� 2� 17� 1 � 15
<br /> �E�[] �F T�[J�T
<br /> �v�r� lV�; �1����7��� ����t���ed� �age �
<br /> garravver's or Trusfiar's property in �hich Lender has a li�n. Th�s inc�udes �aking af, garnishing af Qr �eWying an
<br /> Barrawer's or Trustv�'s ac�oun�s with Len�er. Howe�e�-, i�F Barr�wer ar Trustor disputes �n gaod fia�fih vvhether the
<br /> claim �n ►�vhiGh the �al{ing af the Praperty is based is �alid �r reasonab�e, and if ga�rower or Trustar g�Wes Lender
<br /> wr�tt�n n�ti�e ��th� G�aim and fiu�-nish�s L�nder with rnanfes or a surety bon�l sat�s�a�tary to Lender to satisfy�h�
<br /> claim, �hen this default pr�rrision vvil� nat apply.
<br /> �r���h mf�ther Agr��men�. Any brea�h by Barr�w�r�r Trustor under th�terms of any other ag�eement �etvveen
<br /> Barro�nr�r ar Trustor and Len�er that is no� �em�died vuithin any grac� peri�d pr��i�ed therein, including without
<br /> �im�tation any agreement �an��rning any indeb�edn�ss ar other ob�igation af Borrov�er or Trustor to L�nder,
<br /> whether�xisting naw or lat�r.
<br /> Events A�ff���in� tau��antvr. Any of the pre�eding events accurs v�ri�th respect�a any guarantorr �ndorser, surety,
<br /> �r accammodati�n Rarty of any af the �ndebt�dness �r any �uarantar, �n�orser, surety, or accomm�datian par�y
<br /> d�es or b���mes incampetent, ar revol�es ar dis�utes ���e Walielity o�, Qr liabil�ty under, any �u�ran�y of the �
<br /> Ind��tedrress.
<br /> �nsecur��y. Lende�in g�ad�ai-th belie�es itsel#insecure.
<br /> Ex�sfing In�eb��c�ness. The pa�ment a� a�y instalimen� a# principal ar any interest on -�he E�is�ing Inde�fiedness is
<br /> not made within the�ime required by�he prarniss�ry n�-�e eWidencing such indeb�edness, or a �e�ault ac�urs under
<br /> the instrument securing such �ndebtedness and is nat cu�ed during any appl�Ga��e grace p�riod in such �nstrument,
<br /> or any suit ar❑ther actian is commenced�a forecl�se an}��xisting lien an�he Property.
<br /> Righ�tv �ure. lf any default, o�her than a default in pa�rm�nt, �s curable and if Trustor has nat heen giWen a no��ce
<br /> o�a brea�h�f the same pro�ision��this Deed of Trust within�h� preceding tv�refv� {1�} m�n�hs, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustar, aft�r Lend�r sends Uvritten noti�e �o B�rrower demanding cure of suc� default: ��� cures the default
<br /> v�rithin twenty ���} days; or t�� i�the cure requires mare�ha�tw�nty 4��� da�s, immediately�nitiates s�eps wh�ch
<br /> Lend�r deems in Lender's sole disc�e�i�n to be sufficient �a cure the default and fiherea�ter con�inues and
<br /> completes a�! reasonable and necessary steps sufficien�to praduce�ompliance as sQon as reasanab�y practical.
<br /> RIGHTS A�I� REAVII��]IE� OiV DEFAUL�. ff an EWent af Default �ccurs under this Deed af Trust, at any time th�r�aft�r,
<br /> Trustee or Lend�r may�xercise any one or rnore�f the foll�wing rights and remedies:
<br /> �4c��lera�i�n Upon ��f�u1�: Adldi�iQnal R�medies. If any E�ent❑� D�fault o��urs as per the terms a��he Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may�leclare all Indehtedness secure� by this de�d vf Trust ta be due and payable and
<br /> t}�e sam�shali thereup�n b��om� due and payable withaut an� pr�s�ntment, demand, pratest ar natic� of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lend�r may:
<br /> �a} Either in person ar by agent� w�th or �ithout bring�ng any ac�i�n �� pr�ceedEn�, ar by a receiv�r
<br /> appoint�� by a caurt and wi�hou� r��ard t� �he adequa�y o� i�s security, en�er upon and tak� passessi�n
<br /> �f�he Praperty, or any part th�re�f, in its �wn name ar in�he nam� of Truste�, and do any acts vuhich it
<br /> d�ems necessary or desirab[e�o preserW� th� value, mar�cetability or ren�ability af the Praperty, �r part�f
<br /> �he Proper�y or interest in fihe Property; increase the income �r�m th� Pr�perty ar prat�ct�h� seGuri�y af
<br /> the Prop�.rtyr and, with or with�ut takin� passession of the Property, sue for ar �therwi�e �allec� �he
<br /> rents, issues and pr4fits of the Praperty, in�luding those pas� due and unp�id� and apply the same, I�ss
<br /> costs and �xpenses of❑peratian and co�le�tion attorneys` f��s, ta any�nclek�tedness secured by th�s D��d
<br /> of Trust, a�l in su�h order as Lender may de�ermine. The entering upon and taking �ossession of the
<br /> Propert�, �he �aliectfon of such ren�s, issues and prof�ts, and the appl�catic�n �here�f shali na� cure ar
<br /> v�raiWe any default�r notic� of de�aulfi under this a��d of Trus� or inval�date any act done in response ta
<br /> such d��ault ar pursuant to su�h not�ce of de�ault; and, notwithstanding�he continuan�� in passessian of
<br /> the Pr�perty a� the ��I�ectianr receip� and a�plicati�n af rents, issu�s or profi�s, Tr�stee ar L�nd�r shall
<br /> be en�itled to exerc�se ��ery ri�ht pra�ided far in fihe hfote ar�he I�ela�ed Docum�nts ar by law up�n the
<br /> o�eurr�nce af any evenfi of defau��, including the right to exercise the pavver of salel �
<br /> �h} C�mrnence an a�tian to foreclos� this D��d �f Trus� as a mortga,ge, appain� a �ece�Wer or sp�ci#ically
<br /> �n�arce any af the caven�nts hereof; and
<br /> 4c� Deliver to Truste� a writ�en dec�aration of default and demand far sale and a written natice af defau�t
<br /> and �I�ction t� cause Trustvr's interes�in th� Prnper�y to �e sol�i, virhich noti�e Trustee shai� cause t❑ �e
<br /> dul�filed far record in the appropriat�o�fices �f the County in whi�h the Praper�y is loca�t�d; and
<br /> (d� Wi�h resp�ct t� afl or any part of�he Personal Property, Len�er shall have a�l �ha rights and remedies
<br /> af a secured party under the IVehrasl�a L�ni��rm Commerc�al Code.
<br /> Farec�osure by Pow�r af Sa1�. [f Lender elects to fareclose by exercise af�he Pawer�f Sale her�in �antained,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trus�ee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust �n�i the Note and such r�c�ip�s
<br /> and evidence af e�cpenditures made and secured by this D��d❑f Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a} Upan rec�ipfi�� such no�ice from Lender, Trustee shal� cause to be record�d, published and d�li�ere�
<br /> t� Trustor su�h IVvtice of Default and fVo�i�� �f Sale as �hen required �y law and by �his D�ed af Trus�.
<br /> Trustee shall, with�ut demand an Trustar, atter such time as may then be requir�d by law and a�ter
<br /> recordation of such Natice af Qefault and af�er Notice af Sale haWing heen giWen as required by iaw, se11
<br /> �he Prop�r�y a� the time and pl�ce of sa9e �ix�d !�y it in su�h Natic� Q� SaIBr either as a whole, ar �n
<br /> separate iats ar parcels or items as Trustee shall desm exped�enfi, and in such arder as i�may determine,
<br /> at put�li� �uction to �he high�st bi�der for cash in [awful money of the United 5ta#es payab�e at the time
<br /> af sale. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof �fis gofld and su#fic�ent deed �r
<br /> deeds canveying the pr�perty so s�ld, but without any co�en�n� or warranty, expres� ❑r implied. T��
<br /> reci�als in su�h de�d of any ma��ers or faGts shall he canclu�ive praaf af �he �ruthfulness th�reof. Any
<br /> per�on, includ�ng with�ut limitation Trustor, Trust�e, Q� Lender, may purchase at su�h sa�e.
<br /> {b} As may b� pe�mitted �y la�, after deducting all casts, fees and expenses �f Trustee and af this
<br /> Trust, in�luding ca�ts a�evidence of�it[e �n connecti�n with sa�e, Trustee shall apply the proceeds�f sale
<br /> ta payme�t af (i} all sums�xpended under the terms af fihis Deed o�T�ust or under th�t�rms af th� �lote
<br /> no� then repaid, including but no� �im�t�d to a��ru�d tr��erest and late chargesr {i�j all ather sums th�n
<br /> s�cured hereby, and =iii} th� remainder� if any� �o the person or persons legally entitled ther�ta.
<br /> �G� Trustee may in the manner proWided by law postpan�sale af a�[Qr any portion af the Pr�pertV.
<br /> Remedies IVvt Exc[usive. Trustee and Lender, and each �f �hem, shafl be entitled to en-�arce payment and
<br /> performance�f any indebtedness or❑b�igati�ns secured by this Qeed of Trust and�a exerGise al1 rights and p�w�rs
<br /> under this ❑eed of Trust, under the Note, under any �f th� Related Documents, o� und�r any oth�r agreement ar
<br /> any laws n��v or hereafter in force; natwithstanding� some ar a!I of su�h indebtedness and obligations secured by
<br /> this Deed vf Trusfi may no�rv or h�reafter be a�herwis� s�cured, v�rhether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledger lien,
<br /> assignment ar o�herwise. Nei�her th� acceptance �f this �eed of Trus� nar its enforcement, wheth�r by c�urt
<br /> act�on or �ut�suant to th� pawer of sa(e or other powers con�ained in th�s Deed a� Trust, sha�l prejudice �r in any
<br /> manner aff�ct Trustee's or Lender's righ� ta reali�e upon or enforce any oth�r security n�w or hereafter he�d by �
<br /> , Trustee or Lender, it being a�reed that Trustee and L�nder, and each�f them, sha[I be enti�le�ta enfarc�this Deed
<br /> of Trust and any Qther security now or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such ��d�r and manner as they ar
<br /> either af th�m may in their absalute discretion deterrnine. N� r�medy con�erre� upon or reser�ed ta Trustee ❑r
<br />