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<br /> —- _ -R.�i%1fG�$A9 �...�.=[�fiSL.�SCI�`L���.L,�� �z��" f��taE���-'�`a.,��, _'' �e`m '�_Q��c:_�Ct��'�tbFl;,ru�� 'ay`S'�.�8 -�--`:�."'"Y�9��1¢I�i�9fii�f`L"'r��' _ _ —_— _
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<br /> I ����;v�� . � xEBRASHA � .
<br /> ' 4'�$II�DBN'1'�JR$,nudet,his 14th � .dsyat February , 199Q . :
<br /> � 6�i�reert ttse Secretary of Veterans Affii:a� aa Qfficer of the United States ot Aa�aetica� whose addiess is '
<br /> Vet�etu�a Affairs, � W�in,�tan,D.C.�20420,he:+ein�fter ceferred ts�a�Grsr►tor snd Rolaert A. Warnes and
<br /> Paleri�- C.,i�Tarnea, Husbanc� aa3 Wife, as joint tenant� and not -
<br /> ' ea tenants �u coamaa ,xrhaae��re,as ia `
<br /> 309 7th St., Grand Island, N'L 68801 , hereiaslYer�r�eferre�to as Grantee{s�. � , �
<br /> . � Wrcrr�ssr�a, that the ss�id Graator for and in oonsideratian of Ehe sum of ' _.
<br /> — , Tventy Eight Thousand and KO/100 Dollars ------------ ---------(�28,OUO.OQ� ,
<br /> +
<br /> t�eceipt wiLenoi is ackaowled�ed,heraby grantsg,conveya and con6raza uato the aaid Grantee{s), the follawiug _
<br /> de�cribed pswmises,sitttated in Hal.l . Cannty,NebrasYa: �
<br /> . ' . I�ot 2, Bl.ock 9, Qriginal Towa, now City of Grand Island, Hall County,.,Nebraska
<br /> " . . < .
<br /> � . . ' ,
<br /> �
<br /> . . _ . � .
<br /> � � � �
<br /> . , _
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<br /> ; .-� �, . , '
<br /> �r-��:�,_ •- .
<br /> . • • �
<br /> ; � —
<br /> ..�
<br /> _ It being the intent�on of ail parties horeto, that in the event of thQ death of ' � +"`�
<br /> eithcr of said granteas, the ontire fce simplo title to the real estate describcd h�rein ,�_
<br /> shali vest fn the surviving grantee. .
<br /> TO NAVE ANO TO HOLD the premises abovc described, together with all the Tcnements, -
<br /> klereditaments and ApZTUrtenances thereunto belongi:�g unto thc said grantees as joint tQn�ints,
<br /> and not as tena:ztts in common, and to their assigns, or to th� heirs or successors anc� �
<br /> - assigns of the :urvivor of them„ forevcr. .
<br /> � , Grantor ca��cnants w.cth grantees ana saith thei�r. assigns, and with the he�.rs or
<br /> � successors and s3ssignc a� t�e survivor o€ tiicat� th:�t� at the time af the execution anc3
<br /> delivery af ��.�se presents granl.�y; is lawfir:.l�• sexzc.�t uf said pren;is3s; that grintar
<br /> has good righy and law�sl authoi•ity to conv�:y tI:� s�unc; and that thcy are frcc From `
<br /> .�,� eneumbrance, subjec�.��;�. restrictions, ca�Aments and covenants of record,
<br /> � " i�fi�lie w�ill� r='^
<br /> Appurtenaacat thereunto belott�in� unto the aaid Grantee(s) and Grantees' heirs s aTld :1S5igltS. r
<br /> � forev�r. ' ' ,
<br /> �.
<br /> Cru►tor cavenants.with Grantees'heirs or successora and assigns that $t the time �f the �
<br /> L exccution a o these presents Grantor js lswfulty seizcal of said premises; thvt Grantor has gaod
<br /> �
<br /> " < ,j �,.
<br /> ,
<br /> � bn�i c5vtnsnta to warrant and defer�d the said Dremisc9 aY�t t�1I l...wt�tl ciaims by, ihrougb,or cuittrr Gr;�i�t�r. " �
<br /> � . �
<br /> —�ti-
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