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� 2� 17� 1 ��4 <br /> �EE� �F -r�usT <br /> Loan Nv: 2434� ��ontinued} Page � <br /> to any ather person. The representations and warranties contained herein are based ❑n Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> in�es�iga�ing �he Proper�ty for Ha�ardaus Subsfiances, Trustar hereby ��� releas�s and waives any future claims <br /> against Lender �For ind�mnity vr c�ntribution in �h� event Trustor becomes liable �or cieanup or ❑ther casts under <br /> any such laws; and t�� agrees tv indemni�Fy, de�endr and ho�d harmless Lender against any and ali �laims, losses, <br /> Iiabili�ies, damages, penalt�esr and expenses which Lender may directly❑r indirect�y sustain ❑r suf�er resul�ing�rom <br /> a breach a�F this secfiion of the Deed af Trust or as a consequence o�F any use, genera�ion, manufacture, storage, <br /> dispasaI, release or�hreatened re�ease occurring prinr to Trustar's❑wnership or interest in fihe Pr�perty, whe�her❑r <br /> na� the same was vr shauld ha�e been knalrvn �o Trustor. The p�ovisions af this s�ction af the Deed of Trus�, <br /> including�he abiigation to indemni�y and detend, sha[i survi�e the paymen�a�the lndebtedness and the satis�a�tion <br /> and reconv�yance af the [ien o��his ❑eed ❑f Trust and shall nvt be aifec�ed by Lender`s acquisi�ion o�any interes� - <br /> in the Property, whethe�by farec�osure❑r o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Naste. Trustar shall no� cause, cvnduct or permi� any nuisan�e nor cammit, permit, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping nf or was�e on or to the Praperty or any portion v�f the Praperry. Wi�hout �imi�ting �he generali�ty of the <br /> faregving, Trustar will nv� remo�e, or grant to any other par-ty the righ�to remo�e, any timber, minerals �inc[uding <br /> oi� and gas�, coaI, clay, scaria, soii; gravel or rock pr�duc�s withaut Lender's prior-writ�en�ansent, <br /> RemvvaC of lmpro�ements. Trustor shail not demvlish ar remo�e any�mpro�ements from the Real Property without <br /> Lender's prior written consen�, As a condition f❑the remo�a! o�any lmpro�emenfis, Lender may requFre Trustar ta <br /> make arrangements sa�tis�ac�ory �v Lender t❑ repIace su�h Impro�ements with Impro�ements o� at leas� equa� <br /> �aIue. <br /> Lender's F�ight�o Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and rep�esentati�es may en�e�r upon the F�eal Praperry a� all <br /> reasanable �imes �o attend to Lender's infierests and to inspect the Real Praperty for purposes o� Trus�or's <br /> compliance with the�erms and candi-�i�ns❑f this Deed of Trust. <br /> Gomptiance wi�h Governmental Requi�ements. Trustar shal� prompt�y comply �nrith aI� �aws, ordinances, and <br /> regu�atians, now or hereafter in e�ffec�, of all ga�ernmental autharities applicable to �he use vr occupanG� o�the <br /> Property. Trustar may�vn�est in gaod �a�th any such �aw, ordinan�e, or reguiatian and withho}d compliance during <br /> any proceeding, incIuding appropriat� appeals, so long as Trustor has not�fied Lender in writing priar �o doing so <br /> and s� long as, in Lender's saIe opinian, Lender°s in�erests in the Property are nvt jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustar tv pos�adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably sat�s�actory t❑ Lender,�o pratect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty�o Rrote�t. Trustar agrees neither ta-abandon or fea�e unatr�nded the Praperty. Trustar shal[ do all other <br /> acts, in addition tv�hose acts se��arfih above in fihis se��tion, which�ram the character and use o�the Praperty are <br /> reasonably necessary to pratect and preserWe the Property. <br /> DUE �N SALE-CDNSFNT BY LENDE�. Lende�may, a�Lender`s aptionf de�lare immediately due and payable all sums <br /> s�cured hy this Deed af Trus�upon the sale ar transfer, without Lend�r's prior written cansent, ❑f all ar any part of the <br /> Rea� Property, or any inter�s�in the Rea[ Praperty. A "sa�e ❑r transfer-" means the con�eyance o�F ReaI Property or any <br /> rightr �f��2 or in�erest in the Real Property; whether lega[, beneficia[ or equitable; whe�her volun�ary or in�oluntaryf <br /> whether by ❑u�right sale, d�ed, instaflment sale canfirac�, land contra��, cantract �ar deed, leasehvfd interest lrvith a <br /> te�m great�r than three �3} years� lease-opt�on contrac�, or by saie, assignment, ❑r transfier o� any beneficial infieres�in <br /> or to any land trus� ha�ding ti��e tv �he Rea� Property, ar by any vther method of conWeyance n� an interest �n the Real <br /> Proper�y. However, �h�s op�ion shall not be exerc�sed by Lender if such exerc�se is prahib�ted by �edera[ fav�r or by <br /> Nebraska iaw. <br /> TAXES ANQ LIENS. The �oIIowing provisians �eIating to the taxes and fiens on the Property are part ❑�this Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. T�-ustor sha�f pay when due �and in all e�ents prior�v delinquency� a11 taxes, spec�al�axes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges {including watsr and sewer}, �ines and impvsi�ions (e�ied agains� or on account afi the Property, and shall <br /> pay when due all claims �or work done on ❑r for ser�ices rendered or materia� furnished to �he P�roperty. Trustvr <br /> sha�� maintain the Proper-�y free ❑fi ai� �iens ha��ng priority❑�er ar equal t❑the in�erest af Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, ex�ept �or th� lien a� fiaxes and assessments not due and excepfi as v�herwise pro�ided in �his Deed v� <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right�o Cantest. Trustar may wi�hhold payment o�any tax, assessmen�, ❑r claim in c�nnectian lrvith a good �Faith <br /> dispute o�er the o[�liga�ivn�Q pay, s❑ fong as Lender's interes�in�he Property is no��eopardized. If a Iien arises or <br /> �s �iled as a resu[t of nonpaymen�, Trus�or shall wi�hin fifteen ('15} days after �he lien arises or, if a Iien is filed, <br /> wi�hin fii�een �'i 5} days after Trustor has notice o��he �i�ing. secure the discharge ❑f the lien, ar i� requested by <br /> Lender, deposifi wi�h Lender cash or a sufFicient corpvrate sure�y bond ❑r o�he�se�urity satis�ac�ory t❑ Lender in an <br /> amount su��icient�v discharge the Iien pfus any costs a�d attarn�ys' �ees, or ather charges that cou�d accrue as a <br /> resul�ot a f�r�cIvsure ar sale under the lien. fn any contestt Trus�or shalf defend i�se[f and Lender and shall satis�y <br /> any ad�erse�udgment�e�ore en�orcement agains��he Proper�y. Trustar sha[( name L�nder as an add��iana[ obligee <br /> under any su�ety band furnished in the confiest praceedings. <br /> Evi�enGe of Payment. Trustor shal! upan demand furnish tv Lender sat�s�ac�ory e�idence v�payment o�the taxes <br /> or assessments and sha�i authori�� the appropria�e governmen�al ❑f�iciaf ta deIi�er to Lender at any time a wr�tten <br /> s�a�ement o�the�axes and assessments agains�the Praper-ty. <br /> Nvtic� v� Constructivn. Trustar sha�l noti�ry Lender at Ieast fifteen ��5� days befare any wark is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are�urnished, �r any ma�erials are supplied ta the Property, if any mechanic's �ien, ma�erialmen's Iien, ❑r <br /> ❑fher lien could be asser�ed on account of�he vvark, ser�ices, vr materia�s. Trus�or wi11 up�n request o� �ender <br /> �urnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances satisfact�r.y �o Lender tha� Trustvr can and will pay the c�st o� such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE [NSURANCE. The �nIIowing pro�rsivns relating t❑ insuring�he Praperry are a part o�this ❑eed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Niaintenance a� Insurance. Trustor sha�} pr�ocure and maintain policies ❑f �ire insurance with s�andard extended <br /> coverage endorsements on a fair �alue basis for the �u�� insurable vaIue covering al! �mpro�emen�s on the Real <br /> Proper-�y in an amount sufficient to avoid appiica��on of any coinsurance clause, and vsrith a s�andard mort�agee <br /> clause in fiavar af Lender, tvgether with such other hazard and liabifity�nsurance as Lende�may reasonably requ�re. <br /> Policies sha�� be written in form, amaunts, caverages and basis reasonably acceptable �o Lender and �ssued by a <br /> company ❑r companies �easonabiy accep�ahle tv Lender. Trustvr, upvn request ❑f Lender, wi�� deli�er to Lender <br /> �rom �ime �o time �he p�Iicies or Ger�ti�ica�es ❑fi insurance �n �orm satis�actory ta Lender, including st�pu�ati�ns that <br /> �o�erages vvill not be cancelled ar diminished withou� at least fien �1 fl� days priar writ�en notice to Lender. Each <br /> insurance pali�y a�sa shaII �nclude an endorsemen� providing fha� cvverage in �Favar of Lender v+�i�� not be impaired <br /> in any vvay by any act, ❑mission or de�au�t vf Trusta� vr any other person. Should the Reai Property be lacated in <br /> an area designated by �he Administra�or ❑f the Federal Emergency Management AgenGy as a special �[ood hazard <br /> area, Trustor agrees to obtain and maintain Federal Flood Insurance, i� a�aiIable, �o� the full unpaid principal <br /> baIance ❑f the loan and any prior liens on the prvperry securing�he laan, up�o the maximum p�[iGy limits set under <br /> the Na�iona� Fiovd lnsurance Pragram, or as otherwise required by Lender, and fo main�ain such insurance �or the <br /> �erm o��he �oan. <br /> Appi"rcatian of Praceeds. Trustor shall promp�ly notify Lender afi any [oss ar damage ta the Property. Lender may <br /> make proof of loss if Trus�ar fails to do so within fifteen {15} days af the casualfiy. Vllhether ❑r not Lender's <br />