2� 17� 1 �82
<br /> Payment of Pri�c�pa�and Intere5t; �t��r�harges.�orro�ver sh���promp�ly pay when due the princ�pal of and
<br /> interes�an the�lebt av�red under�he�ant�a�t amd Ia�e charges ar ar�y o�her fees and charg�s due under the Cont�act.
<br /> Appli�abl� I��aw. As used in th�s Secu.Xity Ir����nent, the term "�ppl�cable Law" shall mean a�l con�rolling
<br /> app�icable fed{�ra�, s�ate and loca� s�atute�, ��gulations, ordinan�es and adminis�ra�i�e rules an� c�rders ��hat have
<br /> the effec�of la�w�as vvell�.s al�app�ica�ble f nal,�an�appealable judi��al�p�nivns,
<br /> Charges; I.l�e:ns. Borrovver shal� pay a�� tax�s, a�sessments, charges, fir�es and im.posrti�ns a��ribu�a�l� to �he
<br /> Prap�rt�tivhiclz n�ay attai.n priarity o�er thi� Se�uri�y�nstrument, and 1eas�hold payments nr graun�r�n�s, �f any.
<br /> A��he request�f Lender,Borrower sha1l pr�mp�Iy furnish t�Lender r�c�i��s ev�dencing the paym�n�s.
<br /> Borr��vver sha�:�promptly discharge any li�n which has priar�ty�ver this 5ecu.rity�nstrument unless Borravver: �a}
<br /> agrees in �wri�:�ng �o the payment of�he ob�igation secured by �h� Iien �� a manner acceptabl� to �ender; (b�
<br /> c�n�es�s zn got3d fai�h �he �ien by, �r defends against enfarcement of�he �ien in, lega� proceed�ngs �rhzch in �he
<br /> Lender's opinion �pera�e �a prever�t the enforcement of�he lien; �r ��} s�cures from �he holder of the 1�en an
<br /> agreernen�s�.t�sfa���ry�a Lender subardit�ating�he 1ier�to this Security Instrurnent. If Lender�.etermines�hat any
<br /> par��f the Praper�y is subj ect ta a �ien v�rhi�h rr�ay attain priori�y flver this Securi�y Instrumen�, L�nder may gi�e
<br /> Borro�ver a notic� iden�ify�ng th� 1ien. B�rro�ver shal� sa�isf�the li��.or t�ke �ne �r more of t�e �.ctions set forth
<br /> abave,wi�-iin �Q days of�he g�vz�g�f notice.
<br /> Hazard or Prvp�rty Ia�surance. Barrower shal�keep the �mprovem�n�s n��v exis�ing ar hereafterr erected an the
<br /> Proper�y insu.r�d against loss by�re,hazards��cluded vvi�hin�he�erm"extended coverage" and an�o�her hazards,
<br /> inc�uding f��o►�s �r f�ooding, far vvhich Lend�r requ�res insurance. Th�s �nsurance sha11 be main�ainec� in the
<br /> amoun�s and for the per�od�tha�L�nder rc�uire�. The insuranc�car��er prfl�iding�he insurance sha11 be ch�s�n by
<br /> Borr�tiver subj ect �o Lender's approva� ,whi�h shal� na� be unreasonab�y ��thheld, If Borrawer f�.�Is t� ma�ntain
<br /> � coverage desc;rib�d ab�ve, Lender may, a� Lender's option, ob�a�n cov�rage to �r��e�t Lender°s right� xn the
<br /> Pr�perty in a�c�ordance v�ri�section titled 1'rflt���ior��f Lender's I�.i�hts in the Pruperty,
<br /> Al� insurance palic�es and r�nev�ra�s shall be �c�ep�ab�e �❑ Lender a.nd s��l� �r�clu�e a standaxd mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha��hav��he righ�to h�Id�he pol�cies and rene�als. If Le�.d�r re�uires,Bn�-�-o�wer shall prampt�y give�o
<br /> Lender a�l re�e�ipts�f paid pre�nium� and re�e�ral not�ces. In�he even��f l�ss, Borrower shal�g�ve prompt nat�ce
<br /> �o the�nsuranc�carrier and Lend�r.Lender may make proof of�oss�f no�made prompt�y by Borra��rer.
<br /> Un�ess Lend�r and Borrovver ❑�herwise agree �n writing, insuranc� pr�ceeds sha�l be applied to res��rat�nn or
<br /> repair of�he pr�perty damaged, �f, in Lender's sol� discre�ion, the r�stara�ion �r repair zs econom�ca��y feas�b�e
<br /> and Lender's s���rity is not l�ssened. �f, in Len�terqs sole d�scretion, �he r�s�ora�ion ar repair is not ec�nomicaliy
<br /> feas�ble or Len�der's securi�y�vould���ess�n�d,the insurance proc�ed�sha�I be app�ied�o�he sums secured by�h�s
<br /> S e curity �n�trum�nx, whe�her ar no� �hen due, wi�h any exc ess p aic� �� B arrower. If B orrawer aband�ns th�
<br /> Prop�rtys or does no�answer vv�th�n the number Qf days prescribed by App�icable Lav�r as set forth�n a no�i�e fr�m
<br /> Lender to Borr�wer that th��nsuran�e carr�er�ias affered�o set��e a claim� then Lender may col�ec��he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Len�'�er may use the prace�ds t� r�pair ar restore �he Pr��aer�y or�o pay sums secured b��h�s Secur��y
<br /> �ns�rumen�,wh�ther or na�then due.The per��d of�ime for Borr�wer�o answer as set f�rt�i ix��he no�ice wi�l begin
<br /> vvhen the np�ic�is given.
<br /> LTnless Lend�r and�3orra�ver oth�rwzse agre� i.n wr�ting, any app�zcati�n of pro�eeds to principal shali not e�tend
<br /> or postpone�h� due da�e of the paymen�s due�u�.der th� Con�ract or change�he amaun�of the payments. If u.nder
<br /> �he �e��iun ti�Ted.A►.��e�eration; l��medies, th� Proper�y is acquired by Le�der, B�rrower's right�� any�nsurance
<br /> polici�s and proceeds resulting f�om damage �o t�ie Property priar �� �he �cquisi��on shall pass to Lende� to �he
<br /> extent of�he su:ms secured by�his 5ecuri�y�nstrumen�irnmedia�el}�pri�r�o�he ac�uisi�ion.
<br /> Preser�at�on, M�i��enance and Protec�io� of th� Praperty; �Qrrov��r's Loan Application; L�aseh�ids.
<br /> Borrower sha�l n�t d�strny, da.mage ar impa�r�he Property, a��o��he Property ta deteriora�e, �r coxnmi�was�e nn
<br /> the Proper�y.B+�rrawer shall b��n default if an��arfei�ure ac�ion or proc�ed�ng,vvhether civ��flr criminal,��begun
<br /> that �n Lender'� g�od fai�h�udgment could resul��r� f�rfeitu.r� �f th� �r�p�rt�r or o�herwise ma�er�ally impair �h.e
<br /> 1�en created by �his Security In�trument or Lender's secu.rity in��rest. B�rrov�rer may cure such a �iefau�� and
<br /> reins�a�e, as prcrv�ded Yn sec�ion���led Bor�ow�r's l��ght �a R�i�sta�t�, by cat�s�ng�he ac�inn or pro�eedxn�to b�
<br /> d�smi.ssed wi��a rulin��hat,in Lender's good fai�h determinatifln,pr�c�udes forf�iture of�he Borrower's in��res��n
<br /> the Prop�r�y or o�her ma�erral �r.npairmen� of�he lien crea�e�i b� �his Se�uri�y �ns�ru.ment or Le�nder°s securi�y
<br /> intieres�.Barr�v�ler shall a�so be in defaui�if��rrower, during��e l�a�.�.pplicat�on process,gave ma��ria��y false�r
<br /> inaccu�ate information or s�ta.tem�nts �o Lender �or failed tQ provide Le�.der �vi�h any materia� information} �.t�.
<br /> c�nnection,wi�r��he loan �v�denc�d by �he C�r��rac�, If this Se�uri�y�nstru�nent is nn a Ieaseh�Id, Borravver shall
<br /> comply w��h a���he provisions af�e lease. If�orraurer acquires fe�title t��h�Propert�,the�easeh�ld and the fee
<br /> ti��e shaX�not n��Krge un�ess Lender agrees to the merger�n wri�a�x�.g.
<br /> Proteet�ion of]Len�er's R�ights �n the Prop�r�y, If Borrotiver fails to perform the cflvenan�s ar�d agreen�.ents
<br /> contained in�hi� 5ecuri�y�nstrum�n�, or�her�is�I�gal proceeding that rnay s�gnif cant�y affect Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Property �st�ch as a proceeding �n banl�rup�cy, probate, for can�e�nnation or forfeiture �r ta enforce ��.ws or
<br /> regu�a�ions�, th�n Lender may do and pay for �vha�e�er �s nec�ssary �o �ar��ect �he value �f�he Pr�per�y and
<br /> Lender's righ��in�he Property. Lender's actions r�ay ix�c�ude paying any sums secured by a��en Wh�ch has pri�rzty
<br /> �ver this Securi�ty Ins�rumen�, app�ar�ng�n c�urt,pa�ing r�asonabl� att�rne�s'fees and entering on�.e Proper�y to
<br /> make r�pairs.A�though Le�der may�ake ac�iar�u�ader�his sectzon,Lender d�es n�t have�a do so.
<br /> A.ny amounts d�.sb�rsed by Lender under �his se�ti�n sha�l becarn� addit�onal debt of Barrti�ver secured b �h�s
<br /> Y
<br /> Securxty Ins�rtument. Ur�less Borrower and Lender agree to other �erms Af payment, these amourrts shal� bear
<br /> C�2��4-201 S CorripIianc��ystems,Tnc.61 SA-47AD-2�15.i 2.3.i.I I�S
<br /> Cor�sumer ReaI Estate-Secu��y I�stniment DL��35 Page 2�f 5 www.cQmpl'zancesystems.com
<br />