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<br /> �, - y��` r�`��,�a},`Z'''FL; tX31LifF�:;?' ��t.c }�'-�, - :'"}' --.1��'':-.:4,.::i:r'• - ,a i;�„',4`:s:,;� ::: ..
<br /> � .r`i'��i���'�-CH�P3�i'������4''�.�,a.aa`t�1> •`�..i��f3�,l���.�''�.�rt-.=� ��-�`4 .��'.C'1���"o'r+�:�---
<br /> .ti �
<br /> � � . . `_'_. _ -, �
<br /> � �
<br /> � : � KNOW A!L M£H BY THESE PRESENT, That 9��,OOB�G 8
<br /> t
<br /> ! H.R. �]unla�, unremarried widower
<br /> r � , herein called the gFantor whether one or more, in
<br /> � � consideration of Seven tlundred Twa an� �0J1O0-------------------------------------------
<br /> � (� 702.00 ) DOLLARS received from grantees, does grant, bargain, .
<br /> ___� seli convey and confirm unto Ha11 County . . '
<br /> � herein called the grantee whether ene or more, the following descrfbed reat property in �
<br /> Nall County, P�ebrastca:
<br /> A tract of land situated ir� the West Halft (W2 of the Sout6west Quarter (SW4) of ' �
<br /> Section Thirty-Three (33}, Tawnship Twelve (12� North, Range Eteven (11} 4lest of
<br /> tE�e 6th P.l9., Hail Cpunty, I�ebraskax more particularly described as follows: ,., � '
<br /> First, ta ascertain the point of beginning, start at the S�uthwest corner of
<br /> � said Southwest Quarter (SMt4); thence rurraang northerly along anQ upon the west
<br /> line of said Southwest Quarter (St�}, a distance. of One Thousand Six an� �
<br /> Thirty-One Hundredths (1,006.3t)., ��et t� tl�e ACTtJAL point of beginning; �
<br /> thetrc� runn4ng east2rly, para11�3 wi�h t[�e s�ut�i 1ine�of�"said Southwest � . �
<br /> quart��^ (SWQ), a di5t�nce of F�f�ty-Five (55.01 feet; .th�nce running nort:�er�y, .
<br /> para�lel with t.he we5t l.ine a� said southwest Quarte� ES4t;), a distance af �ive
<br /> � � iiundred (500.Qy� feet; thence run�ing east�rly, �ar�llel with the south
<br /> � Zi►ce �f said Sauthwest Quarter (�WQ}, a distance of Twenty (20.Oj feet; thence - �.
<br /> r�atrT.i1� northerly, "parallel witn the we�,t line of said Southwest Quarter.�St��� , �
<br /> ' _ a di��ance of Three Hundred (300.0) feet; thence running westerly, parallel
<br /> with the soutdti� line of sa�d Saiifi.tlwest Quarter (SW4), a distance of Tweaty
<br /> (20.0) feet; �J�ence running no�°tiierly, parallel with the west line of said s:�_=
<br /> ' Sout6nwest Quarter (SW4), a d�ast��ce of Three Hundred (3Q�.0) feet; thence `��
<br /> running westerly, parallel with the south line of said Sauthwest Quarter --
<br /> (SW4), a di stnace of Fifty-Five (55.0) feet; thence runn�c��� southerly • •-_
<br /> along and upon the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 4), a dt�tnace =;
<br /> of One Thousand Three Hundred �Y,300.0) feet to the ACTUAL point �f beginning ,`'
<br /> � � and c�ntaining 1.60 aca^es, more or less, of which 1.06 acres, more or less, is
<br /> pre�c�a�rtly occupied by ��bl ic road right-c�f-way. Net 0.54 acres, raore � -�
<br /> �, � or l�ss.
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> . ,
<br /> To have and to hold the abov� descr�ibed premi�es together w3th a�l tenements, � �:
<br /> hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belong�ng �;�t�o the �,�antees and to tl���r assigns, � s;,.
<br /> or to the heirs and assigns of the survivae• of them forevev°. "�
<br /> i An�f grantor does hereby covenant with Lhe grantees an� with their assi�;e�:; and with
<br /> • the heirs and assigns of the survivors of them thaL grantc�^ is lawfully seised of said
<br /> premises; that they are free from encumbrance exce�ting easements and restrictions �
<br /> of recard
<br /> , that gr^�ntor has good rigFa? and lawful aut;��rity to convey ��e same; and tha� grantor
<br /> ,, warrants and will defend the titte to said premises against the lawful claim of a11
<br /> persons whomsoever.
<br /> - �t is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the dea�,�t af either
<br /> , • of the grantees, the entire fee simpl� title to the real estate sha11 vest ��� �he .,
<br /> " surviving grantee.
<br /> -- � , DATEO _..e.-��-r�-�_ /..� �`''�� � � .
<br /> � y� ��-� �/,/• r ��. , ,- -___-
<br /> � .
<br /> � � � � : ,
<br /> �. . :
<br /> .. . . . . .
<br /> , . , .
<br /> � , � State of �L� ��, . .�_� -- - - �
<br /> � jA - -- � €
<br /> County of_ � ~
<br /> -- °�
<br /> The foregoing instrument w�s ��knowledged before me on . : ��-,=t=�; � j � ��� �. �
<br /> � f, � -��..� ' � - -------- ` - � ----
<br /> �� _� __�.�._._
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<br /> � X. .�i+om�, -�<<--.�'� � .�'.-:_���__.-_.
<br /> ��?� Mr�►6aMl�tlq •'�ota►•y I�ubli �
<br /> - �Jr
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