2� 17��947
<br /> aeb�, whether ❑r not then due, with any excess paid to Trustor. If Trustor abandons the Property, or
<br /> does not answer within 3D days a notice from Sene'ficiary that �he insurance carrier has of�ered �o
<br /> sett�e a c�aim, then Benef�cia�y may collect the insurance proceeds. Benefic�ary may use the proceeds
<br /> �o repair ar restvre the Praperty or t❑ pay the Secured Debt whether or not then due. The 3C�-day
<br /> per�od will begin when �he no�ice is g�Wen.
<br /> Un�ess Seneficiary and Trustor otherwise agree in wri�ing, any appli�ation of proceeds to principa�
<br /> shall no� extend nr postpone the due date of scheduled payments or change the amount of �he
<br /> payments. !f fihe Property �s acquired by Bene�iciary, Trustor's r�gh� ta any insurance policies and
<br /> praceeds r�su�ting fram damage �o �he Proper�y be�ore the acquisitian shall pass to Benef�ciary �o the
<br /> extent o�the Secured Debt immedia�eiy before the acquisition.
<br /> B. Trustv� agrees �o maintain compr�hensive general liab�lity �nsurance naming Beneficiary as an .
<br /> additional ihsured �n an amoun� ac�eptable to geneficiary, insuring against claims arisin� from any
<br /> ac��dent or occurrence in ar on the Property.
<br /> C, Trustar agrees to main�ain renta� Ioss or business int�rruption insuran�e, as r�quired �y Beneficiary, in
<br /> an amount equai �a at leas� co�erage o� one year's debt serWice, and required escrow account
<br /> deposits �if agreed �o separately in writ�ng}, under a farm o� palicy acceptabfe �o Beneficiary,
<br /> ��, ND ES�RDW FOR TAXES AND 1NSURANCE. Unless otherwise prvWided in a separ�ate agreement, Trustor
<br /> w�ll not be required �o pay to Beneficiary funds fvr ta�ces and insurance in escrow.
<br /> ,- .
<br /> 23. FINANC[AL REP�RTS AND ADDIT[flNAL D�GUMENTS. Trus�or w�ll pro��de to geneficiary upon request,
<br /> any financial stafiement or infarma�ion Benefi�iary may deem necessary, Trustor warrants that all finan�ia�
<br /> statements and informa�ion Trus�or pro�ides �o Benef�c�ary are, or wiii be, accurate, carre�t, and cample�e,
<br /> Trustor agrees to sign, deli�er, and f�le as Beneficiary may reasonab�y request any additivnal documen�s or
<br /> certifications that Benefic�ary may consider necessary to perfect, cvntinue, and preser�e Trustor's
<br /> vbligations under this Deed of Trus� and Beneficiary's lien s�atus on the Property. If Trus�or �ails to do so,
<br /> Bene�iciary may sign, deli�er, and file such dacuments or certificates in Trustor's name and Trustor her�by
<br /> irre�acab�y appaints Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent as at�orney in fact to do the �hings necessary tv
<br /> camp�y w��h this sec�ion,
<br /> �his Deed of Trust are ja�nt and indi�ridual, if Trustor si�ns this Deed o�Trust but does not sign the E�idence
<br /> of Debt, Trustar does so only to mortgage Trus�nr's �nterest in the Praperty �a secure paymen� of the
<br /> Secured Debt and Trustor does not agree to be personally �iable on the Secured Debt. Trus�or ag�e�s that
<br /> Benefi�iary and any parfiy to�his Deed o�T�us� may extend, modify or mak� any change in �he �erms of this
<br /> Deed o� Trust �r �he E�idence of Debt without Trustor's cansen�, 5uch a change will not re�ease Trustar
<br /> fram the terms o# this ❑eed o# Trust. The du�ie� ar�d bene#its o� th�s Deed of Trust sha�� bind and bene�i�
<br /> �he successors and assigns��Trustor and Beneficiary, �
<br /> If th�s Deed o� Trust secures a guaranty between Beneficiary and Trustor and does not directly secure the
<br /> ob�igativn which is guarantied, Trus�or agrees '�fl wai�e any rights that may p�e�enfi Benef�ciary fram
<br /> br�ng�ng any action or �laim against Trustor ar any �arty indebted under the obligation including, but no�
<br /> limited to, an�i�deficiency or one-ac�ian laws.
<br /> �5. APPL�CASLE LA�III; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATf�N. This Deed of Trust is gflWerned by the laws o# the
<br /> jurisdiction in whi�h Beneficiary is lacated, except to th� extent atherwise required hy tihe �aws of the
<br /> jurisdiction where the Pr�perty is laca�ed, This Deed of Trust is complete and fully integrated. This Deed of
<br /> Trus� may nofi be amended or madified �y oral agreemen�. Any section or �lause in th�s Deed of Trust,
<br /> attachments, nr any agreement related ta the Secured Deb� tha� cvnflicts w��h applica�le law wi�l nvt be
<br /> �ffecti�e, uniess that law expressiy or imp��edly perm�ts the �aria�i�ns by writ'�en agreemen�, �f any sectian
<br /> or clause of thi$ Deed of Trust cannot be enforced accord�ng ta its terms, tha� section or clause will be
<br /> se�er�ed and will not affect the enforcea�aiii�y af �he remainde� a� �his Dee� o'� Trust, When��er used, the
<br /> singu�ar shall include the plural and the plural the singular, The captians and head�ngs flf the sectians af �h�s
<br /> Deed of Trust are for con�enience only and are not to b� used to intet�pret or define �he terms of this Deed
<br /> o�Trust, Time is of the essenc�in thls Deed of Trust,
<br /> 2fi. �UCGESS�R TRUSTEE. Bene�iGiary, a� Bene#iciary's vp�i�n, may fr�om �ime to time remo�e T�ustee and
<br /> appo�n� a successor trustee by an instrument recorded in �he county in which this Deed o� Trus� is
<br /> recorded. The su�cessor �rustee, without can�eyance of �he Properfiy, shali succeed to a�� th� title, power
<br /> and duties conferred upon the Trustee by�his Deed flf Trust and applicable iaw,
<br /> Security lnstrument-CommercialfAgrieultura�-N� AGCD-R�SI-N� 7f11241�
<br /> VMP�6ankers SystsmsT� VMP-0595€NE� 411 D7),Q�
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financia{Ser�ices�199�,Z�l 7 Page 8 of��
<br />