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<br /> t�` KN04�t ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, That �d== 1OQ82'7 � . � . .
<br /> H R Ounlap, unremarried widower `
<br /> . �
<br /> � � - , herein ca11e� the granto�^ wb�etfier one nr nare, in
<br /> • consideration of Nine Hundred Thirty Five Dollars and 00/1�0--------°�- -_______________
<br /> (� 935.OD ) DOLLARS rec�i�ed fram grantees, does grant, 6argain, -
<br />_ ' sell canvey and co�firm unto Hall County
<br /> � herein called tf�e grantee whether.ane or more, t�e fotloviire� de��ribQd c��l praparty in
<br /> ' Hall County, t�e6raska: ,
<br /> i A tract of land s-��uat�! in the East Half (E2) of ti�� 5a�tE►Qa�t Qu�r.tier (SE4) of Section
<br /> Thirt�-f��ta�t32), Tawnlnzp 1'��r�l+re (12) North, Rdnge El�ven� �11�; �1�st of the 6th P.rt.,
<br /> ' lf41'f Gflunty=..P1ei��aska, m4r� Qarticularly�descr:#bed�as follrn�s: •
<br /> , First, to asce�tain the pc�int� af �eginning, stant,.at the southeast corn�r of said
<br /> � 'South�st Quat��+;,(SEa��� thence running northerly�along and upon �6ie east line of ;
<br /> � � Sautitc��t Quarter (SE4}; a distance of Qne Thousand Six and Thi�^��+-0ne Hundredths
<br /> � �, (lOQ6:.��:f..€eet tot the ACTUAL pntnt of (��g�nning; thence r��r�rc3ng c�esterly, paral l el
<br /> ..,,. . .. . .
<br /> with�'�.`�� �ou�'.�s���:ine of said Sautf��ast Quarter S�?�� a distna�e af Eifty-Five (55.0)
<br /> � ' �eet; thence rua�ning northerly, �,�arallel with the r�st line of sas� Seutheast
<br /> .� �. � Quarter (SE',y,), a distance of five Nundred Fifty (�50.0) feet; thence running
<br /> westerly parlallel with the sautin line of sa�d Southeast Quarter (SE4), a �istance
<br /> Twenty (20.0) feet; thence runnang northerly, parallel with the east line of said , ,
<br /> Southeast Quar��r (SE4), a dis�rrace Two Hundred ��Q0.0) feet; th�c� running , ;
<br /> easterly, par�lil!el with the sou�►m �ine of sa�d S�u��heast Quarter (��4), � distance ° ,
<br /> ' of Tw�ty (20.u} feet; thence rur�iing northerly parallel with the east line of said . .';�;,: .�•,
<br /> ' 5auth���i Qu�a���r (SE.�-,), a distance of '�r�ra Hundred Fifty (250.0} feet; theR�� rune��r� ,_�_
<br /> �� ; �.a.�
<br /> ; easterly, pae��T;�lel with the south lir.e :� said Southeast Quarter (SEa}, a , ��.�-
<br /> ' dista[ace of F���y-Five (55.0} f��t, thence running southerly along and upon � . .
<br /> � rhe ea�t line of said Sou�heast Quarter (SE4), a distance of Qne Thousand v
<br /> ' Three Hundred (1300.Oj• fr�et to the ACTl��f��:� point of beginnir� and containing 1.66 . _
<br /> ` acres, more or less of which 1.06 acres ;-ore or less is �r���r.5�iy occupied by
<br /> � puhlic road right-of-way. ��et �e50 cres, more or less. � ' ;
<br /> �;�iRr�
<br /> :�r�
<br /> � �
<br /> �.
<br /> To have and to hold �he above described premises together with all tenements, ' � `
<br /> � f�ereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, ';;5�
<br /> �r tv the heirs ��� ass3gns of tt.� survivor of them forever. �� ::�±.
<br /> � And grantor does hereby cov�s^�nt with the grant-��s and with therc� assigns and witl'T
<br /> the�heirs and assigns of the survivors of them that �rantor is lawfully seised of said
<br /> premises; that they are free from encumbrance excepting easements and restrictions -
<br /> of record �
<br /> - that grantor has good right and ja�`E'ul authority to �+�revey the same; and that grantor
<br /> ; warrants and will defend tt�e title to said premises aga9nst �he lawful claim of all
<br /> � ' � <.persons whomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all p��^ties hereto that in the event of the death of either
<br /> . �of the grantees, the entire fee ����*:pie title to the real estate sh�l,t vest in the e
<br /> surviving grantee.
<br /> r
<br /> �
<br /> � ��,r�0 f- �._ ...,�, l L /}�� � ' - -
<br /> � � � � � T � � r _ �.�
<br /> � �. ,
<br /> ., .
<br /> , ,
<br /> � . � - � .
<br /> � . � . �
<br /> _ � f�
<br /> State of ��11�.- .-'-•
<br /> County of �a�,�. ~
<br /> _ �
<br /> � The for�going instrument was acknowledged before me on �=� h fi,t.-�,�.,�t � �. �1%�� .r r` �
<br /> �.
<br /> L.,'[��J� J,..1 � � ��~ �1i � � ` �� _ ___.._...
<br /> �r1AN11�M�ia� � l'�-� �.�.� _.�_-�=.r��"--�.d.�;.__...`
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