2� 17� 1139
<br /> L�AN#:o�oo�7zss�
<br /> P�riodic Payments due under the Nate and�his Security�nstrument and performs other mvr�gage�oan
<br /> serv�cing obligations under the Nvte,this Security lt�st�ument,and Applicab�e Law.There a�sv might b�
<br /> �ne�r more changes af the Loan Servicer unrelaced to a sale o�the Nate. if ther�is a change of the
<br /> Loan 5ervicer,Borrvvuer wi[[be gi�en written no�i�e af the change which wi[�state fhe name and add�ess
<br /> of the new Loan Serv�cer,the address t❑which payrr�enfs shau�d be made and any other informatian
<br /> RESPA requires in canne��ion with a not€ce o�transfer❑f servicing.I�the Nnte�s sold and th�r�after the
<br /> Lvan is serviced by a Loan Senricer oth�r than the purchaser of the No�e,the mv�tgage�oarr sen�icing
<br /> ob�igati�ns to Sar�vwer v�rill remain with the Loan Service�or be trans�err�d to a succ�ssor Loan S�rvi�er
<br /> and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unl�ss o�henrv�se prvvided by the Note pur�haser.
<br /> Neither Borrav�rer nor Lender may com�r�ence,join,or be�ained ta any�udicia�activn�as eith�r an
<br /> individual litigant or fhe member af a class}that arises from the o#her par�y's actions pursuant ta ihis
<br /> 5eeurity Instrument vr that a�leges that the other party has breached any pro��sion of,or any duty owed
<br /> by reason vf,this Security lnstrumen�,unti[such Svrrvwer or Lender has natified the vthe�party�with
<br /> such notice g�ven in compiiance with the requirernents o�Sec�i�n 15}of su�h al�eged breach and afifo�ded
<br /> the other party heretv a reasonable period a'�er the gi�ing �f such not�ce�❑take cvrrective action. 1�
<br /> Applicab�e Law prov�des a time per€od which must elapse before certain action can be taken,that time
<br /> perivd►rvif�be de�m�d to be�easonable far purposes of this parag�aph.The not�ce o�acc.e�erativn and
<br /> oppo�tunity to cure giv�n to Bo�rower pursuant�v Sec�ivn 2�and the not�ce of acce�eration given ta
<br /> Borrawe�pursuant to Sec#ion'#8 shal�be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity ta tak�correcfi�e
<br /> action pr�visions of th�s Section 20.
<br /> 27. Hazardous Suhstances.As used in fhis 5e�tian ��: �a}"Hazardvus Substances"are those
<br /> substances defined as toxic ar hazardaus substances, pallutants, vr wastes by En�ironmental Law
<br /> and the fo1[o�r�ring substances:gaso€ine,kerosene,o�her flammable or foxic petro��um p�oducts,#oxic
<br /> pesticides and her bicides,Wolafile sv��enis,mater�als con�aining asbestas or�arma�dehyde,and radioacti�e
<br /> materials;(b}"Environmental La►tr"means�edera�laws and laws a€the�urisdiction where the Proper�y
<br /> is ivcat�d that re�a�e ta health:safety or environm�ntal pratectivn;�c}`=En�ironmentai Cleanup"includes
<br /> any response action,remedial acf�on,oF remoWal act�on,as defin�d in En�iranrnenta!Law;and�d}an
<br /> "Envi�-vnmenfal Cond�tian" means a cvndi�ion that can cause, contribu�e �o, �r otherwise trigger an
<br /> En��ronmental C�eanup.
<br /> Barrower shal�nat cause or permi#the presence,use,d�spvsa#,starage,❑r rel�ase flf any Ha�a�dvus
<br /> Substances,or threaten to re(ease arry Hazardaus�ubstances,on or in the Prope�#y. Barrower shal�
<br /> not dv, nor a�low anyvne eise ta do, anyth�ng affecting the Prope�ty ta} that is in �ioiation o�any
<br /> Envi�vnmental Law,(b}vrhich c�eates an Environmenta�Condi�ion,or�c}which:due fv the presence,
<br /> use,vr re�ease a�a Hazardous Substance,creates a cvndition tha#ad�ersely affects�he value❑f#he
<br /> Prop�rty.The preceding two�entenc�s shall nQt apply tv the p�esence,use,or storage on the Property
<br /> o�sma�l quantities of Hazardous Substances fhat are genera[ly recagnized to be appropriate ta norma�
<br /> residential uses and to maint�nance❑f the Prope�y�including,but nv#limited tv,hazardou�substan�es
<br /> in�onsumer pr�ducts}.
<br /> Borro�re�shall promptly gi�e Lender wr��en notice v��a3 any investigat�an,claim,demand,lawsuit
<br /> �r other act€on by any goverrimenta��r regulatot}�agency❑r p�ivate pa�fy ir�val�ing the Property and
<br /> any Hazardaus 5ubstance or Envi�onmental Law ��which Bo�ro�ver has actua� know[edge, tb} any
<br /> Environmenta��vnd�tivn,inc�udir�g but no��imited#o,any sp�lling,�eaking,discharge,release ar threat
<br /> of releas�of any Hazardaus Substan�e,and�c}any canditivn caused hy#he presence,Use ar�eiease
<br /> of a Haza�dous Subs�anc�wh�ch adWersely affects the�alue of the Pr�perty.if Barraw��Iearns,vr is
<br /> nafif ed by any go�ernmen�a� ar regulatory authvrity, or any�ri►rate party, #ha� any remvval o�flthe�
<br /> remediation of any Haza�dous 5ubstance a�ec�ing the Prope�ty is necessary,Barrvwer shall prompt�y
<br /> #ake al!necessary remedial a�ti�ns in accvrdance vtrit�En�iror�mental Law.Nothing herein shall create
<br /> any o�(iga��on on L�nd�r far an Envi�onmenta�Cleanup.
<br /> N�NwUN�FDRM��VENANTS.Barrowe�arzd Lender further cv�enant and agree as fvlfows:
<br /> 2�. Acce�erat�on; Remed�es. Lender sha�� ���� nat��e �o Borrvvuer pria� io acceleration
<br /> fa!lvwing Borrorruer's breach r�f any Go�enant ar agreement in th�s 5�cur�ty lns�rument�but nat
<br /> pr�ar�o acceteratian under Section 7 8 unfess Applicable Lavu pro�ides vtherwise}.The natice sha�[
<br /> spe�ify:�a�th�defauit;�b3 the action required to cure the default;�c}a date,not less than 30 days
<br /> from the date t#�e natice�s given�v Borrvwer,by which the default must be cured,and�d3 that
<br /> fia��ure to cure the default on a�befvre the date specifed in the notice may resu��in accelera�ion
<br /> v�the sums secured by this Security instrumen�and sate vf�he Property.The notice sha[�fu�ther
<br /> inform Bat�rawer af the right to reinstate after a�celera�.�vn and tF�e r�ght to br�n�a cvur�act�on to
<br /> assert Lhe non-existence af a de�auit�r any❑ther de#ense of Ba�rvwer ta accelera�ivn and sa�e.
<br /> if the default is not cured on or befvr�the date spec�f�ed ir�the noti��,Lender at its optivn may
<br /> requ«-e immed�ate payment in full of a1�sums�ecured hy this Security�nstrument�v�thvut further
<br /> demand and may invoke the pa�rver v�sa�e ar�d any othe�rem�dies permitted hy Appl�cable Lavu.
<br /> Lender shall be enti�ied�o cvtlect at!expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies pravided�n th'ts
<br /> Section 22,inciuding�but not limited tv,�easanab�e atta�neys'fe�s and cos�s v�tit1�evidence.
<br /> ff the pouver of sale is invoked,Trustee shal[re�vrd a no�ice of def�ult�n each cvunty in which
<br /> any part of the Property�s located and sha11 ma�t cvpies vf such natiGe in ihe manner prescribed
<br /> by Applicabt�Law to B�rrovsrer and�o Ehe other persons prescrib�d by App[icab�e Lawr.After the
<br /> time required by Applicable Lavu,Trustee shal[g��e pubtic noti�e nf sale�v Lhe persons and in the
<br /> manner presc�ibed b�App��cabt�Law.Trustee,withoutdemand on Borrvwer,sha[t�e��the Prvperty
<br /> at public auc�ion ta�he highest b�dder at the�ime and place and under the terms designated in�he
<br /> n�ti�e of sa�e in vne�r mo�-e parcels ar�d in any vrder Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone
<br /> NEBRASKA--S�ngl�Family--Fannie 11Aae1Freddie lVlac LiNIFC�RM iNSTRUMENT Forrrrt 3U28 9!�'1
<br /> Elfi�M�e,lnc. Page 9 of 10 NEUDEED D4�5
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