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<br /> _� • This agreement is made and entered into on Ma�ccta I/ , ,
<br /> 1989, by and hetween James S. Gerhold and Colleer� La Gerhold, " � �
<br /> _... husband and wife, and GLC, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, herein-
<br /> after collectively Grantor, whether �ne or� mo�e,' �d Ly�nan-Richey
<br /> Corporation, a corporation duly orgaraized and existing under the
<br /> Iaws of the State of Delaware, autlz�rized to do business in the
<br /> State of Nebraska and having its principal place of business in
<br /> Omaha, Nebraska, hereinafter Grantee. -
<br /> � �
<br /> ; WITNESSETH, Graator, for and in considerati�r�: of the sum ofi
<br /> $10 �zd other good ��d valuable consideration, t]�F recei.pt of
<br /> � whit� _�s hereby acknowledgad, has granted� Harqaf:c�ed, svld and
<br /> { ersri��=�Qd, and by these pre��rts does gra.L�,, �a.�q�.in, seZl and
<br /> c�r,:���^ _unto Grantee, �and Grantee's success��s,aizd,assigns, a
<br /> � �. .'r�gl�i�. 'af first refta�a�l, the term� c�� which are mr�e particularly
<br /> ' • � se� csi� below, t� the real estate m�s�e particul�rly described on
<br /> . � Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, hereina�fter
<br /> � � � rea2 estate..
<br /> ; i. Ricrht of F�:r_st Refia�al. � �
<br /> � ,
<br /> • a. If at amy tiime d�sying the tErm set forth ir�
<br /> � nara�-a�ah 4 h�reof, Granto� shall d�sire te� lease the re�3. ; _•-
<br /> � estat�� in whole or in part, for mining sand and gr�avel, Grantar ' �
<br /> ' shall �end Grantee a copy of a proposed lease, Grantee shall -
<br /> - have the rigY�t within 30 days to accept thc terms of said lease, �
<br /> • in writing, a�.d to� lease the real estate in �rantee�s ow�a name
<br /> for the gross leasa price aa�d on the terr�s �:r.d canr�itions -
<br /> specified in said lease. _
<br /> ; b. If Grantee shall not so elect within the 30-day
<br /> , �ericd, Grantpr may, within 60 days from tl�e date of the expira-
<br /> � tion d� such 30-day period, then lease the real estate to a thir�
<br /> � party- �rovided the third party lease terms, price and condition�
<br /> are no less favorable to Grantor than the terms, price and t <r
<br /> conditions s�fi forth in the lease sent to Grantee. TY the real
<br /> estate is nat leased to a tihird party within 60 days, Grantor ;,�
<br /> : sha11, before leasing the real estate to another ��.Zfrd party, l�� � �=-
<br /> obligated to first re-offer it to Gsantee pursuan� to the terms ' �
<br /> of Paragraph 1 a above.
<br /> c. If Grantor leases the real estate t� a third
<br /> � party, Grantor shall, upon the writt�n request o€ G�antee,
<br /> , disclose to Grant�� i�I�e price, term� a�nd conditions of the lease
<br /> - with the third �rart�,r to confirm that s�id Ic�ase is no less
<br /> - favorable �ha� �I1� 2ease offered to Gr�nt��_
<br /> �
<br /> 2. Warrant�. �Grantor warrants that Grant�r has marketabT�
<br /> tftle to the real e�s�ate and that Grantor has qood right and
<br /> lawful authority to enter into this Right of First Refu�al and so
<br /> _ dispese of th� sand and gravel depasits located thereon m�
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