t.i.;.:'f� . y.`�. K _sr. .3r` �:`'r�P'S.� .-' i* f.:: __ - a-,�:S:Sc,�u�7 _ :;ti�+ ' '�; .�...,-
<br /> _ =S'S� ��.c�me is9nE�:\u�fi: � _ t : . 5 ;t�- '=•��:-:.,_'
<br /> _..�v.. t- �i� ,�7•, '�: .i ..�1�t��"`��4r'�`I'�� -:.�i�42�' -J1 ^� f,`'��Zr,<_���`e�h�t�T:52.�.'�'�'i�'�i� i '� Qt �'�1'T�F��_.L'F.•,^.
<br /> ___ ���Iii�1 _�_�.�-_au,y-�y{`f�l�?�''4�%l:."ba �� - -_--
<br /> ,- r n �
<br /> � �(�J_ l0a'73 + �
<br /> � (d} Beneficfary may etecf to cavse the Tiust Prvperry ar eny part thereot ro 6a sdh!'(inder the pawar ofi safa,and in s:rc�t�ar�r�f,:. •.
<br /> ; Benef�c/ary ar TrFrstee sha11 giv�such noG+ce ot default and rro�ce of sate as may De then requfied by law. Thamalter,upa�t�r�., �
<br /> expirndon ot such�me snd the giWng olsuch rrotrce ot sa/e ss may.tlten Da requlrs�l by law.Tiusfes,at the ti�antl}�I.s�agpe�..��rJ•
<br /> } Dy the noace ot aals,shall�eil sueh Tast Fivperry.or any pa�t thereof specified by Benefic.�ary.et pubkc�aucxs�n tu�'it►h�h8�� � �
<br /> - bidder foraash Tn lawfut nroney gf the tlnitect States af America.fJpar►acelpt of�aymeni otths prfca bld,Trustee�9t►..'-��ppl��,iti�3=_
<br /> � proceeds in the foAawrng order:C)ro the cost end expenses of exercising tha povrer of sate and of the saf8,lncl;�di.�b bcr!nx�nn2't+d•
<br /> to,dr�stee's fees ar n�t mae then�500.00 plus orre-haff af are percent of ths gross sate price.arrei reas�nab�i attomey!&e�f�i.�R• �
<br /> � ths lndeDtedness,and(ifi)the excess,if any,to the person or persans legalty eniiUod thereto. •
<br /> IUI costs end expenses incurred Dy BenefTciary fn enfarcing arry right under thls Qee�of 7rust,incfuding wiihoui ti,rnitati�n,ab�trecYi or Ai�r
<br /> � fees,appraJsaJ teas,priemiums for title insurarrce,a[t�mey lees artd coun co�ts,shall be and cons:itufe Indebtedness s�cnrerl hareAy...
<br /> 27. Dutlas ot Tiustee.Trusror egees thaL• . ..
<br /> (a) D�iDes and obligafions of Trustee sha/l be determined sotely by the express prov:slons af this Dead of Trusi and Trus:sa s�arj4��t;�e�
<br /> , liatrte excepf for the performance of such dutias and oa'igations as are specifr�alr,r sat fortlr herein,and no fmpl'�d�ti�an�tnt��i�
<br /> � oWigatioas shaJl De impased upon Trustee,
<br /> (bJ No prvvls3on of tMs Oeed of Tiust sha!!requi�e Trustee to expend or risk its own funds.ar utherwisa incur arry frnanci&►rabr'gaii�n in ' .
<br /> � the perhormance of any of irs du�ies hereunder,or In ths exercise of any o/its rights o�powers.
<br /> (c) Trustee may consult witli cor�nsef of its own choosi�p and the advlse o!such counse!shall be fult and compt�te a�rthdritat'�:m;and�•� �
<br /> protecdon in the respect ot any ac�on taken or suffered by it hereunde�fn good fafth and reliance thereon,and '
<br /> (Oj Trostee sha1J rtof be Gable for arry action taken by it in goad fa�th and reasanabty believed by it to be autharized nr.wi�l�ir,r°�0"
<br /> discrebon or righis or powers conferred upon it by th►s Lleed ot Trust � ' _
<br /> 28. Security Agreement and Fixture Filing. Thls Deed of Tiust shal!cons0iiute s securify agreemen!and fixture fio`r�g�rrd�r.�hp pfqvk�ons at
<br /> ihe Nebraska Unitam Commerciaf Cade with respeCt to tha�se,fixtu�es dasaribsd in ihe preamb/ss hereaf as can�*.i�utiqn Q pan•�►f flre �
<br /> Trust Prope►ry,together wiih a11 other properry of Trus7ar,either sfmilar or df�slntilEr[o th8 same,now flr henaaflsr Fpcatud St•�te 4�t�1he�
<br /> � Trust Property. ' � . . .
<br /> 29: Futwe Advanc6s.Upan request of Trusior,Benetrcisry,at Benetrciary's opbon,prior to 1ir11�eeon►�ey�ence af tha TrzisLR�nperly b} .
<br /> ; Tnutee b Tiusior,may make/uh�re advances to Tnrsror.Such future advanaes.with interasi thereon,shatl be sgcured.tiy.�'iis Deed of
<br /> ; Trus�Ai no brr�e sha//the principal amount ol tfreol�d�bOtedness secured by thls lleed of Tr�st,�t inetudin�sum�adunncsd ta�tr�:d
<br /> the sacuriry,axceed the rotal sum of S 15 U.0 �l .Advances of dlsbur�e�rents mada b Benefrcta �c�proEeCt the secu ' '
<br /> � under the terms hereol,whtle discretianary,shall noi be deemed to be optional advances.
<br /> 30. Recanveysnce.Upon payment of a/i lndebtedness secvred by thls Deed of 7rusi.BeneAciary shalf request�T���ttie[d r�COnvey ihe
<br /> Trust P�operty snd shal/surrender this Deed of Tiust and a1!notes evitfencing/ndebfednes�.secured b��tht&C�►ed pf��"iti:t f�TrUSfee.
<br /> ; Trusiee shafi re�onvey the Trust Property without wa�ranry and svithoert charge fo the per�an ar psrsan�fpr�al9��en�ti�i l�are%Scrch
<br /> ; person or perso�s shalf pay al1 costs ot recordadon,Jf any.
<br /> i 31_ Subsdtute Trustee.Bene6ciary,at rts option,rrray from time to 6me remove Trustse and aFpoint a Success�s,Tiu�tae to any Trustee
<br /> � �tpdnt�d he�eunder by sn Instrument recorded in the counry in which fhis C�eed of Trr�st is r�cardad.W�Ihoyl.cea�vay�rtce of the Trust �
<br /> Property.the Successor 7rustee sha/l succeed to all dt/e,power and dWes contened upon Tjusfee hare�n and b�l applicabTe law. � ��
<br /> ( 32. MlaceNaneous Rights of Benefrciary.Bene�iciary as�ay at any dme and fmm dme fa tfine,wfffra�it natr�e,con:�antta the mak�ng o/any
<br /> �alat of the Tierst Properiy a the c�eaGon o!any easement thereon or any�ovenanis rr�s�lvlf►m:�se ar:nc[st�p�tnsy thereof or agtee ta
<br />. i �I�er a amend ti►e terms of this Deed of 7ros�Any personal pr�perty rema�nfng.u�r�n ttr$�'i�ris:Praperty aftbr,the Tiust P�perty ha^. .��='
<br /> � Gr:r�possessed or occupied by BeneTiciary,its sgent or any purchaser foHpwlrr�Tit�»t�e'�s��Je,fio�alrr�u�9,,o�under any deed ln li,�u
<br /> ; bt::-vstee's sale o�(oreclosure,shall be conc/usively presumed fo havs been ebarrrtarrsrl by.Trustpr. � � _
<br /> ; 33. No�ce to Trustor. Trusiorhereby�eque�!5 that a copy of any nntice of daft►ul*and na�ai��t srle mpd�i nf er•ecr�tad by Trusiee pursvant �, -
<br />. : ito the prov/slons hereof be senf to Trustor at its mailing addiess set fonh hominAb�v�t. �
<br /> , !N W/TNESS WHEAEO�,thls Oeed of Treisi has been duly executed the day and yesrfjru�above widten.. .
<br /> : . ` � ' -
<br /> � c� `�. tOA . Op'ti —
<br /> �'G1
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA ) C�IAI�.2Af3 Howka ��
<br /> J� ;
<br /> � COUN7Y OF )
<br /> ;
<br /> On thls�.�day ol ��� � . �9�2.belo�e me,a notary publlc in art�:�bf.said couf�t�;,�v�ranal",�.came t
<br /> � ,artd �
<br /> � o/ �,known Jv��na to be the ldentical persons wi�o • �
<br /> � sJgned the foregof.;r�,Deed of Tiust and acknowlr�dged the execvtlon thereof to be thelr voluniAry•act and deed,And the volu�+'ary ect en�
<br /> ' deed of said corpr�+�alG;n. �'�
<br /> � W/�NESS my f�wt�rt�nd notarial seal on thfs tne day and year last abova written. ' �
<br /> ! (3�A'u,'�
<br />� � , Notary PuDLa
<br /> i .
<br /> Myc;,�sr;:icn orp+es�
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRls1�A
<br /> C�UNTY OF A�ams ��� -
<br /> )
<br /> On this �r d8y 4f �%-L��-* , 1 g.,�,bolore me,a notary public!n and lor sald caunt�/persanally came Mil ton L. Nowka ____,__
<br /> end Gb�lene Nnyj�s� �usband gnd wif e ,krtown to me to be the identical persons who ,
<br /> signed the fvregoing Desd o!Tiust and scknowledged the executlon ths�eol to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> . W/TNESS my hand and nota�tal sesl on thls the day and year last above wr/tten. �
<br /> � ) . /7 ,
<br /> {S€��; .; .- i
<br /> /"�� �,�• ..,�r �
<br /> uorarv�ef.c • �
<br /> � i� '+•�� /• � /»�•
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<br />, RfyCMnm�SST7n0 �
<br /> ������ �
<br />� 1N01�1►!1.BENMER . .�„��
<br /> Mf►CM�Exp Oec 31.199?
<br />_ �
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