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<br /> � IP I.emdcr rrqu'urd martgage insurance as a eondition of ma�Cing the loan secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> Borro�rer shall p�y t�se premi�aats requited to anaintaie the insurance in etTect until such tirr.e gs the rcquerement far the
<br /> _ insutar�cetermirxares in,�ccordance�vitb BorroarP's and Landt�s evrittcn�grument or appticable law.
<br /> ` . _ i. L�ecttoei.� Lender ar its sgeai may make ra�sossshte enaries upon and inspectior�of the propaty.Lend�r � -
<br /> __�pve 86R4i�ypG a�ti�+e�t th�tirae of or pdor ta an inspection specifying retsonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> 9 C�od. The procads of any awud as claim for damages,direct ar cansequential.in conaecaon aith
<br /> any condemnation ar other taWng of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in lie�of wndemnation,ate hereby
<br /> � issianed and s}�11 be paia tQ Lender. �
<br /> In thr event of s toal taSciag�f t}x Property.tht procads sball 6e apgued ta the sums savred by this Security
<br /> Tastrmaettt.Mhether ot nat then due,�vith aay eaoas paid w Horrowu.In ths eveat of a partial talcing of the Property.
<br /> unkss Bonro�ver and Lender otherwiSe�ra iss writing,t1�e sums aacured by this Security Instzumeat shall be reduced by
<br /> the araount of the proceeds muli'splied by the fo;lowing fractian: (a)the tota3 amount of the sums sccvred immediateJy
<br /> before the talcing,divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediateiy be�ore the talcqng.Any bslance shall be
<br /> paid to Boerower.
<br /> If the Property is abaadoned 6y Bortower,er if,aftu notice by Lender to Bonawer that the condemnor o$'ers W
<br /> m�ke aa a�►ard ar settle a clairn fos damages,Bonower fails to respond co Lender within 30 d�ys afta the date the norice is
<br /> giveu,.Lender is authorizad to coUect and�tpply the praceeds.at its option,cither ta ratoration or repair of the Property or
<br /> to the wms secucod by this 5ecurity tnstnunent,whether ar�ot then dae. '
<br /> , Unkss Lender aad Borrower othsrrvise asree in wsiting,any application of�roceeds tu pria�i�al shtll aot eatwd or '
<br /> postpone the due daYe of tbe monthty payraeuts refetred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaags tht sm�unt of such paym..-nu.
<br /> � 10. 8orrowa Nat-Relaud;ForbESraace By Len� Not s WdTer. Extensian of t€�e time for paymcnt or
<br /> modification of smottiration of the sums sacurod by ihis Secuiity Instrument grante�by Leader to any successor in
<br /> iataest of Horrowu st�all not op�rsse to release the liability of the originai Bonower or Borrower's successor�in iaterest.
<br /> Lendu shall nat be requirod to vommtnce procecdings ogainst any successor in interest or refiue to extend time for
<br /> psymtnt or otherwise madify amortization of the sums secured by this Security lastrument by rcason of any demand made
<br /> by the ori�nal Bormwer or Borrower's succasars in interest.Any forbearance by Lercder in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> � shall aot be i waiver of or preclude the exereise of any right or remody.
<br /> li. Socceuoes asd A�si�s Bound;SQiat aad Stteral I�abflity;Co-stgat.t�. The cavenants and agreements of
<br /> this Soaurity Insvuument shaU bind and bare�it t.he suecest�srs and assigns of Lertdes�nd borrower,subjcct t6 the provisians
<br /> of par�g�ph 17.Borrower's covenanu and agr�earsenu sball be joint and several.Any Banower who co-si�cs this Security
<br /> " Instrument Hut doa not exeeuie the Notr.(a)is co-signing this Security Instr�meat only to�a�tgage,grant and convey .
<br /> . that Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the terms of Yhis Secwity Instrument;(b)is nat personally obligstted to pay .
<br /> ths sums securoa by this Security Instrument; and(c)agrees that L.ender and any other Borr�ver may agree to eatend, .
<br /> modify.forbear ec make any accommodations with regard to the oerms of this S�cu:ity Instrument ar th�Note without
<br /> that Barrawer's consent. `� _'
<br />- 12. I.an Char�es. If the toan secured by this Security Instnimsnt is sutsj�t to a law c�.�ich sets maximum toars� -
<br /> charges. And that law is Rnally interpreted so that the interest ar athtr loan c�,rges colle�zzed or co be coltectod En�.
<br /> conneetiat aith the loan excea!the permitted timits. then:(a)any such loaa chargt shafl 6e reduced�y the arrtount � _
<br /> necessYrg to reduce the charge ta the permitted limit;a�d�b)any sums already cetlxted from Borrower��ch excaded � t
<br /> pemut�sd limits wiU be refunded to Borrowcr.I.ander tnay choose to make this cr�'�nd by roducing the�;;ncipal owed _
<br /> - under tbe Note os by making a direct payment to 8orrower.lf a refund reduces principal,the red•action will be treated as a
<br /> putial prepaymmt without any prepsym:at ck�rge under the Note.
<br /> 13. I�Watios ARatt� I.nider's�=bts. Ii enactment ar expirati�a af applicabte laws has the effect of �
<br /> • rendering u►y provision of the{'v'at�:ar tJiis Security lnstrument unenforceable xcti,9rding to its terms�l.ender,at its aption,
<br /> .msy roquire immediste payn�snt cn fuU of all sums socured by this Security fn�tnment and may invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by puagrsph 19.If�nder eaercises this opsion,Lender shall take the steps specifie�+i�the second paragraph of , x. ..
<br /> P�BnPh 1�. �.�
<br /> ��. Natica. Any notice to Borrowes provided for in this Sec`arity lnsttur.teat shall h,e�j-von by dclivering it ar�y
<br /> mailin�:at by first class mail unless applicable 1aw requires use of another meth�d Thc notice shall be di-acted to the ''� .
<br /> Pro�xsty Addras or any other addras Barrower designa:u5 by notice to I.ender.�tL��notice to Lender sf�alL be giveo by �� {
<br /> flast class mail to Lender's addrtss stated kerein or any other address Lender desigr.ates by nota;c to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> providal for in this Sacurity Instrument shall!x deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lertdcx'whcn given as provided
<br /> in this pmgraph.
<br /> 1S. G�etnte�Lw;Serenbility. This Security Instrument sball be go�rmed by fedtra!law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdietion in which the Prope�rty is located.In the event that any provision or c1au.�e of this Security lnstrument or the
<br /> _ Note conflicts Mith opplicable[aw,such conP.:et shall not affect othcr provisions of'this Security instrument or the Note
<br /> which can be given effect without the cantiicting provision.To this end the provisians af this 9ecurity Instrument and the
<br /> � Note are declucd to be sevtrable.
<br /> l6 Borrower'�Copy. $ortower shall be given one conformed copy oF the Note and of this Security instrumcnt.
<br /> !7. Tra�afer o!the Prooerty or a Btneficial leterest in Borr�uxer. If all or any pare of thc Property or nny
<br /> interest in it is sold or tnnsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natcral
<br /> � petson)without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at its option,requirc immediate payment in full of all sums `
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrument. Hawtvtt.this option shall not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> federal law as of the date of this 5ecurity Jnstrnment.
<br /> � lf Lender exercises this opiion,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceletatian.The notice shall provide a period :-_-__
<br /> of not las than 30 days from the Oate the notiee is deliverod ar mailed within which$orrawer must pay all sums securtd by
<br /> this Security Instrumtnt.af Hurrower fails¢o pay these surr�s prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> � remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further noticr or demand on Borrower. .
<br /> 1�.Horrortee':Ri�t to Rtlntate. If Borrower meets cerlain cnndit�ons,Borrower shall have the right ta hnvc �
<br /> �- en�vrcemrnf uf�nis�eturety�nsfTttmtnt ciis�.vr�finucti af au�time priut lu f Ste eatii'rr vi:�s�S�lay�f Ur stt�l�utii���icxi es `
<br /> �pplicable law may specify for reinstatement�before sale of the Property pursuant to 3ny power nf saic cnntained in this �
<br /> � Secur�ty lnstrument;nr(b>entry of a judgment enforcing thr 5ccurity Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower:
<br /> (s)pays lrtnder all sums which then wanld be due urtder this Stcunty lastrument and the Note had no acceleration
<br /> accurred: (bi cures any default af any othet zovenants or agreements; (c)pays oll eapensts mcurred in enfrrrcing this
<br /> 5ecunty lnstrument. mcludmg,but nat i�m�ted tv. reasanabte attorneys'fees; and fd)takes such action as lxnder may �`'
<br /> reasonably requtre tn assure that ehr lien oP 4hts SeCUrity lnstrument. Lender's nghts�n the Property and I�arrawer's ���
<br /> vbfr�sttan tu pay ehe surtfs ueured by ch,s 5ecunty lns4rument shsrll cant�nuc unchanged Upvn re�r��totemcnt hy , ..
<br /> Borrower,th�s S�EU�ty ITrstrument and Ihe nbiigatiun,stcured hereby yhn)t remu�n fu{{y effecttvr as tiE ncs ac�deratu�n hsc3 �
<br /> � cxcurrat.Huwrver.this ngNt tu rc�nstete shull nnt epply in the Cese�f�ccelernturn undet�aragraphc i 3 c�r 17
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