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<br /> � 90-�00818 � .
<br /> �1QlObt /1LL !�N SY Tl�SE P3tES1�TS: .
<br /> � � �
<br /> � THAT �aek Kemp " , Secretary of Housfag and Urbin Qevelopment,.
<br /> of il�shinatop, D. C. , Grantor, in coasider�tion of the suai of ONE DOI.T�c {�1,� and
<br /> � - athss v�Iuible coasideratioas in teand paid, do�s hereby gc�at, barga�in, sell �nd convey
<br /> unto Don R. Richards and Frances E. Rlchards
<br /> '. �f Gr�n�i Is�an� Ne�:.as� • pru er���S, �
<br /> as �oint tenants� and not �� teaants iR caa�on, the o Iar ng descrl:�� �1 p , , _
<br /> situ�te ie thc County of Ha11 , State of Nebr�sk�� to wit: „ �
<br /> _� � � A tract af l�d in Geer SubBivision tQ the City of Grartd Island, �.a�.l ,
<br /> CQUnty, Nebraska, described as fol�.ows: Beginning at the Southwest
<br /> Carner of Lot Trrenty-Seven (27), thence running northerly along and
<br /> apon the west line of said lot for a dist�nce of 25 feet to the actual
<br /> ; point of beginning, trcence continuing nartherly a distance of 118.6
<br /> � feet to the southerly boundary line of 2�th StsECtc, runr�ing thence
<br /> � eastsrly along ana upar� the southerly Ixr�,;.r.cdary line of �Oth Street for
<br /> a dfs3.�nce of 66 fee�, �?�ence running s��therly along arte� upon the � - �
<br /> east 3.ine of Ir�t �.'s�.-e^�•-Seven (27) for a distance of 118.4 feet, - -
<br /> thence westerg�a �cr a distance of 6b feet to the place of beginning; �'��'�
<br /> also known as 521 East 20th, Grand Zsland, Nebraska 688fl1. ' �,_i
<br /> � =o.::
<br /> i .
<br /> 1 . �
<br /> � �t;
<br /> , '
<br /> � , 2
<br /> , � .
<br /> 1'
<br /> DE�HG ehe e�me pra�erty a���nired by the Gr��sor purauant tn the provi�fona oE ehc • - �.�
<br /> � National Hou�ing Act, as afnended (12 tlSC 1701 tt aeq.► and the Department af Hausia;� end .
<br /> Usbarti Oevelopment Act QA� Stat. 667). . ' �_:-�
<br /> , TOGETf�R WITH aIE tenem�nta, heYec�c�amenra snd appurtenancrs thereunto belong��R. �
<br /> �nd all the e�t�te. right� tit2�, lererest. claiar ar denund whatsccv�.r nf the s�id � � -
<br /> Gsintor. of, la. or to tbe •�a�cs dr �n�y pare ther��f. �
<br /> 2Y �EINC the intencion of ali partf.es h�reto th�t irt tht event of thc deneh aF �
<br /> either of •aid Gr�nteea, the enttra fee •itople title to the real estate de=Zribed herein
<br /> rhall vest !n the su=vivi�g Grea��e.
<br /> Tb HAVE 14ND TO NOLD the �bove de�cribed premisea, vith et�e appurten�n.e�. �mto the �
<br /> said 4 ranteei aa Jofnt tenant�� �nd not �i een�nts in co�nnon, and tc rh.e�r �tai�es, or
<br /> to the heira and aaaigna of the ausvivoY o�' chtm. forever, anal rhe seid 5ectetary of
<br /> � Housing •nd Urb�n Developaent, �nd for his �ucce�sore and a��igns� doea covenant wlr�:
<br /> � the Craetee• her�in n�m�►d� md With their �i�i�ns �nd wtth the heire. and aisigns of ehe �-�--- ---
<br /> survivor of them, th�t the ��id Grantor i� l�rfully �eited of satd premise�; th�t thry '
<br /> - �re frs� tros incunbrince; thar tha said t:rantor h�• gaod right and lavful •uthority . �
<br /> to ��11 the •a�e� �nd that tht �+�id Secret�ry oF Housing �nd Urbin Development, vill, ' �
<br /> .- rna� 6f* succ�rtrvrs ma ■xrfart�� �hat?�, iFfsRr"fiti�r7 �nd aSFEFr`a tn• sama unto tfie named �Tantees .
<br /> �ne unto their •��ig�� and th• heis� �nd ���igns oE thr survivor of them� Eoreves, at�rinst
<br /> � the lawful ctainu and denunds of •11 per�one claiminu hv� thro��al, or under rham� and ,
<br /> . �„� •��io�t no ath�r el�ims or dss�nds.
<br /> SUdJ6C'r to •11 coveo�nt�, se�eriction�, re�ervatiome, ea�+e��wntd, rundfltons end �
<br /> rifht� appe�rlug af racord; �nd S1J8J�CT to �ny rute aP f�cty en erc��r�te Hurvev �+uul�l � ��
<br /> _ •hOv. r`
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