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2� 17� 1 � 17 <br /> DEEl� �F TRUST <br /> �C�ntinuedj Pag� 7 <br /> r►va+�er ts gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. Na de�ay❑r vmissivn on the part o# Lender in exercising any right <br /> shail operate as a wai�er of such right or any other right. A wa��er by Lend��vf a pro�is�on o�this ❑eed of Trust <br /> shali not prejudi�e ar constitute a wai�er of Lender's right otherwise t❑ demand strict compliance with that <br /> prv�ision or any other pra�ision af this Deed of Trust. No privr wai�er by Lender, nor any course of dealing <br /> be#ween Lender and Trustor, sha�l cvnstitute a wai�er of�ny of Lender's rights or�f any vf Trustor's obligetions <br /> as tv any future transactians. Whene�er the cvnsent of Lender is required und�r this Deed of Trust� the granting <br /> af such consent by Lender in any instan�e shall not constitute �vntinu�ng consent to subsequent instances where <br /> such consent is required and in at�cases such consent may be gran#ed or withheld in the svle dEscretian of L�nder. <br /> S��erability. If a court v#�vmpetent jurisdic#ion finds any pro�ision of this ❑e�d of Trust to be illegaf, in�alid, or <br /> unenfvrceable as �o any circumstance, that #inding shall not make the offending prv�ision �Ilegal, in�alid, or <br /> un�nforc�able as to any ❑ther circumstan�e. If feasible, the ❑ffend�ng pro�ision shall be c�nsidered modified so <br /> that it becomes legal, �alid and enforceable. If the of#ending pro�ision cannot be so modified, it sha�l be <br /> considered deleted fr�m this �eed of Trust. Unless vtherwise required by �aw, the iliegality, in�aiid�ty, or <br /> unenforceability vf any prv�ision of this ❑eed vf Trust shall not affect ths legality, �alidity or enfarceability of any <br /> other pro�ision of this Deed v#Trust. <br /> Suc�essors and Assigns. 5uhject to any limitativns stated in this Deed of Trust on transfer of Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed of Trust shalf he binding upon and inure to the henefit v� the parties, their successors and assigns. f# <br /> ownership o�the Proper#y becomes �ested in a person other than Trustor, L�nder. without notic�to Trustor, may <br /> deaf w�th Trustor's su�cessors with reference to this�eed of Trust and the Indebtedness by way af forb�arance or <br /> extension without r��easing Trustor from the vbligations❑f this Deed of Trust or liability under the lndeb�edness. <br /> Time is a#the Essencs. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Desd of Trust. <br /> Waf�e Jury. A!I parties to this Daed of Trust hereby wai�e tha right tv any jury triai in any action, procggd�ng. or <br /> counter�laim brought hy any party agains#any ather party, <br /> Waiver o# Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby reieases and wai�es all rights and benefits o# the homestead <br /> exemption laws❑f the State of Nebraska as#o all Indebtedn�ss secured hy this D�ed vf Trust. <br /> DEFINITIDNS. The foffowing capitalized words and t�rms shall ha�e the following meanings when used in this De�d v� <br /> Trust. LJnless spe�ifically stated to the contrary, all references ta dvllar amvunts sha�l mean amounts in fawful money <br /> vf the llnited States of America. Words �nd terms used in the singular shall includs the plural, and the plura� shall <br /> include the singular, as the context may requ'rr�. Words and terms not vtherwise ds�ined in this Deed of Trust shail <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such terms�n the llniform Comm�rcia!�ode: <br /> Bana�ic�ary. The ward "Benefi�iary" means Exchange Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> gorrower. The word "Bvrrower" means TAMMY PHAM and inciudes al�co-signers and ca-makers signing the Note <br /> and al!their successors and assigns. <br /> Dead of Trust. The words."De�d of Trust" mean this ❑eed of Trust among Trustar, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes without �imi#ation all assignment and security int�rest prt�isions rel�tir�+g�-tv the Personal Prvperty and <br /> Rents. :;� <br /> . r � <br /> De#ault. The word "Defiault" rrreans the Default s�#forth in this Deed v�Trust in t�e section#it�ed "Default". <br /> En�ironmen#el Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and att state� federal and local statutes, <br /> regulatians and ardinances relating ta the prote�tivn of human health or the �n�ir�nment. including without <br /> limitation the Comprehensi�e En�ironmental Respons�, Compensation, and Liability Ac# af 19$Q, as amend�d, 42 <br /> U.S.C. 5ection 96D1, et seq. ���ERCLA"�, the Sup�rfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act o# 198fi, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"�, the Hazard�us Materials Transpartativn A�t, 49 U.S.G. 5ection 18�1,et seq.,the Res�urce <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.C. 5ection fi9�"l, et seq., or vthsr applicable state or federaf laws, ru�es, <br /> or regulations ad�pted pursuant thereto. <br /> E�ent vf Defaul#. The wards "E�ent af Defau�t" mean any o#the e�ents af default set tofth in this Deed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents vf default se�tion af this Deed vf Trust. <br /> �uar�nty. Th�wvrd "Guaranty" means the guaranty frvm guarantor, endvrser, su�ety, or a��ammodation party tv <br /> Lender, including without limitation a guaranty of all ar part o#the Nvte. <br /> Hazsrdous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials tha#, because of their quantity, <br /> concentration ar physica�. chemicai or infectious characteristics, may cause or pvse a present or potentiaf hazard <br /> to human health�r the en�ironment when improperly us�d, treated. stored, disposed❑f, generated, manufactured, <br /> transpvrted or otherwise handled. The wvrds "H�aardvus 5ubstan�es" are used in their�ery broad�st sense and <br /> include without limitation any and all hazardous or toxic substan�es, materia�s or waste as defined by or listed <br /> under th� En�iranm�nta! Laws. The tefm "Hazardvus 5ubstances" als❑ includes. withaut limitatian, petraleum and <br /> petroleum hy-products or any fraction therevf and asbestos. <br /> Impro�ements. Th� wvrd "Imprv�ements" means all existing and future impro�ements� buiidings, structures, <br /> mohile hames affix�d on th� Real Property. facilities. additions, replacements and other construction on the Real <br /> Property. <br /> �ndebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means alf principal, interest, and �#her amvunts, costs and expenses <br /> payable under the Nate or Related Dvcuments, together with all renewals vf, extensions o�. m�dificativns ❑f. <br /> consolidativns of and substitutions for the Nvte or Related aocuments and any amounts expended ar ad�anced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's abligativns or expenses incurred hy Trustee or Lender tv enfarce Trustor's <br /> obligatians under this Deed �f Trust, together with interest an such amounts as pro�ided in this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> 5pecifically, wi�hout limitation, lndebtedness inciudes the future ad�ances set forth in the Future Ad�ances <br /> �aro►►ision, together with a!I interest thereon and all amoun�s that may be indirectly secured by the <br /> �ross-�ol�ateralization pro�isivn vf this Deed of Trust. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Ex�hange Bank, its successors and assigns. <br /> Note. The word "Note" means the prom�ssory note dated February 10, �017, �n the vrig�nal princ�pa! <br /> amvunt of $4��.��Q.Q�from Trus#o�t❑ Lender, togsther with all renewals vf, extsnsivns of, mod�f�cations <br /> of. refinancings o#, cvnsolidativns of. and substitutions for the pramissary note ar agreemen�. N�TICE T� <br /> TRUST4R: THE N�TE C�NTAINS A VARiABLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Personal Property. The words "Personal Proper#y" mean all �quipment, fixtur�s. and other a�ticles �f personaf <br /> property now or hereafter ownsd by Trustor, and naw or hereafter attached or aff�xed ta the Real Property; <br /> together with all accessions, parts, and additions tv, all replac�ments of, and afl sut�stitutions f�r, any of such <br /> property; and tvgether with all pra��eds �including without fimitation all insurance pr��eeds and refunds �f <br /> premiumsj frvm any sale or other dispasition o#the Property. <br /> Property. The word "Praperty" means cvlle�ti�ely the Rea�Property and the Personal Property. <br /> Real Prvperty. The words "Real Property" mean the real property, interests and rights, as #urther descr�bed in this <br /> ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Related Dacuments. The wvrds "Related Documents" mean ail promissory nates, credi# agreements, ioan <br />