2� 17� 1 �82
<br /> Transfer�f t11�Property ar a Beneficial Ix�ter���in BorrovYer.][f al� or any part�f�he Property or any interes�
<br /> �n i� is sold or t�ansferred �or if a benef ci�l inte�es� in Barrow�r� is sold or �ransferred and Borr��er is no� a
<br /> natural person} tivithou� Lender's prior Wri�en �ansen�, L�nder may, a� �ts aption, require �mmed�ate payxnen� in
<br /> ful� of all sums secured by �.iis Security �ns�arn.ent. HovUever, �his flp��on shall n�t be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercis�is prohibited�y federal�avv as of the da�e�f this Security Ins�rumen�.
<br /> If Lender exe:rcises �his aption, Le�der shall g�v� B orrotiver noti�e of acceleration, The n�tice shal� provzde a
<br /> period of n�� Iess tha�. the minimum numbex of d�ys es�ablished by Ap�►licable Lau� from �h.e d��e the r�o�ice i�
<br /> delivered or mai�ed wi�hin �vhich Borrawe�- must �ay alI sums secured �y this Securit�r �nstrunaent. �f�arro,wer
<br /> fails �o pay�hese sums pr�or to �he expirat�fln of�his period, Ler�der may invoke any remedies permitted by th�s
<br /> Security Instr�ment withou�further no�ice or demand Qn Borrotiver.
<br /> Borro�ver's P;ig�t to Reinstat�. �f Barrow�r meets cer�a�n c�nd���ons, �orrower sha�l have th� right �o have
<br /> enfnrc�ment�f�his Securxty Ins�ru.men� disc�n�ir�ued at any time pri��-to the earli�r of: �a} S da��s �or such fl�her
<br /> periad as App:Licable La�ma�speczfy for re�ns�at�r�nent�before sa���f th�Pr�per�y pursuan�ta any pavver of sa�e
<br /> can�ained in i:h�s Securi�y Ins�ument; �r �b} en�ry af a judgmen� enfarcing �.his S�CU�'i� I�IS�UIT�.�ri�. Those
<br /> conditi�ns are tha� Bflrrourer: �a} pays Lender a�l sums Which ther��r�uld be due under this Security Ins�rumen�
<br /> and�he��n�ra.ct�s�f n�a�celera�ion had occurred; �b�cures any d�fau�t of any ather covenants or agr�em�nts; (c}
<br /> pays a��expenses incurred�n enfarcing this Security Yns�rument,i�clud�ng,bu�no�limited ta,reaso�ab�e a��orneys`
<br /> fees �� the e���nt permi�t�d�y�avv; and �d�ta��s �uch ac�ion as Lende�-may reasonai�Iy re�uire�� assure tha��he
<br /> lien of�.h�s Security Inst�u.men�, Lender's r�ghts in�he Prop�rty anci Bflrro�ver's obl�gat�an�o pay the sums s�cured
<br /> by �a�s Seeurity Instrument sha�I continue �n�han�ed. LTpon rein�ta�ement by Borrovver, �his Sec�rity�ns�rument
<br /> and �he ob�zgatio�s secured hereby shal� rem��n fu�ly effec�ive as �f n� accelera��on ha� occurred. Howe�rer, this
<br /> right to rei�state�ha�I not app�y an�he case of a�ce�era�ion und�r th��ection�itle�i Transfer of th�Property�r a
<br /> Bene�cia�Ir�t{erest in B�rrflwer.
<br /> Hazardous SL�bs�ances.Borrower sha�l not ca�se�r permi�the pres�nce,use, disposal, stnrage, ar re��as�af an�
<br /> Hazardous Substances��or in the Praperty.Boxr��ver shal�not do,no�-a�l�w anyone else�a do,an�hing�ffec�ing
<br /> the Proper�y ��a� is in vi�ia�ion af any Envir�r�menta� Law. Th� pr�c�ding �v� ser��enc�s sha�l not apply ta �he
<br /> presence,use,�or st�rag�on t�.e�roper�y of srr�.a�1�uan�ities of Ha�ardous��bs�ances that are genera.�ly recvgn�ze�
<br /> �n be appropri����to normal resid�ntial uses and�o r�aintenanc�af�a.e P�-ap�rty.
<br /> Borrovver shall promp��y give Lender�rri�t�en na�ice of any invest�gatiori�clairn,demand,Iav�rsuit ar o�her a�t�on by
<br /> any g�vernme��tal or regulat�ry agency or priva�e par�y inva�ving �:h� Praperty and any Hazardous 5ubs�ance or
<br /> Env�ron�nental Lav� of which Borrau�er has actua� knotiv�edge. If Borra�rer Iearns, or �s no��fi�d by any
<br /> gaverr�mental or regula�vr�r authori�y, �.hat�ny rem�val or o�her rernedia�ior�Qf any Hazardflus Su�s�ance affectzng
<br /> �he Praperty is necessary, Borrov�rer sha1� prampt�y �ake all ne�e�sary remed�a� actions in accardance wi�h
<br /> Environmen�.I Law.
<br /> As us�d in th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are�hflse substan��s defined as��xic or hazar�ous subs�ances
<br /> by Envir�nn�e�lta� Lavv and �he fal��wi�g su�stances: gasoline, k�rosen�, other flammable ar tflx�c pe�-�Ieum
<br /> produ��s, toxic p�st�cides and h�rb�cides, vfllatile solven�s, mater��ls containing asbes�os ar forrnaldeh�de, and
<br /> radiaac�ive ma��er�al5. As useti in this paragraph, "Environmental La�v"r�ea�s federal�ativs and�aws of�he state of
<br /> Nebraska that r�el�.te�o hea�th,safety or env�ronmen�al protect�an.
<br /> Acceierat��n; Rerr�ed�es. Lender shail g�ve not��e tv Borrflw�r pr��r t� a��eleratian follaw�ing I�orro�ver's
<br /> brea�h of any covenant�r agreernent im thi��ecurity Instrum�nt vr t�e Contrac�under vvhic�accel�ration
<br /> �s permitted ���ut�ot prior�o a�celeratior� under th� section �i���d Tr�nsfer of the Property or a Bene�cia�
<br /> In�erest in ��:rrawer, unless App�icab�e Lavv pr�v�des v�herwf���. Th� notice sha�l specify: �a} t�e defau�t;
<br /> ��) the actiorn requ�red to cure the d�faul�; �c� a date, no� l�ss �I�an the minimum number �f days
<br /> established�y A�plicab�e Law from the date the n�t�ce is g�ve� ta�orrflwer,by which the defau�t rr�ust be
<br /> cured; a�nc� �d] that fai�ure to �ure the def�ult �n or before the date sp��ified in the notice ma� resul� �n
<br /> acce�eratiQ� of �he sums secur�d by thYs S�curi�y Instrurr�ent and s�Ie af the Property. Tv �he e�tent
<br /> permitted by�aw, the not��e shali further i�f�rm Borrawer af th�rig�t�� reinsta�e after ac�e�era�ion and
<br /> the righ�tfl br�ng a�our�actior��v asser�the nor��existence of�d�faul��r any other defense of�vrr�w�r tn
<br /> acc�leratian a�r�d sale. If the de�au�t�5 n�t cured �n �r before the d��e��e�i�ed in the notic�,Lende�-at its
<br /> opt��r� rmay re�q�fre immed�a�e payme�t �r� full �f aIl sums s�cu�ed by �h�s Security Ins�rum��t vvxthout
<br /> further �ier�an�d and may invo�e the p��v�r flf sa�� and any n�her rem�dies permit��d by Applic�.bl� La�v.
<br /> Ta th� ex��nt� perrrutted by �av�, Lender s���I b� ent�tled ta co��ect a�ll expenses incurred in pursu�n� the
<br /> remedie�pr��id�d in this Section,inc�uding,but not��m.��ed to,�re�sonab�e a�torney5' f�es and�os�s�f�it�e
<br /> .
<br /> ev�de�c�.
<br /> If th�p�wer o:f s�le is invoked, Trustee shall recvrd a noti�e of�lefau�t�n each caunty�n�vvhi�h ar�y par�of
<br /> the�'ro�erty i�� ��ca�ed and sha��mail c��ies �f such no�ice in th��nan�er prescrib�d by App��cable La�v ta
<br /> Borr�v�er and to tlhe ather persons pre�cr��e� b�Applicaibl� ��.w. A�ter the �ime requ�red by�pp�.icab�e
<br /> Law, Tru��e� shall g�ve public n�t�ce vf sale �o the p�rs�ns a�d i� t�e �nanner pre5crib�d �y App�icab�e
<br /> La�v.Trust�e,w��hou� demand on Borr�wer, �h�.11 sel�the Prop�r�at�aubl�c auc��on to the hzghest�idder
<br /> at the time and[place and under the t�rms d�s�gn�ted�n thQ notice of s�Ie xn�ne or more parcels and�n an�
<br /> arder T�-uste� d�termin�s. Tr�nstee may p�s�pone sale of all qr �n� parce� of the Prope�ty �y pu�lic
<br /> annfluncement at the�ame and p�ace 4f any previ�usly scheduled sal�.�ender or its des�gnee m�y purchase
<br /> �he Prvp�rty a��a�y sale.
<br /> Upom r��eipt ��f paymer�t of th� price bid, Truste� shall deliver �o the purchaser Trus�ee's deed con�re in
<br /> y �
<br /> �he Pr�pertye 7�h�re�i�als�n the Trustee����ed shall bE�arim�a fa��e evi�ience nf�he tru�h af the statements
<br /> C�2���-24i S Cvmpliance Systems,Tnc.6I8A-�7A.D-2Q15.12.3.I.1 i 15
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Se:curity Instn3ment DL2fl36 Pag��of S www�,compliancesys#ems.cam
<br />