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<br /> RN�W ALL MEN BY TI�SE PRESENTS, that Z, Alvin. (3rudzinski, now
<br /> residi�.g at �23 East llth Stre�€, Grand Island, Nebraska, have
<br /> made,. . a�r.�.,stituted a�� appoiated Do�otixy M. Roach, now residing at
<br /> � � �ZL �v��:°:r �C��rk� Gxar�d Islaad,: l�e�raska, �x�e and lawfu3. attoraey
<br /> .-. .. ��� me, `�a�d i� �iy name and•��Ead, and oA m�� bel�alf, subject to the
<br /> - � provfsi�aAS of Paragra�Ya M -Tr�creaf, to da arsd exeet�te all ar any �fr
<br /> � the foll�wing acts, deeds, a::r.� th3.��:
<br /> A. To Received deh�s and w�v�nents:'� .
<br /> � To ask, dema�d�,.. sue for, recover, e:���.���a` �d receive a�1 '
<br /> sums of money, �debts, dues, goads;,. ware�.,. merchanclise, .
<br /> � chattels, effects a��d things o��: c�hatsoever� n�.j�ure or � �
<br /> ``� descsip��.r�� which na��:.�r hereaf te�, �hall be Q� ��e due, �
<br /> �=� � owinq, �a��ble, or belcrging to me �cr�: flr by a�r:� rig�t�, tit3�� � � �
<br /> wr��� ox means howsoever, and en�� receatpt tl��eof, or of ��c : �
<br /> '�-.. ! p't3��:.� t�1�1-�of, ta make� sia�a� execute ar,�: de2iver s�:�i�. ::. , ,�, , � . -
<br /> � r�,.eip.*_�,: :.= releases c�� ot�e� d.�s�charges for the sa�-L� " .:� �
<br /> re�ecti��Iy as my saic� a��Ar��� sha�� �3��m �s�visable. � .. ' '
<br /> � , '.3a�" �c� :��tt].e accourc��. . � .
<br /> ' �Ta settle any account or reekoning whatsoever wherein I now i
<br /> � am, or .a� any time hereafter shall be in any way interested or
<br /> ccn�erned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive
<br /> ' ti�ae b�Zance thereof as the case may require. ��� '�
<br /> C. To satisf� security interests and mortQaaes. -
<br /> � To receive every sum of money whfch now is or hereafter shall
<br /> be due or belonging to me upon the seaurity or by virtue of
<br /> ,,.,.,,..,.��.. anv secu�itv interefit or a��p_.p�csrtt� Qx m�=tg�s�s, ast� �;a "
<br /> � receipt of the full amount secured thereby to execute a good
<br /> sufficient release or other di�charge of such security
<br /> interest, or mortgage by deed or otherwise.
<br /> � ��
<br /> D. To cameaur�d, submit to arbitration, or otherwise settle or
<br /> adjust differences.
<br /> •.+
<br /> Te compound with or make allowances to any person for or in ��;;;
<br /> respect to any debt or demand whatsoever which r�ow is or '����
<br /> sliall at any time hereafter become due and payable ta me, ar •
<br /> ' h7� me, or upon my account, and tv take and receive, or to pay
<br /> � anc� disoharqe (as the case r�ay be) , any compes�tion or
<br /> dividend fihereof or thereupon, and to give or receive
<br /> releases or other disaharges for the c�hole of such debts or
<br /> demands, ar to settle, compromise, ar submit to arbi.tration
<br /> _ every such debt or demand and every othez rfght, matter, and
<br /> ' thing due to or concerning me as my attorney shall thfnk
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