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9 2� 17� 1 ��3 <br /> a <br /> , � <br /> As a precondition to making�he changes set for�h abo�e, the Borrower hereby agrees to pay to the Lender at the <br /> tzme of signing this Agreement the other f nance charg�s and other charg�s that are enumerated and disc�osed on <br /> the attached Statement af Fees,Charges,and Disbursements Addendum which is integ�ated�y reference into this <br /> Agreemen�. <br /> Except as amended by this Agreement,a11 terms and candi�ivns of the Line of Cred�t Agreem�nt and�he Security <br /> Instrument�inc�uding any pre�ious modif cat�ons} shall remain in fu11 forc� and effect, and this Agreement sha�l <br /> n�t affe�t the L�nder's secur�ty interest in,or lien priority on,th�Property. The Borrower agrees�v be bound by <br /> and to perform aIl of the co�enants and agreements in the L�ne of Cred�t Agreement and the Security Instrument <br /> at the time and in the manner therein proWided. <br /> Th�s Agreement shall not b� c�n�trued to be a satisfaction, n��ation or partial re�ease of�he Lin� af�red�t <br /> Agreement ar the Security Instrument. <br /> By signing this Agreement, the Bnrrower represents and warrants to the Lender that the Borrawer has no <br /> counterclaims, set-affs or defenses to the Bank's rights under the Line of Credit Agreement or the S�cur�ty <br /> Instrument. <br /> The Bvrrower agrees�o pay or reimburse the Lender for any and a�l fees payab�e to public officials in cannection <br /> with this Agreement,and the recording th�reof, including any mortgage registry tax�hat may be due. <br /> Borrower hereby a�knowledges Borrovver has recei��d, read and retained a cvpy of the Agreement and <br /> Statement af Fees,Charges, and Disbursements Addendum pro�ided to me by Lender, ali of wh�ch i agree to h <br /> signing this Agreement. <br /> Y <br /> This Agreement daes not increase or extend any revolving credit insurance Borrower purchased in conne�t�on <br /> with the l�ne of credit. Credit insurance means credit �ife, cr�dit accid�nt and health and.lor credit disability <br /> �nsurance. <br /> Co-Trustorl�a-Mor�gagar I�a-signer Liability. As to any Borrower who signed the Security Instrum�nt,but who <br /> did not exe�u�e the Line of Credit Agreemen� �a"c�-trustorlca-mor�gagorlco-signer"�, �his Agreement does not <br /> modify, change or terminate the nature of the co-trustorlco-mortgagorlca-szgner's ob�igatians in c�nnection with <br /> the line of credi�. The co-trustvrlco-mnrtgagorlco-signer is not personally obligated to pay the debt e�idenced by <br /> the Line of�redit Agreement and the Security Instrument (as renewed, extend�d, and amended hereby}. The <br /> co-trustorlcQ-mor�gagarlco-signer agrees tha�the L�nder and the Borrower may agree to extend,mod�fy, forbear <br /> or make any accammodati�ns vvith regard ta the terms �f the L�n� of Credit Agreement or th� Secur�ty <br /> Instrument�as renewed,�xtended,and amended her�by}withou�the co-trustorlco-mor�gagorlco-s�gner's cansent. <br /> The Borrower and the Lender ha�e executed this Agreement under seal as af the day and year first abo�e written. <br /> L�G Modifica#ion Agrmt,LM1�6433, HCWF#155v2��111�4115} ��� <br /> LM-'l06Q33-�4�5 Documents Processed U2-Q2-20�7 D9:�4:55 <br />