2� 17� 11 �8
<br /> �EEC� �F T��J��'
<br /> Loa� 1Va: '����'���� �����[t���d� . F'age �
<br /> Du�y �co �1laintain. Trustar shal� main�ain th� Pro�erty in good candition and promp-�ly perf�rm a�l repair�l
<br /> replacements, and rnaint�nance neces�ary to preserve its�aiue.
<br /> Comp�ianc� t1Vi�h En�irvnmenta� Laws, T�ustar repr�sents and warrants ta Lend�r that: ��� During the periad ��
<br /> Trus�or`s awn�rsh�p o��he Proper�y, �here has b�en na use� generation, manufacture, st�rage, treatment, disp�sa�,
<br /> rel�as� or �hreat�ned rel�ase o� any Hazardaus 5ubs-�ance by any person onr under, abau�t ar �ram the Pr�perty;
<br /> �2} Trustor has no knowledge af, �r reas�n �o h�lieWe that there has been, ex�ept as previously disclosed ta and
<br /> acl�nawledged by L�nder in writing, ta} any breach or vi�lation ❑f any Environm�ntal Lavvs, �b} any use,
<br /> gen�ration, rnanu�acture, starage, treatmen�, disposaf� re�ease or �thr�atened releas� af any Ha�ardous Subs�an�e
<br /> on, under, abaut ar frr�m the Praperty by any priar �►nrners or o�cupants a�f �he Proper�y, or ��} any a�tual �r
<br /> threaten�� [iti�atian ar �laims o� any k�nd by any persan relat€ng ta such ma��ers; and {3� Except as pre�iousIy
<br /> disclosed ta and acknaw�edged by Lender in wrifiing, �a} n�ither Trustar nar any tenant, �ontractor, agent ar❑ther
<br /> auth�rized user o��he Prop�rty sha[I use, generate, manu�a�ture, starer �reat, dispose �f vr re�eas� any Ha�ardous
<br /> Substance on, un�er, about�r�rom-the Property; and {b} any suGh ac�iWi�y shall �e cQndu�te�i in camplian�e with
<br /> al� applicable federal, �tate, an�l loca[ laws, regul��tions and ordinanc�s, �nc�uding vvithnut limi�atian al�
<br /> Environm���al LavUs, Trustar autharizes Len�er and its ag�nts to enter up�n th� Praper�ty t� make su�h
<br /> inspections and �ests, at Trustor's expense, as L�nd�r may de�m apprapriate to determine campliance o� the
<br /> Pr�perty with �his �ectian o� �h� C�eed a� Trust. Any inspecti�ns �r tests made by Lender sha�l �e �ar Lender's
<br /> pu�pvses on�y and shall n�t be c�nstrued t� create any responsibility or Iiab€li�y an the part�f Lender to T�'ustor or
<br /> fio an}� ather pe�-son. The representativns �nd warranties cantained h�rein are based on Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> inwes�igating tl�e Praperty �For Ha�ar��us 5ubstances. Trustor her�by (1} releases and waiv�s any�uture c�aims
<br /> against L�nder f�r indemnity or Gontributian in tne �vent Trustor becomes liable far cleanup or ather c�sts under
<br /> any such 1aws; an� ��} agrees t� indemnify, def�nd, and hQld harmless Lender against any and all claims, [osses,
<br /> liabili-�i�s, damages, penafties, and exp�nses whiGh Ler�der may�ir�ct[y or indire�tly sustain or suffer resul-�ing #rom
<br /> a �reach of this sec��an �� the D��� af Trust �r as a consequence of any us�, generatian, manu�acture, storage�
<br /> disposal, reiease or thr��ten�d release accurring prior to Trustor`s ownership or interest�n the Property, whether or
<br /> not the �ame was or shauld have b�en kn�vvn t� Trustor. Th� pra�isions �f this se�tion ❑f the Deed of Trust,
<br /> �nc�uding the o�ligation t� indemnif�and defend, shall surWiWe the paym�nt�f the Indebtedness and the satisfacti�n
<br /> �nd re�onveyance of�he li�n of this Qeed a�Trust and shall not be a�Ffected by Lend�r's acquisition af any int�rest
<br /> in the Properfiy, whether hy foreclasure or afherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Vl�aste. Trustor shafl not cause, canduct vt' permit any nuisance nor c�mmit, �ermitr or suffer any
<br /> stripping af or waste dn �r ta �he Prap�rty ar any p�rtian o� the Prop�rty. V1li�hau� fimiting �he generality ofi the
<br /> faregaing, Trustar wi�l n�t remo�e, o� grant ta any a�her party�he right to rem��e, any#�m�er, minerals (including
<br /> oil and gasy, caalr c�a�r SCC3rI�, sail, gravei ar ra�k praducts without L�nder`s priar written cansen�.
<br /> Rema�al of Improvemer��s, Trustor shall nat dem�lish or rema�e any Impro�emen�s from the Real Pr�perty with�ut
<br /> Lender's prior wri-�-��n cansent. As a conditian to the removal af any lmproWements, Lender may�equir�Trus��r t�
<br /> mal�e arrang�ments sat�sfactory �� Lender �o replace such lmprovements with lmpra�ements af a� least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> L�nder's Right to Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and repr�sentatiWes may enter upon the I�ea� Praperty at al�
<br /> reasanabl� t�rnes �a attend to L�nder's inte�ests and to inspect the Real Property far pur�ases of Trust�r's
<br /> Gompliance with the terms and canditians�f this De�d a�Trust.
<br /> �omptiance with Gnvernmen#at Requirements. Trus�ar shall promp�ly comp�y vv€th all laws, �rdinanc�s, and
<br /> regula�ions, naw ❑r hereaf�er in �ff�ct, of all gaWernmental au�horities applicab[e to the use ar occ�pan�y of the
<br /> Property. Tru$tor may cantes�in good faith any such law, ordinance, or r�gul��ion and withhold campliance during
<br /> any pro�eeding, inc[ud�ng appropriat� appeals, sa Iong as Trustor has nati#ied Lender in writ�ng prior t� doing so
<br /> and sa lang asr in Lender's s�le apini�n, Lender's interes�s in-�he Pr�p�rty are nv�jeapardi�e�i. Lend�r may requir�
<br /> Trustar to pos�adequate se�urity or a surety bond, reasanably satisfactary�� Lender, t� prot�ct Lender's int�r�st.
<br /> Duty tn Prvtect. Trus#or a�rees neither to abandan a� lea�e unattend�d �he P�operty. Trust�r shal[ da a!I other
<br /> a��s, in additian to thas� acts set forth abo�e in this sec�Cion, whiGh from the �haracter and use of the Praperty are
<br /> reasona bly n�c�ssary to prote�t and pr�serve the Pr�perty.
<br /> dlJE ❑N SALE - C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a� Lender's �ption, declare irnmediately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by this De�d of Trus� upon the sa[e ar�ransfer, with�ut Lender's priQr written cQnsent, of all or any part of the
<br /> R�al Property, or any interest in th� Reai Praperty. A "sa(e �r transfer" means fihe ��nWeyance af R�a! Prop�r�y or any
<br /> right, title �r int�r�st in the Real Property; whether legal, heneficial ❑r equitahle; whether �olun�ary ar in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by �utrigh� sa�e, de�d, instal�m�nt sale contrac�, land contract� con�rac� #or �eed, �easehald interest with a
<br /> t�rm greater than three t3� y�ars, �eas�-op�ion contra��� ar �y sa�e, assignm�nt, or transfer �f any ben�fi�iai int�rest �n
<br /> ar�o any lan� trust ho�ding title t� �he Rea� Pr�p�rty, ❑r by an� ath�r method of canWeyan�e of an int�rest in �h� Real
<br /> Property. HaweWer, this ap�ion shall nat be �xercised by Lender if su�h e�ercise is pr�hibi�e� by federal I�vir ar by
<br /> hle�raska law.
<br /> T►4�CES AND LlENS, The fol(owing provisians relat�ng t� the taxes and l�ens on the Prvperfiy ar� part �f �his Deed ot
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor shal� pay when du� �and in a[I e�ents }�rivr t� delinquency} all�axes, special taxes, �ss�ssm�nts,
<br /> �harges tincluding water and sew�r}, fines and impositions le�i�� against �r on account af the Property� and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims f�r work done �n or �ar serWices rendered or ma�erial furnished to the Property. Trustor
<br /> sha�! maintain�he Prop�rty free of al[ liens havin� priori�y aWer or equal -��the interest�f Lender under this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust, except for �he li�n �f tax�s and ass�ssments no� due, except for the Existing �n�iek�tedness referred ta
<br /> below, and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Dee� �fi Trust.
<br /> Right tv Contest. Trustor may withhold paym�nt af any tax, assessment, ar claim in cQnnecti�n with a gaod fa�th
<br /> dispute aWer�he obligation ta pay, sa �ong as Lender`s interest in the Property is not jeopardized. 1�a lien aris�s ar
<br /> is �iled as a result af n�npayment, Trustar shall with[n fif�e�n [�5} days after the fien aris�s or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen �1 a� days �fter Trustot' has nati�e o� �he filing, secure the discharg� of the I�en, ar if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficienfi c�rp�rate sur�ty b�nd❑r other security satisfactary to Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient�o discharge the �ien plus any costs and attarneys' fees, �r ather charges tha� c�uld a�cru� as a
<br /> result af a foreclvsure�r safe under�he lien. In any contest, Trustar shall defend itself and Lender and shall satis�y
<br /> any adWers�judgment before enfc�rcernent against�he Pr�perty. Trus�or shall name Lend�r as an additional obligee
<br /> under any sure�y 6ond-�urnished in the cantest pr�cee�lings.
<br /> E�idenc� af Payment. Trustar shall upan demand �furnish ta Lender satisfactory eWidence of paym�nt�f the �axes
<br /> ar assessmen�s and shall autharize the apprapr�ate ga�ernmental vfficial ta de�iWer�� Lender a�any time a wri-tten
<br /> statem�nf of the taxes and assessments�gainst th� Praperty.
<br /> Nvti�� vf�anstructian. Trustar shall not�fy Lender at [east fifteen ���} days before any w�r�c is commenced, any
<br /> serWi�es are furnished, �r any ma��rials are supplied ta the Pr�perty, if any m��hanic's lien, materialmen's li�n; or
<br /> �th�r �ien �auld be asserted on accoun� af the v�rorkr services, or materials. Trustar will up�n request of Lender
<br /> furnish ta L�nder ad�anc� assuranc�s satisfact�ry to L�nder that Trustar can and will pay th� cast vf suG� �
<br /> �mprov�ment�.
<br /> PRDPERTY 13ANIAGE �NSURANCE. The fallawing pro�isi�ns relating t� insuring the Pra�erty are a part�fi this ❑eed of
<br />