2� 17� 1111
<br /> eminent domaln and bankrup�cy prac�edings}, L�nder may�n�ur expenses and advance payments for
<br /> abstract fees, aitvrney's fees �t��he exfent ai[awed by Iaw}, �osfs, expenses, appraisal fees, and other
<br /> charges and any amounts so ad�anced will bec�me part af�he principai �bligations secured hereby,
<br /> be immediat�[y due and payable and bear in��rest af the default rate provid�d in �h� L�an C�acuments
<br /> from the date�f ad�ance u nti I pa�d.
<br /> 8. De[ay by Lender in exercising its ri�hts upvn default wilI nv�be canstrued as a wa�ver thereof, and any
<br /> a�f of Lender wai�ing any specific defauit wi�l nat be construed as a wa��er vt any fu�ure default. If the
<br /> proceeds under sale vr for�Glosure as set forth above are insu�Ficient to pay fhe tvtal �bliga�ions secured
<br /> her�by, Lender will be�ntitled t❑ a defi�iency judgment.
<br /> 9. Any awards made �v Trustar or thei� successars �y the exercise of �min�n� domain are hereby
<br /> assigne� to Lender; and Lender is her�by aufihorized �o cvlfect and apply the same in paym�nt of any
<br /> indebtedness, matur�d�r un-ma�ured,s�cured by�his trust�leed.Trustor sha11 rmmediately notify Lender
<br /> of any action in eminen�domain.
<br /> 'I�� This trus�deed canstltutes a security agreement with respec�to afl fhe Praperty describ�d herein.
<br /> �'I. No remedy h�rein conferred upon �r reserved ta Trus�ee or Beneficiary is intended t� be exciusi�e af
<br /> any �fh�r remedy herein ar by !aw pro�ided ❑r per-mi�ted, bufi�ach wil! be cumulative, v+rill be in addifion
<br /> �o every other remedy grven hereunde�or now vr hereafter existing a�fa`nr or in equity or by statute, and
<br /> may be exe�cise� concurrently, independently�r successi�ely.
<br /> 'i 2. Trustor acknowled�es that �he duties and obligatin.ns vf Trustee wi�l be determEned solely by the
<br /> express prv�is��ns vf this�rust deed ar�h�Nebraska Trus�De�ds Ac�and Trus�ee will not be Irable except
<br /> fvr th� performance �f such dutres and obligations as are speci�ically se� forkh �herein, and nv imp�ied
<br /> ca�enan�s �r vbligations wi�i be impased upon Trustee; Trust�e will n�t be liab[e far any action by i� in
<br /> gaod fai�h and reasanably be[ieved by it to be authorized �r within the discretian ar rights af powers
<br /> conferre� upon it by this trusf deed or stat� law.
<br /> 73. The covenants c�ntained in th�s trus� deed wilf be deemed to be seWerab�e; in the event tha� any
<br /> port�Qn of this trust dee� is determined to be void or unenforceable, that d�terminatian will not af�ect the
<br /> �alidi�y of�he remaining portions af the trust deed.
<br /> '14. Trustvr hereby requesfs a copy ❑f any nvtice vf defau�t or no�rC� of sale hereunder to be mailed by
<br /> certified mail ta Trustor af the address se�forth herein.
<br /> 'I�.AII na�ices, requests and demands to or upvn the respectiv� partEes hereto ta be effecti�e shall be in
<br /> writing and, un�ess atherwise expressly prov�d�d herein, shall b� deemed ta have been duly given or
<br /> made when deli�e�ed by hand, �r three days after b�ing depasited in the mail, postage prepaid, or, in the
<br /> case of deli�ery by a natianally recagnized v�rernight courier, when r�Geived, addressed tv ane Qr mare
<br /> of the indi��duals executing th�s trusf deed on behalf af such party at the addr�ss se�farth above, or to
<br /> such a�he�address as such party may designa��fvr itself by [rke natice.
<br /> 7�. Trustvr shall prvmp�ly provide andlar execute and deli��r to Lender such further instruments,
<br /> inciuding, but no� limited �a, mortgages, deeds af trust, secur�ty agreements, fnancing s�atements,
<br /> �ontinuation statem�n�s, assignmenfs, certificates, affidavi�s, addendums, amendments ar resolutions in
<br /> form and substance satisfactary to Lender that L�nder may require �� effecfuate, �omplefe, p�rFect,
<br /> con�inue or preserve this trust deed vr any ofher Laan Documents, �bligati�ns or liens related �hereto.
<br /> 17. This trust deed and all of the Loan Dacuments cansti�u��the en�ir� and camplefi� understanding of
<br /> fhe parties here�o and supersede all pri�r agreements and unders�andings relat��e to the subject matter
<br /> hereof. This trust deed may not be efFectively amended, changed, altered ar mod�f[�d, excepf in writing
<br /> ex�cu�ed by al� parties. To the exten� the provisions contained in this trust deed are incnnsistent wifh
<br /> those cvn�ained in any other Laan ❑ocuments, �he t�rms and pravisions contained herein sha[[ control.
<br /> �th�rwise, such prvv�si�ns shall �� ��nsidered �umulative.
<br /> '�8. This �rus� deed may be executed in any number of caun�erparts and �y either party �n separate
<br /> cvunterparts, each of which shall �e deemed an ariginal, bu� a1f of which �ogefher sha�l canstitute one
<br /> and fihe sam�instrument.
<br /> '[9.Time is�f the essence in the performance of this#rust�eed. _
<br /> 2�. The terms of�his trus�deed shai! bind and benefit th� heirs, legal r�pres�ntat�ves, successars, and
<br /> assigns of the parties; pro��ded, ho�vever, that Trustar may not assign this trust deed, vr any ad�anc�s
<br /> made hereunde�, ar assign ar de[egaf�any af its rights or a�Cigafions, without the prior written consen�of
<br /> Lender.
<br /> Z�I. The trust deed shall be governed by, and consfrued in accvrdance wi�h, �h� laws ofi the State of
<br /> Nebraska, except to the extent thaf the law of any othe� jurisdic�ion app��es as to the perf�ction or
<br /> enforcemen� of Lender's securi�y interest in ar lien nn any Praperty and except t� the ex�ent e�pressly
<br /> provided ta fih� contr�ary in any Laan Document. In th� �vent that any provEs��n or cfause of any �f�he
<br /> App#:5439848; CIF#: 1�632G; Note#:3D�2��6 23�MM Legal Dae. Date:February�5,���7
<br /> F�RM 5D1'I,Trust Deed and Assignrnent of Rents Page f vf?'
<br />