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<br /> ASS�GNI�lIENT �F RE�1TS
<br /> Lvan Nv: 'i�'i 3D�'144 tG�ntinued} Page 4
<br /> irre��cably designa�es Lender as Gran�ar's at�orney-in�fac�to endorse instruments �ecei�ed in payment�hereofi in
<br /> the name of Grantor and �v negvtiate �he same and callecfi the praceeds. Payments by tenan�s or o�her users �❑
<br /> Lender in resp�nse to Lender's demand shall satis�y the ob�igations �ar which the payments are made, whefiher or
<br /> not any prope� grounds �or the demand existed. Lender may exercise its rights under�his subparagraph either in
<br /> persvn, by agent, ar through a recei�er.
<br /> D�her Remedies. Lender sha�� ha�s all a�her rights and remedies pro�ided in �his Assignmen� or �he N�te or �y
<br /> Iaw.
<br /> ElectEon of Remedies. Electi�n by Lender to pursue any remedy shaI� not exclude pursui�❑�any v�her remedy, and
<br /> an elsc�ion fio make expendi�ur�s or t❑take action t� perform an �bliga�ion of Gran�or under�his Assignment, after
<br /> Grantor's�ai[ure�a per�orm, sha�I not affec�Lender's righ�t to d�clare a defaul�and exercise its remedies.
<br /> At#orneys' Fees; Expenses. lfi Lender institutes any suifi or action to enfarce any ��F the terms o�F fihis Assignment,
<br /> Lender shall be entitled tv recoWer such sum as the �vurt may adjudge reasonab�e as at�vrneys' �ees at�rial and
<br /> upan any appeal. Whe�her or no� any cour� action is in�vl�ed, and to the ex�ent nvt proh�bi�ed by �aw, ali
<br /> reasana�le expenses Lender incurs tha�t in Lender's vpinian are ne�essary at any t�me for the pro�ectivn �t its
<br /> interes�ar the enfvrcement vfi its ri�h�s shall b�come a par�af�he Indebtedness payab�e on demand and sha�f bear
<br /> in�eres�at the Note rate�rom�he da�e of the expenditure unti� repaid. Expenses �v�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> wi�hau� limifiation, hawe�er suhje�t fio any limits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's �egal
<br /> expenses, whether ❑r not the�-� is a lawsuit, including afifiorneys' fees and expenses far bankrup�cy proce�dings
<br /> �including e�for�s to madify ar�acate any au�oma���stay or injunct��n}, appea[s, and any anticipa�ed post-judgmenfi
<br /> cvllectivn ser�ices, the cast ❑f sear�hing records, olataining tit�e r�ports �inc�uding foreclosu�-e reports�, sur�eyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisa� fees, ti�le Ensuran�e, and fiees far the Trusfiee, to the extenfi pe�-mifi�ed hy app�icabl� �aw.
<br /> Grantor alsa will pay any court cas�s, in addition�❑ al�o�her sums pro�ided by faw.
<br /> 1V11SGELLANE�US PR�Vl51�NS. The following miscellaneous pro�isions are a part o�this Assignmen�:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This Assignment, toge�her with any Related Documents, �ons�itutes the ent��e understanding and
<br /> agreement vf �he par�ties as t� the matters set fvrth in fihi5 Assignment. N❑ alteratian of ❑r amendmen� to this
<br /> Assignment shall be effecti�e unless gi�en in writ�ng and signed by �he party ❑r parties sough� �❑ be charged or
<br /> bound by the al�era��vn or amendmen�.
<br /> Cap#ion Headings. Captian headings in�his Assignment are�or con�enience purposes ❑nly and are not to be used
<br /> tv interpret or define the proWisEons❑f�his Assignment.
<br /> Gvverning Law. This Assignment w�il be gv�erned by federal law applicab[e #v Lender and, to the extenf not
<br /> preempted hy federal�aw,�he laws of the 5ta#e o�Nebras ka wi�hout regard#a its conffi�ts of law prorris ions. ThEs
<br /> Assignment has been ac�epted hy Lende�in�he 5�a�e vf Nebraska.
<br /> Chaice nf Venue. (f there is a lawsuit, Grantvr a�rees upon Lende�-'s reques� �v submit t❑ the jurisdicfiivn ❑f�he
<br /> courts ❑f Hal� Coun�y, S�tate a�Nebraska.
<br /> Nierger. There sha�l 1ae no merger ❑�the interest ❑r es�ate created by �his Assignm�nt with any oth�r in�erest or
<br /> estate in the Prope�ty a�any time held by or far the bene�ifi��Lender in any capacity, withvut�he written cvnsent
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> Interpretativn. t�} ln all cases where �here �s more �han one gorrow�r or Grantor, then all words used in this
<br /> Assignm�n� in�he singular shall be deemed�a ha�e been used in the plural where�he contex� and constructian so
<br /> require. {2� if more than one person signs�h�s Assignmen�as "Gran�kor," �he obliga�ions ❑f each Grantar are join�
<br /> and s��eral. This m�ans that ifi Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any one ar more of the Grantars. lf
<br /> Borrower and Gran�or are nv��he same p�rson, Lender ne�d not sue Borrower firs�, and tha�Borrvwer need not be
<br /> �oined in any lawsui�. {3} The names gi�en �❑ paragraphs �r seGtions in this AssEgnment a�-e fv�- c�nWenience
<br /> purpases vnly.They are not�v be used t❑in�terpret❑r de�Fine�he proWisians of this Assignmen�.
<br /> Nv Vllaiver hy Lender, Lender shal! not be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any righ�s under�his Assignmen� unless su�h
<br /> waE��r is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. Nv delay ar vmissian vn�he part o�Lender in exercising any righfi
<br /> shail ❑pera�e as a waiWer of such right vr any other r�gh�. A wa��er 1ay Lender v� a prv�ision of this Assignment
<br /> shal! no� prejudice ❑r �ons�itute a waiWer of Lender's rEgh� oth�rwise to demand s�ric�k campliance w�th -�hat
<br /> pr��isian ❑r any other pro�ision❑��his Assignment. N� pr�or wai�er by Lender, nor any �ourse of dealing between
<br /> Lender and Gran�ar, sha[I �vnsfiitufie a wai�er of any ❑f Lender`s rights ar of any o�F Grantor's ohliga�ivns as tv any
<br /> �uture �ransac�ions. V1lhene�er �he consent o� Lender is required under this Assignment, the g�an�ing ❑f such
<br /> cons�nt by Lend�r in any instance shall no� cons�i�ute can�inuing consent to sulasequen� instances where such
<br /> cvnsent is required and in all cases su�h consent may b�granted or w�thheld in�he sole discret�on a�Lender.
<br /> Noti�es. Any natice required �o be given under �his Assignmenfi sha[l 1�e gE�en in writing, and shall be effecti�e
<br /> when actually de�i�ered, when a��ual[y recei�ed by �ele�acsimi�e �uniess athe�-wise required by law}, when
<br /> deposi�ed with a na�i�nally recogni�ed vvernigh�cvurier, or, it mailed, when deposited in the Uni�ed S�ates mail, as
<br /> first class, certified ❑r registered maiE pos�age prepaid, directed to the addresses shawn near the beginning af�his
<br /> Assignment. Any party may change its address �ar no�ices under�his Assignment by gi�ing €vrmal written notice
<br /> t❑ the v�her parties, specifying tha� the purpose �f the notice is to change the party's address. Far no�ice
<br /> purpases, Grant�r agrees �o keep Lende� informed at all times ❑f Grant�r's �urren� address. Uniess otherw�s�
<br /> pro�ided or required by law, if there is mare �han one Grantar, any n�tice given hy Lender to any Grantv�- is
<br />