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<br /> . � lf L�adt�r�ttired marr.uAga i��s���'r.a�iiea of asaking the la3n secured by this Security lhstrumeat,
<br /> Bortow�r,�tpll(�ili".tf�c pt�tiums�rr.�q�t�:.y��t�.�;�as.�rance in effxt until such timc as the requirtmcnt fer the
<br /> -- iiwttu�Cr 1!�►iM�sn�tc+lut�3ence w�tit+£�mra�'s��z�&e�s written agrxment oragplicab2e law.
<br /> - : �. gn��N�.r�='��1d�onii�:�g��osy:�.�r��ie entries upoa and inspeetions of the Ftoperty.Leiider
<br /> t �!y(I�nre�rl�iw�ssii�i��at.t3ia�itn�ttEarL..-^��io�s��as�.-�,-�n specifying reasonatsle cause for the insp�ection. �
<br /> 9. Can�teiinaticm.; �`6a par��.�£a������for damagts,direct ar consequcntsat,in ca�nxtion aith
<br /> a�y candesnn�ii�n.nr,aH�nr.u�fn�y ag�a���m:.�^r,as'��r.i�:�, or for conveyance in iieu of condemnations art hereby
<br /> � . auip�ed�na��a11�e��id;ial;�ar��:, . .. �. . ° . .
<br /> In the tvattt:a4i�.twd+ifti::izg�af tz�-��,,.�m��;oaa�shatl be applied to the sums secura9 by this Security
<br /> — InstriimenE�whe�thos:o:eatt;tEicn�due,with���.�c�s�!���.rrower.In the evenc of a putiil hking ot thc Property.
<br /> unkss Harro�rer and�.r.v�cs oihcrwise ag�:��a+aN^L::�;�r,kes�sxured by this Security Instrumeat shsll be rednced by
<br /> the amouni of the pre��multiplied by t;��Eo���g��.-{a)the tosa!amaunt af the sums sxured immediatsly
<br /> befnre tha tatcing.divtdcd bY(b)tha fair�.�;��x�L�ctf s�rr I�ry�ey immediutely before the taicing Any balaace sha1D be
<br /> paid w BarroMer. .
<br /> lf the Property is�ha�doned by Bo��_c�rif�:..°���ce by I.eader to Bosrower that the candemnor offers to
<br /> � malce an aMUd or settle a ctaim fur dantuges,��+,�.^�C:��o 4-►�aond to Lender within 30 days after the date the aotiee is
<br /> givrn,L�nder is authoriud to coltect ead ag��^�,�,�,��?���rion.eith=r to restararion ar repair of the Property ar
<br /> to the sumssocured by this Secwity Ins�ume���fr.�.���r�::r$aa dua
<br /> Urile.ss Lcnder�nd Horrowcr otherwise��srr�,a��application af�raca�to principal s6s11 not extend or
<br /> postpoat the dve dste of t�te monthly pAyments���:-��.�raphs I aud Z ar cEsa�ge the ataatutt of such psyments.
<br /> � 10. Horrowtr Not Reka�ed; Forbaranoe t���bex�r?'�i a W"si��er. �xt�:un of th.e time far paynr.ent or
<br /> modific�tion of amortiz�tion of the sums sewre�i=�t��t� Instn��eht gcaae�by Lender to any s�ccessor in
<br /> interest of Horrawer shxll not operate to rclease th�',;;Jr�caC�$�r��igir,a!�crroRe�ae J3orrower's successars in interat.
<br /> Lender slull not be required W commence proce��:�.,~ss�s�t�.:.y sr�or in int=rest or refuse to exuttd time for
<br /> payment vr atherwise modify amartization of the s�a�3c�-,s�i��;;:���aa,uit:�l InsWment by reasoA of aay demand ruade
<br />- by tha ori�inal BorroMer or Borrower's successais in imtz�.��ur-�-i���ae t�y Lender in exercising any right or r�med.�
<br /> f shs11 not be s waiver of'or precludc the exercise of any r�:a�cr�rs�c�:�w. ���
<br /> ` il. Sraee�ors�d Asdpn Boaad;Jotnt aed Se�f=�ii�fZiy;� ��asi�ers. 'L'Pie covenant�and agreements of
<br /> this Secnrity Intsrument s}ulf bind and bene8t the successors�d�;�s c�I:rax_':ra�d 8c=rower.subject to the provisions �
<br /> of puagraph i7.Borrower's cavenants and agramcnts sha114�t j�.�a^�s�c�:�1ny�onower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but does not exxute the Note:(a)is co-signing t�;,��.:rit��;�.::ent only to mongage,gant and convey ,
<br /> thst Borcower's interat in the Property under the terms af tIu��a�:��s:�^:e.�t;(b�is not personally obligated to pay
<br /> the sums sxured by this Securiry Inatrument;and(c)agrees t�saC����any o���;: Borrower may agra to eatend, ` �
<br /> modify�forlsar or make any accommodations with regasd to th�t�.x rs�cL:s Serarity Instnament or the Note without ��
<br /> that Borrower's consent. ' '
<br /> .
<br /> 12. I.an CbvQes. If the loan se�ured by this Securii5 Lcr;tra..�r�:i�.,ubject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> charges, and that law is fin�lly interpretod so that the int���c:t:ra�f.:a.� ctsarLxcs collxted or to lx collected in ` '
<br /> connection witb tlte loan eacad the permitted limiu, then:{g} �r-..y s�su'�;.:,an c�ar��shall be reduced by th�amount . ,�
<br /> necxssary to reduce tha charge to the permitted limit;and(b)a����-.;:��.-,,r�y col��fram BorrowM which excaded . �
<br /> permitted limits will be rcfunded to Borrower.Ltnder rt�y cr��r��rizis refund by reducing tht principal owred �. �
<br /> -� under the Nott or by making a direct psyment to Barrower.If a rdu:�fi cc�;��r.inc�Fal,the teduztion will be treated as a
<br /> partial prepsyment without any prepsyment ch�rge under ihc No�.
<br /> 13. I.e�tsl�tlos AlfectU� Leede�'s Rl�hts. If enacr_r.�x�-.r.�c����:���c�c,�:�f a�l�lisable laws has thc effoct of
<br /> � rendering any provision of the�lote or this Socurity lnstrument c������c�--.�L-:�:�:.���:rn�to its terms,Lender,at iu option. +
<br /> msy reguire immod'ute psyment in full of all sums secured by ths�esru�rk� Lr�tr,urr�Y-�r,and may invoke any remedies . �
<br /> yermitttd by paragraph 19,lf Lender exercises this option,l.ender s:�t:�k;e tli�.�t�4��-..xified in tha second paragraph of �
<br /> pir�graph 17. y�'
<br /> 14. Notica. Any notice to aorrower pravidod for in this Secu:��.��r•rr:n:�:c�arc�axa�lt be given by delivering it or by �
<br /> mailing it by Arst elass mail unless upplicable law requires use of anot�:��c:-t�_�c�. 'L1�:�it�tice shall be dircetal to the
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice ta•GG.,��i�e:.:��y�nR�.sce to Lender shall be given by �'
<br /> first clxss mai!to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lenu�s d���arn�s hy notice to Barrower.Any notice
<br /> provided'for in this Security Inslrument shall be dLemed to have beEn given in t3cra�,�•c���r Lender when given as provided
<br /> in this puagraph.�
<br /> l5. G�ernio�Lw;&�tnbflity. This Security lnstrument shall t.��c.�e�n:�d Uy federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. ln the event that any provisia���r.cla.a��af.r,his Security Instrument or the
<br /> Note conflicu with spplirable I�w,such canlfict shall not affect othsr provi�,lnn�,of eh�y 5ecu�rit��Ln;slrument or the Note
<br /> _ which can be given etfect without the canQicting provisiun.To this end the pruwfsiany�f c1�i;��:umxy,Instrument and the
<br /> — Note arr dxlared to be sever:ble.
<br /> lb. Borrotrer's CoPy. Borrawer shal)be given une conformed copy of►.t:��I4�cy;,nri ct��L�Security trs�trument.
<br /> � �7. Tn�tu ot tbe ProPerty or a Beneflcld Inttrest !n Borrower. If zi��:-,u+.� gaat o�t�:c Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sold ar transPerreci(or iPe t+enefici�l interest in 8orrower is sold or tr��;fr:r�re�a��13'r_a•rr,t,;tr is not a natural ,,
<br /> peraon)without Lmder's prior written c�nsrnt,l.ender may,at its op:ion,require irt�rsn�:a*c va�:m�rtc in full af a11 sums
<br /> secured by this Security tnstrument. Hawever,�ht�c�pbon shall not be exercised b; �uu:r if exe�►•e�se is prohi6itad by
<br /> federsl lsw ss of'the date of'ehis Secun�y Instrumrnt.
<br /> � IP Lender extrcises this optian,ixndrr shall give F3orrower notice of acceleratia�►.Th�r.c.?iye�I;:3iJ Qrovide a ptriod • "----'_�
<br /> of not tas than a0 days from the d�te the notice is Aelivered or mailed within which Borrcc�:G�r,,z�„��.�,,�I;s:::�s srcured by
<br /> ` this Security instrument.�f Harrower f�iis ta pay�hcse sums prior to the expiration nf thi���v:y�::d Fu�.�td4-r ma;f;nvoke any
<br /> remedits permitttd by this Sccurity Instvument w�thaut further nntice or demand on Bor�o�ier. �
<br /> 18.Botrowir'r Rl�t�tto Relett�te. If liurrower metts certein conditinnst Bor.�sNer shali?:aae iLr_n.gl��to have .
<br /> "� enforcement of this Secunty lnstrumer�t d�u:unqnued at any lime pnar tt�theearlibrof:(a:)s days(aT���£i cn`>er�eriod as
<br /> applicablc law may sptcify fc�r rcinstatemtnt►befare s�te as the Property pursut+nt ta 9nq{��1-�er af•�a.le��a�.cainrd in this �
<br /> L 5ecurity Instrument,ur(b)entry c�i'��uclgmtm enfurc�ng Ihis 5eeuruy Instrument.7hase,:a�Td'cc��:�s-s�.-�:11:at Borrower. �
<br /> � (a)pays Ltnder all sums which ehen w�,ufd be cfue under this Secunry Instroment and rr� ."•'ute tra�ra acctleration
<br /> occurred; (b)cures any defoult of as►y uthtr tuvrudnte ur egrremtnts: (r)pays nll expe;�t� �.a-c:.T;-red in en.f��rcing this �
<br /> 5ecutity lnstrumens,�ttelud�ng,but not hrnrtcd t�►, reacnnnble ntlnrneys' fees; �nd 1d)tak�-��izyf:.�:t;rn as Ivr.n�ftr may �p
<br /> �� '� reason�bly�teyui�e tu ass��tr thet Ihe 6cn af ittts Stcurity ln�trutnem, Lendu's nghts in t?�e P"a��rrry. ar.� �'Srrower's _ �it',
<br /> dblrgation tv pay the sums �ecured hy th�+ 5rcaritp Ir�strut��erie shAll cannnue unchangcl E.�pran reinstatemetlt by ±°
<br /> -�e Botrower.thiy��s;ur�ly Iristrumrt�t un�l ti�e�+►�Itg�t�nna�ecurcd heteby tihall rrma�n fully ef�ectr�e,��:if+aa acc.4erat�nn haci ''
<br /> �,;:
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