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<br /> � - . - t�reu rteuur�m�ex-ttace ca�:� �v"~ �Q�47�?"f�
<br /> , THISADJUSTABL&RATERiDERismadethiis iz� dayof FEBRUARY ,�g9fl _
<br /> arsd is inearpont�d intq arid shal]be deemed to amsnd and supyiemcn: the rilvrt�age,D�cd of Trust, or SccurIty Deed ithe "Seeudty
<br /> rIasriumeaY')of the same date givrn by the undersip�d(the"Borrower")to secure Bortawer's Adjustable Rate Note(the"Nate")to HOME
<br /> _. � FEDERAL SAViNQS i 1.�AH ASSOCiATtON 'QF GRANQ lSLAND,NEBRASIU (the•`Lender'7 of tho same date and covering the
<br /> �rope:ty drsrrlbtd in t�e Sxu�isY Instr�mtnt aa�l�sate�ai: _
<br /> 1816 Ht}WARD COURT GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 .
<br /> � (Property Addras)
<br /> T�ib aote coatstas prati�io�a Nlo�ri� for cia�a ts �Y�rtcnst r�tc s�d mY ataulhlY
<br /> p�p�sio.T6is�ate alsa ILits tbe aaaaat my iatere�t r�te aa ciuia st aiy ant Et�a�d
<br /> - � ". ako tLe�aad tle sui��a ratt I��st pay.
<br /> . ADDITIdNAL(�QVE•t�.,,QPaT'S,I*�add[tia�to the cavenants and agree�is made iw the Sccurlty tr,.��-�ment. Borrower aud Lenda
<br /> furthtr coventtnt and u��r�f.�tL��:. � . ..
<br /> . . -_ ;., . -
<br /> �;�;.' .;. A. Rfi�SEST RATE ANQ 14SQt�`�i3�GY PAYMEKT CHANGES '
<br /> � Tfie Nete�vidrs for aa initial inta�C.aie of l I.5 %.Sec[ion 4 of the Note gra-.idts for thanges ia ths iaterat r�tte and the � ::,..
<br /> . maathlyPaYmrnts,ufoilows: ,
<br /> • :. ..
<br /> tA} Cba�jt D�ta • �
<br /> The interest rate 1 will pay may cfv3r�e on the Firct day of ��H .1991 ,and on that day evesf '
<br /> R+.*�•� �t�� months thereafter.F.ach dat�¢rt wtuch my interest rate casLf c��is.��.:ed a•'C7sange Date." �
<br /> (B) Tieledex ' ' .
<br /> BeYinning with the first Change Date,my interest cate w�l:be�ased on an Index.7'he"Iadw s"is the weekly average yield on Unittd States �.
<br /> � � Treasury aecuriHes adjusted to a constant maturity of i year,as taade available by[Fc�ederr.t�eserve Board.The cnost reant Indac figure .
<br /> avaitableas of thedate45 days beforeeach Change0�rn is called ehe"Current Index." , ,
<br /> !f the Indox is ao L�nger available,the Nox Hct�3a will choose a new index which is based upon ca��rable information. The Note ' , • _
<br /> Holderwill�ivemer.osi�clfthischoice. . �
<br /> (i�7 Gic�IWoso���3ta��es ' :�i
<br /> Before each Chu�,..(Ja:r,tb::�e:e Holder will calculate my new interest rate by addingT�� A� ����� percentzge • -
<br /> painqs� 3,S �l¢';to the Current Index and rounding co the nearest 1 i F.�iz of 1�Io,subject to the limits stated in SecUon 4(D)bcfa�. �"
<br /> This rounded amount wii;i Le my new interest rate untU the next Change Date. -
<br /> � The PIote Hotdu will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that wauld b�s4fGcient ta repay in full the princiIIal Y am � _
<br /> �
<br /> • . expected to owe on th�t Chxn�e Date in substantially equal payirtent�by the maturity dzte at n.y�r,:ew interest rate.The result of this calculation
<br /> will be the new amount of my monthly payment. '
<br /> r_
<br /> (D) l�uetu o�Inttrest Wie Gragc� 13.5 • �
<br /> 'I'he intetat rate 1 am required to pay at the first Change Date will not be greater than Qb or less than .�
<br /> 9-5 %.Thereafter.my 3nterest rate will neve:b�increased or decreased on anp sir�lr Change Date by more than���r �
<br /> from the rateof interest 1 have been paying for the preccding tw•clve months.Thryirsiaimum intcrest rate an this toan will ntver bt
<br /> � less than g-4 %and the maximum Interest rate will never be greater than I�•� �lo.
<br /> (E) E1[ecttve D�te o/Ch��jcs �
<br /> � My new interest rate will become ef'fcctive on cach Change Date.l will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the iirst
<br /> monthly p�yment date after the Change Ua[e until the amaunt of my monthly paymcrtE changes a.�,aln. .
<br /> (i� Natke of Chaases
<br /> . �_
<br /> The Ptote Holder wil!mail or deliver to me a notica before earh Changc Date.The notice will u�lvisc me uf: `
<br /> (i) ihe new i�terest rate cr_my loan as oP the Change i]ate; `- �'
<br /> (ii) the amount of my rr.c+aoa:ly payment tollowing the Changc U�te; .
<br /> (iii) any edditlona!man�.*���s;hich the Note Holder is reyuired to discic�se;and :
<br /> (iv) the addtcss of the association you could cantact regarJing any q,u:���:ong about the aJjustmens noticc. • '
<br /> , 8. GHAttGE5;LIBNS �
<br /> , Uniform Cavenant 4 ot the 5a:,ir:�y Irr��,�ament is amended ta read:as f�Uuws:
<br /> — - � 1. C��:Ueee.l3orrower sn2%I�;•a r�L�taxes.assessmeuts,and otaer cLarges,fines,and is�rc�i!ions attributable to the Praperty which may
<br /> attain a�riority ovet tns�Grity f r,str_.nent,andl4,.�$�:':old payments oP gtoun�ten!s�lf any,in the manncr pravided undcr paragraph 2 hcrrof
<br /> or,if no1 ptid in such ma;�er,by sorrower making�t•�ment.when due,directly tn tiae payec thereof.H�rtower shall prnmptly Qtrnish LerCcr
<br /> all natices of a�aunts due under this paragrnph,and in the event l3orrower shal!make payment dirertly,Borrowcr shall promptiy fi�rnisn to ,,
<br /> l,enckr reseipt�evidencing sueh payment�. 8onower shall promptly dischacge nny Ilen �vhir,h has prio�ity over this Security Instrument;
<br /> -= howtver.Borrowu shall not he reyuired to clistharge any such licn so long uc tiosrower:(a)shall �grce ia writing tc�thc payment of the
<br /> obliaationsecured by such lien in the manner acecptable to I.ender.(b)shail in good faith contest such lien by,or defcnd against cnfarcement of
<br /> � such lien in,legal pra:e•.dings which in the upinion of Leuder aperate to preveut ihe enPorcement di th:licn or fnrFciture uf�he Yroperty�r any ;
<br /> � �1�1 thtreuf;oF(c)shall secure from the holder of such lien an agreement in a furrn�atisfact�ry to I.ender subardinating sucti lien to this �
<br /> � Security Ins�cument. '
<br /> i
<br /> If Lencler determines that all or any part ot thc F'roperty is subject to a lien which may attain a prinrity ovcr tl�ie Securny In�.trument, r
<br /> � �nA�°�3l1 nP.yC g�:t4+r.e:a s:oEi:t i3e:::tg�:r^a�i{.^.ft 12ttf.RS7:f0':S 5�11�:'o3F��y+iiC�i�ICR.Zi t3nC ffAC Oi Rlf�s�O�Ft�di.�iui}�ic£ tUtl�t Ri.nrir ; _
<br /> �� wi!hin ten days of Ihe giving oP the notice. •
<br /> � C. KlY([CE
<br /> � � Urtifo:mCosenant ldof th_5ecurity In;trument isamended t�re�d as fuLous:
<br /> t�.
<br /> t4. Notke.L•xcept for any noti�c tcyuirecl uttcler�pp1iC$bf?Itrv�t�t�c given in annthcr manncr.(ae any noucc to Burro«cr pre«idrd for in thic tp
<br /> -� 5ecurity In.lrument shal:he given by ctelivrring it nr by mailing it by fitst c[uss mail to E3ortov�er ut th:Pn,perty Addresa ur at�.uch n�her adurfts ��y
<br /> as Borr��er may dcsign�te by notice ta lender as pruvided h�Kttl,an�(D),hhy hUliCC10 LrRdC7 SI71fI hC L�IL'CU bU {if51�ta�s niaii .0 1 endc►'s f'� �
<br />.-�� - - rY c�:
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<br /> Stcunty tr,�t►umrnl eh�il)P+t A!emcd tuha�e b;err�ioen re�fSorc�nver en{enJer«t�:�ngt�enni Ih�iraanr.c►d::��r.slcd heec�n
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