires, shall <br /> furnish ta Lendei• r�ceipts e�videneing such payment within such �ime period as Lerider may require. Borrower's <br /> obligation �a make such payments and to prowide receipts shall for a1l purposes b� deemed�o be a couenant and <br /> agr�ement contained in th�s Security Iristrumen�, as the phrase"covenan�and agr�ernent" is used in Sec�iot� 9. If <br /> Borrower is obligat�d to pay Fscrov�items directly, �ursuan�to a uTai�er, and BorrovWer fails to pay th�amaun�due <br /> . far ari Es�row��em, Lende�•ma}�ex�rcise its r�ghts urider Section 9 and pay su�h amount and Borrawer shal�then be <br /> obligated under 5ec�i�n 9�o repay to Lender any such amoun�. Lendex may re�ake the�a��er as to an�ar all EscravW <br /> I�erns at any�ime by a notice g��ren in accordance�ith SeGtion 14 a��d, upon su�h revocat�an, Borrawer sha�l pay ta <br /> Lender all Funds, and in such amounts, tha�are theza required under this Section 3. <br /> L�nd�r may,ati any time, collect and ho�d Funds i�1 an amount(a�sufficien�t�permit Lender to apply the Funds <br /> a��he tiine spec�f ed under RESPA, �nd�b}nat to exceed the maximum amount a len�et�can require under RESPA. <br /> Lender sha�i est�mat�the amour��nf Funds due�n the basis�f currer�t da�a and reasonable estimates of expenditures <br /> af futur�Escrav���ems or�thei�wis�in accordance�i�h Applicable�aw. <br /> The Fu��ds shall be�held in an institution whose depvsits are insured by a federal ag�ncy, instrumentality, �r <br /> en�ity �including Lender, if Lende�r is a�a institution whos�dep�s�ts are so insured} or in any Federal Home Loan <br /> �ank. Lender shall apply�he Funds to pay t�le�scrov��tems no later than the tifne sp�c�f ed u��der RESP.A. Lend�r <br /> sha��not charge Barrower for holdii��a��d applying�.he Funds, annual�y analyzi�ag the es�row accoun�, or�er�fyin� <br /> the Escraw�tems, unless L�nder pa�s Barrflr�ver interesti an�he Funds and Appl�cable Law perm�ts Lender to rnake <br /> suc��a charge. Unl�ss an agreement is tnad�iY�v�r'�ting ar Ap�Iicable Law requires inter�st to be paid�n the Fund�, <br /> Lender shall not be reyuired�o pay Bnrrawer any�t�terest or earnings on t��e Funds. Borrovver and�ender can agree <br /> in wriring, howe�er, tha�in�ere�x shall b� paid on the Funds. Lender shall gi�e fio Borrovuer, without charge, an <br /> annual accountir�g of the Funds�uired by RESPA. <br /> I:f there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lende�r s�1a�l accoun�ta B�rrawer for <br /> the excess funds in acc�rdance u�ith RESPA. Tf a shartage of Funds he�d in escrflw,as defined under RESPA, <br /> �ender shall notify Bor�ovver as required b�RESP.A, and Borrovve�shall pay�o Lender the aynoun�necessary ta rnalce <br /> up the shortage i��.accordanc�with RESPA, bu� in no rnore�han ��montl�ly paymen�s. If there is a d�ficiency af <br /> Funds l�eld in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha11 notif}�Bor�a�er as required by RESPA, and Borrower <br /> shail pay tQ Lender the amount�e��ssary to make up t��e deficiency rn accardance with RESPA, but in no more�han <br /> 12 monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment�n full of ai�sums secured by this Securit}�Instrument,�ender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br /> aY�y Fut�ds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges;Liens. Barrower shall pay a�i�axes, ass�ssments,charges,fines, and impositions attr�but�ble ta <br /> the F.roper�y vwhic�a can attain priority ��er this Security It�strument, leasehold payments or ground rents an the <br /> Property, if azay, and Community Associatior�Dues, Fees, and Assesslnents, if any. To�he ex�ent that these items <br /> are�scrovv �#ems, Bnrrower shall pay���em in the rnanner provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower sha�l proxnptly discharge any l�en whi�h haS priority��er�his Security�nstrumen�unless B�rrower: <br /> (a}agre�s in vwriting to the payment of�he abl�gation Secured by�he li�n in a manner acceptable ta Lender, but only <br /> so 1�ng as �3orrower i s performing such ag-reemen�; (b} cantesfs �he 1 ien in goad faith by, ar defends against <br /> enfarcen�ent af the 1�en in, 1ega�proceedings�vhich in�,ender's opinian operate tti pre�ent�he enfarcem�nt of the�ien <br /> while those proceedings are pcnding, but only until such proc��din�s are cvncluded; ar��� secures from�he ho�der <br /> of the �ien a�a agre�ment satisfactary fi� Lender subordinating �he �ien �o this Securi�y Instrument. Xf Lend�r <br /> determines t��at any part of the Proper�is subject to a 3ien which can attain prio.rity o�er this Securit�Ins�rumenfi, <br /> Lender may gi�e Borrower a notice identifying t��e tien. Within ��days of t��e date on vvh�ch that no�i�e is gi�en, <br /> Borrower sha�l sat�sfy the lien ar take one or more of the actions set for�h abo�e in thi� 5ecti�n 4. <br /> L�nd�r may r�qui�e.Barrower ta pay a an�-tirne charge far a.real estat�tax verifi�ation andlor r�p�.rt�ng ser�ice <br /> used by�ender in connect��r�with this Loan. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-UNIFORM INSTR�MENT D�c1Haglc <br /> M�D1 Fl ED FQR DEPARTMENT�F V ETERANS AFFAIRS- MERS www.da� <br /> �Re�. 11�1} Page 5 af �14 . <br /> . <br /> , <br />