2� 17� 1 � 15
<br /> �EE� �F TF�LJ�T
<br /> L�ar� N�: ����7��� ��[]�1$i�1u��� Pag� 7
<br /> that if Lender does cansent �o a reques�, that does not m�an that Trustor wil� nat have t� get Lender's consen�
<br /> again if the si��uatian happens again. Trustar further understands that just because L�nd�r cansents to one ar mare
<br /> of Tru�tor's r�quests, that �oes not mean Lender wil� be required to cons�n�t to an� of Trustor's future requ�sts.
<br /> Trustar waiv�s �res�n�ment, �iemand fvr payrnent, protest, ar�� noti�e vf d�shonar.
<br /> Se��r��ility. I� a caurt finds that any prau�sfon a� �his Q�ed of Trust �s nat valid a� should not be enfar�ad, that
<br /> fact by itself wi�� nat mean �ha��he rest af this Deed o�Trust v�i11 na� be va�id or en�orGed. Theref�re, a caurt wil�
<br /> enf�rce�he r�s�t of th� �r�visi�ns of th�s Deed o�Trus�e�en i� a pr�Wision vf this Deed ❑f Trust may be found to be
<br /> in�alid ar unenfor�eabfe.
<br /> �u�cessars and Assig�s. Suhj�Gt ta any limitations stat�d in this Deed of Trust on transfi�r af Trustor's interest,
<br /> this ❑eed af Trust sha�l be binding up�n and inure to �he benef�� ofi the pa��fes, their successars and ass�gns. If
<br /> aWn�rsh�p of�he Pr�perty ���omes vested in a pers�n a�her than Trust�r, Lend�r, withaut notice �a Trustor, may
<br /> de�i with Trustar's successors with r�fierenc�to this aeed o�Trust and�I�e Indeb�edness by uvay c�#f�rbearanc� or
<br /> extension wi-thou�releasin�Trust�r from th�vbliga��ons a�this Deed of Tru��or�ia�ility under the Inde�tedness.
<br /> Time as of th�Ess�nc�. Time i� of�th�essenc� �n the p�rformance af�his Qeed af Trust.
<br /> UUaiv� Ju��. ►41� p�rt�es tv this �e�d of Tr�st her�by wai���h� r�ght to a��jury tri�� �� an� ��t�on. �roceed�ng. Qr
<br /> c�un�er�lairr�hrough�l��1�r��'party�g�ins�any v�h��`p�.r�y.
<br /> till����,�r af Hor�es�e��! �ac�m��i�n. Trustor her�by r�l�ases and waives al� �ights and b�nefits o� �he ham�stead
<br /> exempt�an iaWvs nf t�e �tate o�fVebraska as�� a�i �ndebtedness se�ured by this d��� o�Trust.
<br /> �EF1NiT101V�. The fol�ovuing w�rds shall har�e the folla�rvin� m�anin�s when us�d in�his Qeed of Trus�:
<br /> ��r�efiGiary. The word "Bene�Ficiary" m�ans Equ�tab�e Bank, and its su�cess�rs and ��s�gns.
<br /> B�rravgre�. The w�rd "Borr�vver" means Edward H �onroy and Kim Fi �anra� and �n��udes all co-signers and
<br /> co-rnakers signing�he Note and a!I�h�ir successars and a�signs.
<br /> �eed Q# Tr�st. Th� w�rds "Deed o� Trust" mean this Deed �f Trust among Trust�r, Lender, a�d Trustee, and
<br /> inelud�s tirvi�h�u�t IimitatiQn all ass�gnm�nt and se�urity int�rest proWisions relat�ng �� �che P�rsona� Proper�y and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Enr��ranm�nt�l L��,vs. The wards "Enviranmental Laws" mean any and a�l state, �federa� and �o�ai sta�cutes,
<br /> regula�ions and vrdinances relating �o th� protection a� human hea�th o� the environment, including wi�h�ut
<br /> limitatian the Campr�hensive EnVironm�ntal R�sponsa, �ompensat�an, and Liability Ac� o� �9��, as amended, A-�
<br /> U.S.C. Secti�n 96�1, et se�. {"'CER�LA"}, -�he Sup�rfur�d Amendm�nts and R�authoriza�ion Act of �9��, Pub. L.
<br /> hlo. 9�-499 4"SARA"�, the Ha�ardaus Mat�rial�Transparta�i�n Ac�, �-9 U.S.�. ��ctian 1���, et seq., the F�esQurce
<br /> C�nservation and Re�overy A�t, 4� �1.S.C. Se�tion �901, et seq., or�ther applicabi� sta�e ar �ederal laws, rules,
<br /> �r r�gula�ions adopted pursuant thereto.
<br /> E�en��f Defa�i�t. The words TFEvent of Defau�fi" mean an�o�the events of d�fau��set forth in this ��ed�f Trust�n
<br /> the event� of d��aul�sectian of this L�eed of Tru�t.
<br /> Ex�s�ing �ndebtedrtess. The w�rds "Existing Ind����dness" rn�an the [ntlebtedness d�scribed in the Existing Liens
<br /> pro�isian�f this [�eed af Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. Th� word "�uaranty" means th� guaranfiy from guarantor, endorser, suret�r or acc�mmodation par�y ta
<br /> L�nder, including ►tvithout lirnitati�n a guaran�y of all or part of the Not�. �
<br /> Hazardous 5u�as�a��es. The words "Hazardaus 5ubs�ances" mean mate�ials that, because af their quantity,
<br /> con�entrativn or physic�l, chemical or infectious charac�eris�ics, ma� cau�e �r p�se a present or pot�ntiai hazard
<br /> ta human health or the en�ironment vtirhen impraperly us�d, treated, stared, dis�osed o�, generated, m�nu�actured,
<br /> transport�d or �therw�s� handl�d, Th� wards "Hazardaus Su�stan�es" are used in �th�i� ver� braad�st sense and
<br /> include w�th�ut lirr�ita��on any and all hazardous or t�xic substan�es, materia�s or vvaste as d��fine� by ar I�sted
<br /> �nder�he Environmental Laws. The �erm T'Ha�ar�Qus Substances" alsa includ�s, withaut limi�a�ian, �etr��eum and
<br /> petraleum by-pr�ducts ar any fraction thereaf and asbesfios.
<br /> Impro�rements. The vvard "[mpr�Wements" means all existing and fu�ur� impro�em�nts, buil�ings, structures,
<br /> m�bil� h�m�s affixed �n �the Real Property, faci�ities, addi�ions, r�piacemen�s and other �anstruction an the Real
<br /> Pr�perty,
<br /> Irtdebfi�dness. The w��-� "lndebtedness" m�ans al� principai, interest, and othe� amaunts, costs and �xpenses
<br /> payab[e under th� Nate or I�ela��d ❑ocumen�s, together vvith a�l renevual� of, e�tens�on� �f, mQdificati�ns of,
<br /> cvnsolida��ons o�F and substitutions for�he fVo�te �r Related Docum�n-�s and any amounts expended or ad�an�ed by
<br /> �ender to dischar�e Trustor's abligations ar exper�ses incu�red hy Trus�ee or Lend�� ta enfor�e Trustor's
<br /> abli��ti�ns under this D���1 �f Trust, tog�ther with interes�an such amounts as pro�id�d in�his Deed ofi Trus�.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" m�ans Equitabfe Bank, its successars and assigr�s. The words "successors or
<br /> assigns" mean any person ar Gampany that acquir�s any�nterest in the Nat�. . :
<br /> Nvte. Th� word "Nat�" means the pr�miss�ry nate dated Febru�ry �3, ���7, �� th� ��l�l17�� �]CI�CI���
<br /> am�u�t of $�40,�C��.�� from Borrawer to Lender, together with al� renewals of, ext�nsians of, mod�ficatians
<br /> of, refinancin�s ofi, consolidations of, and substituti�ns �F�r�he promissory n�t��r��reem�nt. The maturity d�t� �f
<br /> -�his Deed of Trust is February 15, 2�32. NO�ICE T� TRIJST�R: THE NOTE ��NTa41l�5 �1 01�4R�A�LE INTEREST
<br /> RATE.
<br /> P�rsan�l Property. The words "Personal Pr�perty" mean al� equipment, fixtures, and other artic�es af persona[
<br /> property now or hereaft�r �wne� �� Trustor, and n�w or h�r�a�fier attached or affiixed t� the Real Property;
<br /> tagether with all accessions, parts, and add�t�ons ta, all rep[acem�n�s �f, and a[I subs�ki�u�ians for, any �� su�h
<br /> property; and fio�ether wi�h al[ proc�e�is �inc�uding vvithout limitatian a�l insurance �raceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums} fram any sale or�ther di�position of�he Property.
<br /> Property, The wor� "Property" means callectivel�th� Real Praperty and the Personal Proper�y.
<br /> F�ea[ Prape�y, The tirv�rds "Real Praperty" mean the real prt�perty, interests and r�ghts, as further d�s�ribed in this
<br /> ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Re[ated Dacumsnts. Th� wards "Related QaGumen�s" m�an a11 pr�missor}� n�t�s, credit agreements, laan
<br /> agreements, enviranmental agreements, guaranties, securi�y agreements, m�rtgages, deeds of trust, security
<br /> deeds, c�l�ateral martgagesf and all ather ins�ruments, agreements and da�uments, whether naw or hereafter
<br /> exis�ing, executed in connection with the Indebtednes$.
<br /> Rent�. The �vard "Rents" means all pr�sent and futur� rents, r�venues, income, issues, royalties, prafits, and
<br /> ather benefits deriv�d fram the Prop�rt�.
<br /> Trustee. The ward "Trustee" means Equitable Bank �Grand �s�and Region}, whose addres� is �'i�-�15 IV Lacust
<br /> 5t; P� Box 15�, Grand lslan�l, NE 688�2-01 CO and any subs�itute or su�cessor trustees. �
<br /> Trustor. The w�rd "Trust�r" means Canray Family Re�acab[e Trust.
<br />