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._i _ . . Sl�.,s -•♦ �e ��.��� �'���.��:.�Ct.�:.���C b<1Et�Y�ria,.�'s.'SicarK� ..tP"3L.- _ ._.w..c,�a L���Ffi�.�tb:ti�'�._fr—•r�i��a�-�+:'�l.'l�a�wu .—.;"_-*:4a���Yi.�- ..-_ <br /> . . . .,_ _ . . _ <br /> � •. ..,�r <br /> --�t:�'iir2�c`us��o�w°�`Cct- .c��'� - � h3T_ ,__� fTi�7+�i�3>S.5'.��.F's-�--�-- ° _ — _.---' — <br /> �i _ <br /> _ __ � . '_ — . � <br /> �� ASSIGMnENT af RENTS � ��O�G <br /> ioosa4 , <br /> TAfs Assiqn�tnt wde Dy and betretn Ernest Mcss t� Ernest 0. Mass. AiU Earnest Otta �toss) an0 the Estate af Rlchard E. <br /> llass IAIEA pfctwrd Iloss� AicA AicAard Ernest Itoss), Oectased tAssignors, rAether ane or �are) artd tAe first State 8ank� <br /> SAeitoo, Mebraska. tlen�er). <br /> � In canslderetion of a!i Dresent and fut�re tndebtedae�s, liabiiities an0 obliqatlons of rhaLerer nature, anO all . <br /> renerais and exttnsia:�s thereaf�as eridenceQ by pr�issory a�tets), security agreeaentts) a�ss laan agreesen4(53, fn <br /> fara�of teadar �cx exscute�os ezecuted i� ti�e fut�,re by Assfqaors: and = <br /> Assiqnors as itssars haMe an0 aili continue to enter into a lease of cutatn �eal estate located in Huffalo aa4 Hail � <br /> � CauntY. Nebraska� teqaliy descri4ed as foilurs: <br /> • Section TMp. Raage <br /> �; . 5lJZ T4 Illi l3ii 6th P.N. <br /> , Mli2, EI/25YI/1 � SEl�4 25 llii t3Y 6tn P.lI. REC�PQEo <br /> E1J2 36 11N 13Y 6th P.N. • <br /> � , all�ip $uffato County, N�braska: and . . �7� �(�f �cc.G¢ tG g2 , <br /> ::. .Ni�(��El./�SYI/4 . : ':;.,t:.:�14lI !2Y 6th P.M. . . d� . . <br /> , : Ndl4�er� i su2aEita . r: ��� : rati 6cn Q.�. �� ,i' � �gp FEB t4 AB�8 . <br /> ��� St/Z��!/� . . - :8� ,Ea��:t�ii 6th PHii � r.�,�' � <br /> ' �i����Y� . .. tl !�� t2w 6tn P.n. 7'��- ���` � : <br /> � . . r�., ��,��/' <br /> . SMI��:.; . . . 3i i IN 12M 6th P.M. �''�o:,;�,.. €1. �- �?!`.•��icw+s�. , : . <br /> �. <br /> • Elia�![I`/.4 � SEI/A � :- 33 ilN 12Y 6th P.M. - ?"' :�.., =. _=�7$ - <br /> � :aE�,�;;; . ,;�.:.�� .. y <br /> ;� . ai! tn iia�! Cnu.nj!f-Nebraska - 8�t-;��,;{Lf::;Rli�i Y.tiE. . <br /> � In;eanslQeration;a�°.sai0 loan5 and indeht��ess ana of the wtua! caven�nts an0 cen0itions containe��hii��in. the Dart[es .. _ , � <br /> a�r,aer ' � '`� . . . <br /> � Assiqno�s herebY ��tl. assiqn� transfer m;c� conyey to lender, i�g W„ccassars and assiqns, ail of the right, title and , � <br /> , inttttst in and ico rents. Drofits and Ine�r� derived fa�� the resF estate deseribea abavfR �itb futl anfl caiplete <br /> k aut�'kuity and tigAt to lender� ta QewnQ, collect� �eceive and receipt for su.�.,rents. tncr�se aa�praf 6t,�. and aay other ����„`±� <br /> ' su�t1�at aay becoae due and �.ya�le under any lease, subsequent fease� reaFrai°;� or ext�asion thecc���., � :•� ����' <br /> ����:'. <br /> Assignors shaDl ex�eute and aeli�er to Lender ail docwents<y to secuc� and perF�t in Lender alt Goyerr�:trt � <br /> pay�ents receirea� or to be recelred� by Assignors during the ters af tAis A�sfign�ent. Assignors rili direct the <br /> aD9to,�ciate GoYernsent agency t� notify LenCer pricr to. or witAin 10 days oE� a payunt af any kind, �ade by the ` <br /> Goyesr.nent to Assignor. The proceeds Fca any Gorr���ent payunt recei�ed in a for� otner than casb will be Paid to „ ' <br /> lender �ttl►in 10 days of its con�ersion to casA. AIl non-cash pay�ents �ust be converted to cash� Drior to expiratian - <br /> of the �isht to Coraver� the Day�ent to cash. to the extent thai sucb conve�sian te not wterially detrlaental to tAe '. <br /> As�ignor's ope�ation. : - <br /> �, :, <br /> Aseigno�e shai) Draoptly notif� lender of tAe na:�es anG adCresses of all Dresent lessees and future ltssees and Geliver ` <br /> . to lender a eopy oF all existing leases and future leases uPon exesution of the 9a�e. + <br /> . Assignors hereby autharizes and directs tenantls) upon thz real property �escribe0 abore and their success��s an� �; � <br /> � assign9 upon ootise by Lender to wke all pay�eats Que under any Itase agree�ent to Lender in iieu�,f. ray�ent to t:, !. <br /> Assignors. : " ' <br /> • , . !�' <br /> 3�1 �unies �ecelved by Lendt� shall be aOPlied at tAe�option of L�der la sucA praportion as lender aay. in its :cl� � <br /> .. . ,;�,.. <br /> � �iscretton� dea praper reqardtess of rhetAer saiq a�unts art applie0 to pr.i;h¢fpal or interest. !;��� <br /> . <br /> � <br /> �" lend�r�ay deliver t4 Assi9n�rs all or p0.zt of the �onfes �ithout QreJudiCe to� it� right� ko take 3r.3 cetalo any future • <br /> �onies and �ithout prejudice tc any of its ot�er ri�hts un0et tAis Instru�ent pr any otRer Instru�ent in connection �ith <br /> �' Dres�lt and future loans. ' _ ' , � <br /> . � <br /> i� Oate:�� ' iehruary L.G1990 • ' Y '`7iv�.� ' i; <br /> � � � - Ernest 11os� 1AKA Errest Moss� Ernast Otto Mos�) <br /> � �� <br /> ' State of Mtbra�ka) Estate of RlcAard E. Ifoss IAKA Alchara Moss, <br /> 1 SS , RlcharC Earnest Mass1 Oeceased by <br /> tounty of Buffatn) •� <br /> �JA1IM�OOOM. ���y��_ ( ,�� <br /> ������ E est Moss IAKA Ernest 0. Aoss, Etnest Otto Moss) <br /> Persoaal Representative %-� --" <br /> - On ttfis ��day of February� l990, hefore �t, a Notary Publie� oersonally appeared Ernest Moss as an individuai and <br /> Ernest Moss. P. R. of the Estate of pichard E. Moss. ta �e Mnorn to De the persun naveQ in and rno executeG the <br /> foregoing iestrwent� an0 ackrto,rledged that Ae executed tAe ga�e as h�s-volu�tary act anQ deed. ' <br /> j?y Cp,�,h.�� J�i'�i�p/y�i� ��. r� . �..�. <br /> L � ( t: <br /> � li0taf uh)iC._-rN•��fl�C�/_y�/L_ �;il <br /> � L ACCEPtAMCE OF NOTICE Uf ASSlGNMeNi �j� �� <br /> . Tenantls3 hereby acNnortedge reclipt of a true coDY ^ <br /> �� <br /> af seFd Assign�ent of 8ents anm atceDt nottce af the provisions tnereof and agree to be aounQ tnerebyt Dayaent af any ;' � <br /> ar.a aii a�unts Que or ta becaae Que in connect�nn rlth or un�er tne proMlsioas of said ►ease. st�alt oe oursua�t *.a tae `'� F <br /> _ Dro�islGnS af tnt �OO�e an� iateqoing Assiqr,�ent of Rcnts. � <br /> _ � ,1 O::te�:_- _ I,. �r ;f tl.� fs'1�,� , t� i 1 -! ____v.� �_. ___ <br /> j , t ;_�.,, �;t. <br />- �,,�: ',i; �: ,i! !:t; , ` J-.-_.__..._ � <br /> , ,. <br /> ,tri-`�` � it, /i, ...�_____ ----.�� .� <br /> .��f^,, <br /> -���. , <br /> i. . <br />