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<br /> If Lender requir2d martgage Fnsurance as a co�dition of making the►oan secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 8orroWer shall pay the premiums reqe,ired to maintairs the insurance in eftec4 untit such time as the requirement for the
<br /> � insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and LendePs written agresment or applicable law. •
<br /> 8. leapect€ort. Lender or its agent may make reasonabte eniries upon and inspections of the Property.Lender
<br /> _ shall give Borrower natice at the time oi or prior tv an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> S. Corkie�rt�taS�. Th2 proceedsvf a�sy awarc�o�ctaim fflrdamages,direct or consequsntial,in connec4inrt with
<br /> any condemnation or other taking ot any part of tha t3ropeity,or for conveyance in tieu ot condemnatiort,are hereby �
<br /> assigrted artd shal!be paid tQ Leader.
<br /> [�the event of a tota�Eak�ng of the Property,i���prbceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security .
<br /> : Irtst�c:.��ent,whether Q�nc G:f^er,due,witis any excess oaid tn.2�rcow•zr.In the event of a par[+al taking of the Property, �
<br /> - ', . unlessBorrower4srdf�r���ct,".erwise��_�ainv�riting,thesumG�-�;�redbythisSecuritylnstrumentshallbereducedby
<br /> the 8mount of t:�e praceects r-��:'t:plied b�r:he following fraction: (a} the total amount of the su:ns secured immedi�tely
<br /> betarethe taking,di�idedb f��?`hefairmarket valuee€i�+a�roperty immediately before thetaking.Any balanceshall be
<br /> + paid to 8orrower.
<br /> ` tf the Property is aban�oned(oy Bc��c�ser,or:t'. :`;:er notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to
<br /> make an award orsettte a claim for damagss,��r-a�er fa�IS to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is
<br /> givpn,Lender is authorized to collect and a�::r�tF��,�:=eeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or
<br /> «...;r.
<br /> , l�._,r.�sums secured by this Security Instrumsnt,��.�n��ar ar no4 then due.
<br /> • , ;,. fJntessLenderandBorroweroiher�vi�eagre�`�:ai:�t�r..�,anyappl'scationa`,^�<�ceedstoprincipa�s!�._r�notextendor
<br /> i . . '':C��ponethed�ce�ateofthemonthlypa�r.-s:c��isreferr%�Co�.nparagraphs?and.�.^-:1ar.aecb�,�rc�.^^��`��c:�t�payr�ec�:.,.�.. �
<br /> ; � . f0. Bvr�s Not Rekssed; Far�trartce By Lender N¢f�'Wa[ve� Ex:er,�i.n fl'r��j-� t,.^-:e.;�: payrt�e�2.:�
<br /> `• � modification c�::�;�L�°��zation of the su::,��c�red by this Secur•:���}�'r,-trument.gr�r'cd L.��:�-�er to�3�succes3ai%r� - `
<br /> ' int�.r�tafBor��le.*si7a'3.r:cz�raratetorereasetheliabilityofthecrtgina�8orr�r�:�:�a<:3c�:�c�rar'ssucces�a,�.iair`_:est:
<br /> �.� ; Lert��r shall rtcE�.�r��.�r2�`s:c�rnmence proceedirt�s against any success�=+�::.�-.`�rss3 cr refuse ta�.�tt�'.�rcf Ei.r,.2#3r
<br /> payment or oth�rr�rr�a:rc�•:��:���*�tion of the surt;�cncured by this Secar�q-.=�^��^;�f by reason cf ar,y t'r��r�u '
<br /> � maQebythear��r.;r,:G-_-rc���-�TR�r-�r�er'ssuccessorsininteres2.t�nyforbea�=riL.��.���.r.�;c-•.inexercisinrar.Y�i���i�� ' �
<br /> . ." , rertsdy shall rtcL-ty:,o•,�r-_iv�r��cr prec[e�c!he exercisa ot any right or reme���. •
<br /> 1trt. Sacesscrsat,���i�,_t-3SOUC1Wi12`i,'!2����r�alLiabillty;Co-stgnee�. -!-�ec.���-.a:-tsanda���-entsofthis .
<br /> ` ; ���;��ty Instrurrt•-`�''a:!c����ard benE:�:-�.��;.,��_�r-�sand assignsof Lende-�:�d 9orra:a,�;r,subject io'it�e prOVisions
<br /> • of paragraph 17. �crrower's covenants a.-���reements shall be�oint and several. Any t34�aower who casigns this
<br /> Securitylnstrumentbutdoesnotexecutetre{Vote:(a)isco-signingthisSecuntylnstrumentonlytomortgage,grantand �
<br /> � convey that Borrawer's interest in the Property underth2terms of th�s Secunty Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated
<br /> ' to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument:a nd(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to . ,,.:;�
<br /> extend,modity,forbear or make any accommodat�ans with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note �� ;�:
<br /> without that Borrower's consent '� =:.r
<br /> 12. LoOn Charges. If the loan secured by th�s Ser.ur�ty Instri,ment�s sub�ect to a law wh�ch sets maximum loan
<br /> charges, and that law �s tinally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coltected in =
<br /> conneCtion with the loan exceed the prem�tted hmits. then �a)any such Inan charge shall be reduced by the amount -
<br /> F necessary t�reduce the charye to the perm�tted tim�t;and(bj any sumsalready collected from Borrower which exceeded
<br /> ` Rermitted limits v�ill be refunded to Borrower Lender rnay choose to make th�s refund by reducing the prinCipa)ov�ied �
<br /> • undertheNotearbymakingadirectpaymenttosorrou+ser Ifarefundre�ucespnnc�pal.thereductionwillbelreatedasa
<br /> _ partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the N�te �`�
<br /> 13. !eg(stationAffectingLender'eRlghts. IfenaGmentorexpir�tionofapphcablelaotishastheeifecto}rendermg
<br /> any provision of the Note or this Secunty Instrumen!unentorceable according to its terms.Lender,at its option. may
<br /> require immediate payment�n full otall sums secured by this Security In�tnimEr.:and m�y�nvoke any remedies permitted '
<br /> . by paragraph 19. It Lender exercises this option. Lereder shall tai:,�the s'ec�;s{�ecified �n the second paragraph ofi •
<br /> paragraph 17. �.
<br /> 14. Nottces. Any nat�ee to Borrower prov�ded fcr�n th�s Secunty In=truc�:ent shall be g�ven by detivermg it or by %
<br /> . maiting it by hrst class ma:�: .,;r.ess aFp��cable law req,�res use of another rrrethod.The not�ce shall b�directed to the ;.
<br /> Prd ert Address or an othc r rr�or.�- � �"
<br /> R Y y �8c�rower designAtes by nntic e to Lender Any nohce to Lender shall bo given by '�
<br /> first Class mail to lertder's address sta'e�r.._:;in or�nyother addre�•��ender designates by noUCe to 8orrower.Any notice '
<br /> !'�
<br /> provided tor in this Security t�Strumen�s!7a�;be deemed tohav�been given to Barrower or Lender when given as prov��2d �
<br /> m this paragraph ,
<br /> - 15. Gover�ir�Caw;��rerabiflty. This Secunty Instrument shall be govcrned by federal law and the law ot ihe � • •
<br /> jurisdiction in v�htch the Property is located In the event that any provision or clause o}this Security Instrument or th� . _
<br /> Note cpnilicts w::�- applicable law,such conllict shall not affeCt othE•r provisions of this SeCUnty Instrument or the hot�
<br /> which can be give�effect without the contlicting provisi on To this encf the pr�visions of this Secunty Instrument and the
<br /> � Note are declared to be severablo.
<br /> - 16. Borrower'�Copy. B��rrower shaU be given one coniorme0 copy ot the Note and ot this Secunty Instrument
<br /> "� 1T. Tran�ferolihePropertyora Berteticial lnterestin 8arrower. If,�II or any part of the Property o►any interest m
<br /> s it is sold or tr�nsferred(or i}a beneticial inferest in Borrower is so�d or transierred�nd 8orrower�s not a natural person)
<br /> without Lender's pripr written consent.Lender may,at d5 option,reqwre immed�ata payment in full of all sumssacured by
<br /> this Secunty Instrument.However,this option shall nottreexercised by Lender rt exercisC�s proh�b.�ted by fedor�l law as of
<br /> the date of this Secunty Instrument "
<br /> _ IfLenderexercisesth�;;�Ation.Lendarshallgive�orrowernot�cea}acce'eraUon 7henoticesh�llprovideaperiod
<br /> ofnotlessthan30daystrom^�3datethenoticeisdelivoredormailedwdh�nvah ��Borrowermustpayallsumssecuredby
<br /> �� th�s Security Instr+,ment.N Ecrrower fails!o pay theso se�ms prior to the exp�rac.��of ih�s per�od.Lender m7y invoke 4!��s ;-- _-- _
<br /> remedie�perm�t"�.�1�y th�S�2c�rity Irstrument without }urther nct�ce or dem�.^�on B�r��;�r
<br /> 18. 8orrowei s R[ght I:r�'Reinstate. It B�rro�•rer.^�eets certa�n cond�t�c^s 3orr�wer��a;l have�'�'�3 right to have �
<br /> enforcement of this SeCUr�+,•,���:;�rument G�SC9ntinuc�3S+:3ny timepnor to the�ari�er oi�(a)��:,;;�s(or suG�,�ther peripd as
<br /> � • applic�ble law may spec�`��"a�;einstaten�e•��ta belore safe of the Prpperfy,pursuant to any p:,��t G•�1 sale contained in th�s � �
<br /> Seeu;fiyinsirur��r•<<,c�+;uT�:���cye,iajucfyr•�.ntenforeingthisSecunr,sl`nsttumenr tnos�co{�d�r',onsarelhatBorrower.{�) -
<br /> pays Lender ali:��ir;�.tt�Ch ift,>n would bU dt�e under thi5 SeCUrity I:s,rument and!rie Not�h�d��o acccleratron occurred:
<br /> (b)cures ahy��''2•.H at am�-„her covenants or agreements. (c) pays all expt�Ti�;es incu►red in entorc;ing th�s Secunty
<br /> � � Instrument.inc��Cmq,but not I�m�ted to.rc�sotr�bl�att�meys'!ees:�nd(��;akC•>�ueh aCtic�n as Lender rti�y reascm�oly
<br /> reyu�re tnassure that thv Iien ol this Secunty Insbument.Londer'S e'ighls in tFto L'rpperty and BOrrowet's obl�gation to pay�
<br /> the sums seetapd by this Secunty InstrumeM si�all cont�nue unch�nged Upan reinstatement by 8�rrower,this Secur�ty n
<br /> InstrumE�nt<+nd the obhgatia�is secured herc;by shaU rerriain tully E 1fecUve as i!no�ccel�rahan had t�Cr,lirr�d Hc��NC�ver
<br /> - 1h�s���ht tu rCin;t<�tfs 5h,111 not apply�n 1h�r<:a�Sf�U���CCeleraLur�ur�dC►p.irtu;t.inh� 1:t trr t I r
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