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2� 17� 1 � 15 <br /> �3EE� �� TF��J�T <br /> L�an �V�: �������� {��n��r�u�d} ��g� � <br /> on, under, about or �ram the Praperty by any priar owners or occupants a� the Prc�p�rt�, or 4�� any actua� or <br /> threatened li�i�ation ar cl�ims af any kind by any p�rson refating to su�h matters; and 43y Except as previously <br /> dis�losed t� and acknawledged by L�nd�r in writing, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenant, �ontractor, ag�nt❑r a�her <br /> auth�rized u$er o�the Pr�p�rty sha�� use, �enerate, manu�acture, s�ore, treat, dis�ose of or release any Ha�ardous <br /> Su�stance an, underr abaut or from�he Praperty; and �b� any such act�vity shafl be cvnducted in complianca with <br /> al� appli�a�le ��deral, sta��, and local laws, regulatians anci ordinances, inc�uding without limitation all <br /> Environm�ntal Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lender and its agents to en�er upon the Prop�rty �o make such <br /> inspectians and t�sts, at Trust�r's expense, as Lender may deem app�opriate �r� deterrnine cnmp�ian�e af the <br /> Pr�p�rty with this sec�ian of the Qe�d af Trust, Any znspe�t�ons ar tests made by Lender shall be far Lender's <br /> purposes a;niy and sh�ll not be cons�rued �o create any respansibility or I�abili�y on the part o�Lender to Trus�or or <br /> to any o�her person. The �epresentatians ar�d warranties c�ntained herein are based an Trustor's due di�i�ence in <br /> in�es��gating th� Proper�y for Hazard�us Substances. Trustor hereby �1} r�(eases and waiv�s any future �lairns <br /> against Lender f�r indemnity or Gantri��tian in the e�ent Trustar b�comes liable for �[eanup or oth�r casts under <br /> any such �aws; and 4�} agrees tQ ind�mnify, defen�, and hald harmless Lend�r against any and all cl�ims, lasses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and e�cpenses v�rhich L�nder may direc��y�r indir�ctly susfiain �r suf�er resulting from <br /> a breach �f this seetion of the deed of Trust �r as a cons�quence of any u�e, generation, manufac�u�'e, S�4C�C,]Lr <br /> disposal, release�r threat�ned release occurring prior ta Trus�or`s��vnership or inter�st in the Praper�y, whether�r <br /> nQt the same wa� or shou�d ha�e be�n I�nown t❑ Trust�r. The proWisi�ns of �his secti�n af the ❑eed of T�us�, <br /> including the oEaligatian ta ind�mnify and d�fend, shall sur�ri�e�he payment of the Indebt�dness and the satisfactian <br /> and rec�ri�eyanc� af��e f�en o�this Deed �f Trust and sha�l nQt b� affec�ed by Lender's acquisition of any interest <br /> in the Proper�y, whether by fore�losure �r other�vise. <br /> Nuisance, �as�e. Trustor shall not �ause, conduct ar permi� any nuisance nor cvmmit� permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping a� ar waste Qn or �a �h� Pr�per�y Qr any por��on o� the Praperty, Vllithou� �imiting th� general�ty a� the <br /> fQregoing, Trustar will nat �em��e, ar gr�nt to any o�her par�y�he r�ght to remo�e, an�timber, minerals 4inciuding <br /> ail an� gasyr caal, clay, s�oria, s�i�, grave! �r ro��product� wi�h�u# Lender's pri�r written �onsent, <br /> Removal a�IrnprQverfner��s. Trustor sha[! not demalish or remo�e any lrnproWements#rarn the Real Praperty vtirithaut <br /> Lender`s pri�r v�ritten c�ns�nt. As a �anditi�n t��he r�m�val of any [mpraWem�nts, Lender may require Trustor t� <br /> mal�� arrangement� satisfactar� to Lend�r t� r�plac� such Impr��ernents wi�h lmpro�emer�ts af at least equal <br /> Wai ue. ' <br /> Lender's F�ighfi i�a En��r. L�nder and Lender's agen�s and repres�ntatives may enfier upon the Real Proper�ty �t al� <br /> reasona�ie �imes to a�tend �� L�nder`s �n�er�sts and �ta inspect the Real P�operty f�r purpas�s af Trustor's <br /> com�lian�e lrvi�h the terms and cQnditions��this D��d �f Trust. <br /> �ampli�n�e with G�ve�`nmental Requir�ments. Trustar shall promp��y compl� with a�t �aws, ard�nan��S, and <br /> r�gulations, now or h�reafter in effect, �� al( governmen�a� au�har�ties app�i���l� to the use ar �ccupanGy af the <br /> Pr�perty. Trustar may contest in gaod�aith any su�h iaw, ❑rd�nance, or re�u�ation and wi�hhQld cornpliance dur,ing <br /> any pr�ceed�ng, including appropria�e a�peaIs, so long as Trustar has notified L�nder in writin� pri�r �� da�ng so <br /> and sa [ong as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lende�'s interests in the Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustor to past adequate securi�y�r a surety�aand, reasanably satisfactory�a Lender, t� prat�ct Lender's interest. <br /> Duty fia Pro�ec�. Trus-�ar agrees neither to abandon or leave unattended -�he Prop�rty. Trust�r shall do a[1 oth�r <br /> acts, in ad�ition t�those ac�s set f�rth aboWe in this sectianl whi�h fram th� �haracter and use of the Praperty ar� <br /> re�sonably ne�essary ta pr��ect and preserWe the Property. <br /> DUE �IV SALE- �QNSE[VT �Y LEN[3ER. Lender may, at Lender's optian, dec[are immediately due and payable all sums <br /> secured �y this Deed o�Trusfi upan the sal� �r trans�er, without Lender's priar written c�ns�nt, �f al[ or any part of the <br /> Real Property, or any interest in the Fieal Praperty. A "sale ar trans��r" means t�e conveyance ❑f R�al Pr�p�rty or any <br /> right, titl� ar interest in the Rea! Praperty; whether legal, ben�fi�ial or equitable; whether valuntary or in�a[un�ary; <br /> whe�her by outright sal�, de�d, installmerrt sa(e �on�ract, I�nd cantract, ��ontra�t far deed, [easehald in�er�st with a <br /> term g�eater than three {3� years, I�ase-�ption c�ntracfi, or by�a�er assignmentf ar-�ransf�r nf any ben�#icial int�r�st in <br /> or t� any land �rust halding tit�� t� th� Real Prapert}�, or by any �ther method of canve�anc� of an intere�� in the R�al <br /> Prop�rty. HflvU�ver, this optian shall nat �e exercise� by Lender if such exer�ise is proh�bited hy federal law or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TA�ES AND LIEiVS. The f�ll�wing proWisions relating to the �ax�s and fiens on the Pr�perty are part o� this aeed of <br /> Trus�: <br /> Paym�nf. Trus�or sha�l pay when due �and in all eWents prior to delinquen�y� all taxes, spec�al taxes, assessments, <br /> charges {in��uding wat�r and sewer], fines and impasitians le�ied againsfi ❑r �n acGaunt o�the Pr�perty� and shall <br /> pay �rvhen due a�i claims far war� don� an or f�r serW�ces rendered vr material furnished fio the Proper�y. Trustor <br /> shall maintain the Pr�perty free of all liens ha�ing �riarity aver or�t�ual ��the interest of Lender und�r this Deed �fi <br /> Trus�, ex�ep� for the lien o� �axes and assessments nat du�� except far the Exis�ing lndebtedness re#erred ta <br /> belaw, and excep�t as otherwis� pro�ide� in this �eed�f Trust. <br /> Righ#tv Cvntest, Trus�or may withhald paymen�o�any ta�c, assessment, or claim in cannectian with a goad �aith <br /> dispute aver the obligation ta pay, s� long as Lend�r's interest in the Property is nat jeopardi�ed. ��a fien arises or <br /> is fi�ed as a resuit af nonpayment, Trustor shall wi�hin �ifteen {15� days a�ter the iien arises or, if a lien is fil�d, <br /> within fifteen �15} days a��er Trustar has n�tice of the filing, secure �he dis�harg� a� th� lien, ar if requested by <br /> Lencler, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficien��orporate sure�y�ond ar a�her security satisfactary�o Lender in an <br /> amount suffici�nt ta discharge the lien plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, ❑r Q�her charg�s that c�uld accrue as a <br /> �esu[t of a foreciosure or sale under fihe lien. ln any contest, TrustQr shall d��end itse[f and Lender and sha[I satisfy <br /> any adv�rse judgmen�he�are enfor�ement against th� Praperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an additional ohlig�e <br /> under any surety b�nd furnished in the cQn�est proceedings. <br /> E�iden�� vf Payment. Trustor shal! upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactary eWidenc� af payment of the tax�s <br /> or assessments and shal[ authoriz� the appr�priate ga�ernmen�ai of�Fi�ial ta d�liWer to Lender at any time a �rvri�ten <br /> stat�ment of the taxes and assessments against the Property. <br /> No�ice vf Gvn$tructivn. Trustvr sha[I no�ify Lender at feas�-�ift��n [15} days ��f�re any ��rk is comm�nced, any <br /> services a�e furnished, ar an}� materia[s are supp�ie� to the Property, if any mechanic's l�enf mat�ria�men's lien, ar <br /> other �ien cauld b� asser�ed on ac�Qunt a�f the w�rk, serWices, or materials. Trustar will upon request af Lend�r <br /> furnish t� Lende� a��ance assuran��s �at�sfac�ary to Lend�r that Trustor can and wi�l pay the �ost of �uch <br /> impraWements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAl11iAGE INS�RAN�E, The fol��tinring praWisions re[ating to insuring �he Pr�perty are a part af this ❑eed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance �f insurance. Trustor shal� procure and maintain policies o� -�ire insurance vtirith standard extended <br /> caverage endorsemen�s on a rep�acemen� basis far the fuil insurab[e value c�ver�ng a�[ Improv�menfis an the Rea� <br /> Prop�rty in an amaun� sufficient to avaid a�pli�afii�n af any ca�nsurance clause, and vvith a standard martgagee <br /> �lause in��vor of Lender, t�gether wi�h such other hazard and liab�[it�insurance as Lender may re�sonably r�quire. <br /> Pali�ies �hall be writt�n in farm, amounts, caverages and basis reas�nably aceep�ahie ta Lend�r and �ssued by a <br /> company or compan�es reasQnably a��ep�able ta Lendsr. Trustar, upon request vf Lende�, wil� deliWer ta Lender <br /> from time �Q time the p�licies �r certificat�s af insurar�ce in form s�tisfactary to L�nder, including stipulat�ons tha� <br />