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<br /> Page 2ot 2
<br /> {
<br /> (c) TherepaymentiRfullpyTrustor(s)ofaltamauntsadvancedby8enefitaaFy,atitsopton.tootanGehatfof7rustbr(s)as�rotectiveadvences
<br /> autAO�ed haretn,in trie taarf agreement{�y,or irt oiher in9trument{ay whlch rnay h:g'sven toeriu�r.eastcfi adaranCes,pius interest onall s�ch
<br /> advances,payabte as provided in tha nate(a},loan agraement{sy or otAer instrument(s).
<br /> _ � {d) The paymeni in futl of any and ail otRer pasL p�esento�tuture,Cirect or c9nti�gent,dE►s2s arv�fi3b:[i�3s o;Frustor(sy fo Bensticiary of any
<br /> natore whatsoeve�
<br /> This Taiiat Deed w�ll be due t•iarch 1, 20Z5 or uycn the payment in futE at atl sums s�•-�d tt+3��C�:
<br /> Frustor[�)herehywarrantthattheyROtd teeaimDletittet�theabovedescribeC praperry,thatthey have�xCar.0 t�wtut auV:ar(tyte c4�GQ2nG encumbertReea:ne.
<br /> ' t�atna3Cpropertyisireesn6tlearotailtiensandertctm�brancea.ex�egtencumCrarCeaofreconi,ucCti�pttf:erjwitiwar�zntercd�e4enaaaitlptopsrtyagalmtal�
<br /> cta Emtnt�whomsoever.Trustor(s)a[so Rlreby waive and relirtQuish atl rig�ts ot dower.Re�esteed,d atsi:u6ve ahare ar_O exemyrian f n and to the ahova described
<br /> ProG�n1► .
<br /> TtusLa(s)an0laotf ol tAtm turlMr cown�nt ana agn��Itl�BtneR�eloNqss
<br /> _ � (t) 7opayalltiens.lud4menriorotheruses3menUa9ainstaatdTrustEstate,andtopaywhenQ�leallt�zea,rtnLt.feaaarctiatpe�uponaeidTrustEStateorunQer
<br /> any tease.permit,ticensa or prtvifege assiqnecf to BeneReiaty e,s additfona!aecurity lo tn%a Trust DeeO,i^tf�Qtnr�lY,pse ort¢�trfiC Qflmatn.
<br /> i�?To insure and keep tnsurad bu3lCings ind other improvaments now on ar heroafiet p'.eced ort aui�Tn:st C-�taUt tC Ihe satistaction af Bertefidary.Su.if
<br /> , .. Insuranceat+illbeapprovadOyanddeyosttedwithBe�efic[ary,aadendorseCt�ith{GS�thereuntl�I(ylytlb(etS89rt9faidfY:?I+J=umsaoraraivedbyBeneti�iarymay
<br /> be used to paytor►econstnx3ton of the destroyeD impro•rements ar ff not so epplietl m�y,at the apUOn a*8!rtqtiCiary.�A aFplted En payment of any indebiedness
<br /> matured or unmatured secur�3 by Lhis Ttus!QeeO.
<br /> (3)To kre�eil tru+tdi^�,satures ar.d oih2r improvements no�v on o�t.Ereafter placed on sat4 Trusi,�tate oceupied anA in good repair,matntenance and
<br /> condition er�dta r,eitt�r r,emm(t nor psmtU e^.y ects of waste or any impatnr,c:nt ot the vatue o}ito T�w�,�t Esf�te.Bzneficiary rtlay entaf upo�lRe Trust Esfate to
<br /> , inspectt�e:�.T.�ir.^aFzrlarmanya(xselff,orizedhereinorinthetoana{t,�rBnt(1).
<br /> (�) tnttf�e!=s°..t:i'rt wr;aj:�Ittapayenytiens,�udgments,ssseasmente,Saxet,rents,teeso:charcesormr,irt�inanyinsurartceontheproperty,builCir,gs,fi�usas
<br /> ' orimprovemEr.����ck�c..*,^_areinorintheloanagreement(s),Baneticiaryr,say,atibwJltvn,m•akesueApaymentsorprovidetnwrartee,malnterttnoeosce�a3rs
<br /> end arryamounis��xs�°�rc u-s�att beGOmepartol the prirtcipnl irtdebtedrtess secetred harcby,Ce immDdiattty dueand payabband bear ir+tsrestfrorrt t�.�da;$eE
<br /> . paymeni as provided in ther_c�te(s)or tan tgreament(3).TM�dvancement Cy Beneticrary�a.*8ny sucR tmaunts atW Hn no manner Rmit the right o1 BtnEf;tiary to "
<br /> , dectare Trustor(s)in default or exerGSe erry ot BenefiCiary's otAer righ[e anq reme0tes.
<br /> (5) Int�eeveMBeneT'rciaryisspartytoanytitigationaNectingtResecurityqrtEefienolttiaTttstD=Ed;�nr.tadinyenyactlanbyBenaticlaryrtaentorcethiaTrust
<br /> � Deed or eny euit in which BenelIGary is na;ned e Qefendant(irtetuding cortq8mrtetiqa arQ 8ankmptCyprcaeedtrtg�)BenRflciary may incare�sense�and advance
<br /> -� • paymentstontrstrectfees.s*.tomaysfeas(excepttotheextentprohibitedbyla�y.cosW.�xponsea.eGAraisalfeesaneotnercharge�anaanyemountssoeavanced
<br /> nhai►become part of the principal inde6tedness aecured hereDy,Ce immeCiatery due er.4��abie end 6+3ar tnterest aa provlded In the Ioen agreement(a?_
<br /> (6)AnyawarQsm�detoTrt:stor(s)arthe?rsuccessorsbytheexerciseo}eminentdamaia.tt�^eredyssstgne4to8eneticiery:enOBenetiCidryisherebyo::t'��ized �
<br /> to cottect and appty the sar..a in paymeni ot any Inde6teGness,matured or unmatprEO,f�ut�d by tt�ifl Trust OeeO. . �
<br /> p) In the event Trustor(sy detaWt in the paymenl whan due ot any snms secur�d hFroG=!prirtetppl,�intnrest,adt�ancemenb,or protect�re a��ances,y.cc t�i1 to
<br /> petform or absenr8 anycov8nant8anO COrtQitionscOntained her¢in.in tt.9 nr1ts�f s.).t;_3n e,r,�rxment(41,7►�tRy other inst�umBnU,�tany prOCeBW.^g�s b-�:.5':ny ot �
<br /> againstTrustar(s)underany Bankrup2cy laws,Beneficiary may,at itsop!ian,:r-..;..•a�'�e�-tirt:ndebtatlrt[tsssecu:ed hereAyto be immediatelyGue ar.��3;�'.;teand
<br /> bear interest et the deiautt rate a�provlded in the note(s)or loan egreement!.S j srtR 8�r.r ti�3ry may�mmadlately authorizo Trustee to exarci�e the PaKR-at Saie ,
<br /> granted hetein in themartner providod In the Nebraska Tru91 DsedsAct.or,at the optid6 ct!tr�;9aneliciaty,may toreclose theTruat Oeed in the manner pr�;rlFitd hy
<br /> - law for t�e foreclosure of mortgages pn real property,including the appointmant o.'n R�:ccfc�r u�on ex paRe application,notice Deing hereby expressip��°ved,
<br /> w�tAOUt regara to the valuo of the propeRy arthe suf(iciency thereof ta diachnr�,o tfiq ind�b48Gness seCUreG hereby o►in the loan egreement(s).�efay by Be��i:ary
<br /> in exercisirtg ita rights upon aefau►t sha11�;!8e canstrued as a waivzr tGereot and 4ny act o!63tset�Clary walving eny specitic detauit shall not be eanstrued rss a
<br /> � waiver of anyfuturedefault.If the procee_scr2er such fate ortoreelosure zra teautfiatant tC�fly Y,s9.Cte!i�-debtedness secured hereEy.Trustor(s)do hereby ey-E9 �
<br /> to be personally bpund to pay the unpeiG t�irF^.ce,anQ Berteticfary sAaB bo entitlud fa a defioienay!ud�rr.t • '
<br /> (B) SAouldBenefieiaryetecttoexerdse:.,ePowerolSategrantedAercin,�irtAf�mar�sh�llnotfijTr�stenwM�shallrecord.pubtiahantldeilvortoTrustor;�;s:;:x1
<br /> Nottce of Detault ena Notice ot Sale as tnen required Cy tawand shaQ in the mAanAr p�c���itled by Iaw seli ttre Trust Eatate at the time and place ot sate fi�ce��.^'C�3
<br /> Notice of Sale,either as a whole or 1n separate lots,parceta or itema or,q in euch ar�o�au Truatee shall deem expedisnt.Any penon may bid ot the cale i��ilq�ag �
<br /> TNS!O!(6),TNStCg CT H�:F_:'•:�9ry. - -
<br /> (9)TrustCr-�E'.�9reC�r.�SlaLtecopyofanyNoticeofDafaultprNOticeot53tehereundsrtobemaileOtothem8ttheaQQress(ea)settorthhareinbycarifeCmaiL �
<br /> (t0) Upan Gy:__:t,Bensf�eiary,either In person or Dy ngent,witii or w+•h�fuf br�ngtrtg any ection or prnceed�ng and with or without rv�zsd ta tt�e va1�e ot th0 � .
<br /> propertyort'�ze.�it�cienCytheraoftodischarQetheindebtedneaseacuradfrrrt�+J.t9QUthorizedandenUttedtoenteruponendtekeposaess:�^�:�t:�e7rustEstetein •
<br /> its own nameor rn the name ot the Trusteeend Uo eny actL orexponO cnysumalt pn9maancesnaryordeairaD{9to protect orpreseNethevafue oYtheTn;s::�state or �
<br /> anyinterestt�ereln,orincreasetheincomethereirom;andwithonvitHauitakirtgpnSSess?aar�'h8TN51ES1818198Uih0�1ZEldlOGUE(OfOfOlA@l4YIS8COIIDCtE`.'t:�ent3, � � �
<br /> issues,crops,profits and income thereol,inetuding thons�asf�uo and u�pttid,and;�-,�-,1��the eame upon any indebtedness sxured hereby ar'z�,:4:!oan . •
<br /> agreement(s). . '
<br /> NoremeQyheremconferre0uponorreservedtoTr�steoorS�9nnt�oia��:yintendedtp;eexcl�siveofa��otrierremoQyharelnorbylawprovtdedorpermdted, -
<br /> . but each shall be cumuieuve,shall be 1n aCa�t�on to overy othor remntly gncen hereunaer or now or here�°���exiating at law or in equity or by st�tuto,�nd may be
<br /> exerel,ad ccncurrentty,independentty or successiuety. -
<br /> (it) Trustar(s)acknowlodgethntthodutia�andabligt�t�an:►otrrentaosONpbodet»r�^;�edaoietybythaexpressprovisionsotthisTrusiD2o4orlhaNeDra3kp '{�
<br /> Trust Deetl9 Act anA Trusteo shail not be UeDlo eaCOpt tor!hq parfOrmAnc9 ot euch Cltir�a�d obiigetlone es are 9peCihCally Set fOAh therpin,qn0 no inpltatl
<br /> covonants or obli�atons shoif bo imponed upon Tr�atee:Tr�atap shEltl no1 be liabte fer v-n action taken Gy it In gooC tait�nnd reasonably bollnved by�:to be
<br /> eufhoritetl or wrthin the discretion or nghta oi pouar�confnmatl upan rt by this Trust Q+r�7:v--atate IaM.
<br /> �12y The integriry antl responaibllitv ot Tr�otar(v)conat�tUt08 u ptut of the cAnsiQeratiC�i"�r the obligations secured hereDy.SAoutd 7rustor(s)sell,trensl8r or
<br /> , ' ConvoytheproportyGoscnboaharem,withautyriortiviilt�n:onn9ntpf8onoQclary,BBnottelarympy,8titsoptlon.CeclaretheentireinQehteC.�ossimmediatetydue �
<br /> and payabto and may procoed in fhe enfarcomant af Itn�i�htn agan a�ynthor Cefeull. !
<br /> (t3) Assignment of Rentn inctuding Preceodo o(tAinnral Luaie.Tr��tor(s)herehy Iransfer,set over anC Cohvey to Bttr.eficl8ry ell rents,royaltles,Gonusos and `
<br /> detaymonBystAatmaytromt�mototimotrncomaCUOanO�ycLldunGarenyroatostateteaseorunderanyoil,gasorothermineralleaseofa�ykindnowex�3tingor � �
<br /> that may hereafter eomo into o,JalonGO.oov�rinD thu nDou�l 7r�ct Estate or any part ti;e�o1.Atl such sums so rocaivod by Beneri�iary ahall be apptla0 to tDO �
<br /> InOebteOnessaecured tawby;or:aid Buneha�ary r�0y,�f�1�option.lurn ovor end dehver to Tr�stor(s)oHhairsuccessore in interest,any orall otsuchsum�withoul •
<br /> preJudiCO to eny of BBnehC�ary'S rightato Inkfl and retqld iuturp sums,end without Dra�uC;ce to any of its other rtghts under thls Trust Dged.Tho trenster end ,���
<br /> �: conveyancp hereunder to 69neGaiery ut la�d rentn;rtyaltlee,Oonuse9 end deley money9 ahall be tonsfruod to bo a provlsion for tho paymont or reduction of tho
<br /> tlebt,subjact to the Benot�ciary"s optinn n�hwreinbotore providod, Independent of the I�en on sald Trust£stute.Upon payment m lull 01 tha dobt and tho
<br /> reconvoyanco of this Trust dead ol recor�,:hlc:Anvayanco shall 6acome�r.uperativg and of r.ofurther fOrco an0 otlecl.
<br /> (14)The COYOne�t9 COntC"�C4(n 1I1iS T►u�l�90tl shell be Eoemad to be eeverablv:In the ovont that eny portion of this Tru9t OecO ia dotorminod to be void or �
<br /> �nanforceabte,tnat Caterm��rs:.�n sh811 not oltoCt tho vatidity of t�o rama:i�g portion�ct tt�e Trust Oeed.
<br /> �y�f�. d �J Q
<br /> �-u(-L�LL4se�_�• /a-•,�-La�:.� _ X ✓l `� �(Z4�/�v h..
<br /> Michael L. Ga�rtner Sonja . Gartner
<br /> STATE OF N�6p�18%'�R. )
<br /> COUNTY OF ADAI:S �s�
<br /> � ) ,
<br /> . On this!��'day ot _._F%/'/Pu��i*r .A.D..19 �' ,boforo me,a Nosary Public,persona�ly aF�:,ared
<br /> �� ��IichaeLZ• Gartne and 5anj� Y �--rtn�r hLSb�nd �nd wife , _ ___ ____
<br /> to me known to be the pe►aon(s) named in and who oxeCUted thp torogoing Acknowfedgmant and Trust Oeed, and acknowtadged �
<br /> � that thev ex cuted tha seme as_�xr voluntary ect � ed.
<br /> (SEAL) ��r'�MY�1 f �
<br /> �IT i HEA�EX • �-_._.__--------•- -
<br /> Ro erC F. F1�rbek '
<br /> � �d������ yav or print namo undvr siQnaturo)
<br /> � fVty COfisRliSSiOri�xpires=--- -- - - " . Notary Public in artd for sald County t�nd Stato ,�
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