2� 17��8�5
<br /> DEEi3 �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: 'i�'I 3��'144 {Gant�nu�d} Page �
<br /> praceeds ��the award shall mean the award after payment o� a!I reasonab�e costs, expenses, and attorneys' fie�s
<br /> incu�red by Trus�ee❑r Lender in connection with�he candemnafiion.
<br /> t❑ go�ernmen�al�axes, fees and charges are a par�❑f this Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Curren�Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�tor shall exe�ute such dacumen�s in addi�ion to
<br /> this Deed of Trust and take whate�er❑fiher action is reques�ted by Lender to perfect and cantinue Lender's lien on
<br /> the Real Praperty. Trus�or shall reimburs� Lender fvr all �axes, as des�rihed below, tvgether with a�l expenses
<br /> incurr�d in recording, perfiect�ng �r cantinuing �his Deed o� Trusfi, including wi�haut limi�ta�ian all �ax�s, �Fe�s,
<br /> dacumen�ary s�amps, and ❑�kher charges for recording or registering�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fo�Iowing shaI� cans�ifiufie taxes �v which this section applies: t1� a specific tax upon �his �ype vf
<br /> �eed of Trusfi ar upon all vr any par� o�the Indebtedness secu�-ed by �his �eed o�Trust; �2� a spec��ic tax an
<br /> Trustvr whi�h Trustar is authorized ar required fio deduct��-am payments an the Indebfiedness secured by this type
<br /> vf ❑eed of Trus�; {3} a�ax❑n fihis �ype vf Deed ❑f Trus�chargealale against the Lender ar�he holder❑f�he No�e;
<br /> and {4} a specifi�tax on aIi or any portion o�the Indebfiedness ❑r on payments a� principal and infierest mad� by
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> 5ubsequen� Taxes. lfi any tax t� which �his sec�ion app[ies is enacted subsequent to the date o�F this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust, fihis e�en� sha�l ha�e the same effec� as an E�enfi vf Default, and Lender may exercise any vr all o� ifis
<br /> a�ailable remedies for an E�en� of De�aul� as proWided helow unless Trus�or either {`�� pays the �ax be#ore it
<br /> becomes delinqu�n�, or {2� cvntests the tax as pro�ided a�o�e in fihe Taxes and Liens section and deposits with
<br /> L�nder cash❑r a suffii�ien�corpora�e sure�y band ar ather se�urity satisfactory�❑ Lende�-.
<br /> SECUR[TY A�REEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The ���I�wing pro�isions relating �❑ �his �eed af Trust as a
<br /> securi�y agreem�nfi are a par�of�his �eed o�Trus�:
<br /> Secur�ty Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a 5e�urifiy Agreement to the ex�enfi any vf �he Property
<br /> constitutes �ixtures, and Lender shall ha�s all o�F the rights ❑�a secured party under the Uniform �ommercial C�de
<br /> as amended from�im��a fiime.
<br /> 5e�urity lnterest. Upan reques� by Lender, Trusfior shall take whate�er ac�ion is reques�ed by Lender tv per�ect
<br /> and cantinue Lender`s security interest in �he Rents and Personal Property. fn addition �❑ recarding this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust in the rea� property recvrds, Lender may, a� any time and without �urther autharizat�on from Trustor, file
<br /> exe�uted coun�erpar�s, cvpies ar �eproductions o� this Deed o� Trust as a financing statement. Trustor sha�f
<br /> reimhurse Lender for all expenses incurred in per�ec�ing or�on�inuing this security infierest. Upon de�auFt, Trus�ar
<br /> shall n�t remo�e, se�er ar detach the Persvnal Prvperty �ram �he Property. lJpon defau��, Trus�or shall assemble
<br /> any Persana! Praperty not affixed to the Prvper�y in a manner and at a pla�e reas�nably con�enien�to Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable ta Lender within three �3� days after receipt vf wri�kten demand fram Lend�r to the
<br /> extent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Addresses. The mai�ing addresses ❑f T�ustor {deb�tar� and Lender �secur�d party} from which in�ormation
<br /> cancerning the security in�eres� granted by this Deed of Trust may be ohfiained {each as required by the Unifvrm
<br /> Cammercial Cade� a�-e as stated❑n�the first page vf this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ATT�RNEY-iN-FACT. The �o�lowing pro�isivns relating to further assurances and
<br /> attvrney-in-fac�k are a part o�this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances, A�t any time, and �Frvm fiime�o time, upon r�ques� of Lende�, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> de[i�er, vr wili cause�� be made, executed or de�ivered, fio Lender or t❑ Lende�-'s designee, and when requesfied by
<br /> Lender, cause ta he �iled, recarded, ref�ied, ❑r rerecarded, as the cas� may 1ae, at such #imes and in such ❑ffices
<br /> and places as Lender may d��m apprapria�e, any and all su�h mortgages, deeds o�t�ust, security de�ds, security
<br /> agreements, financing s�atements, con�inuation statements, ins�rumenfis o� further assurance, certi�ica�es, and
<br /> ather documents as may, in�he sale opinian ❑f Lender, be necessary or desirable in vrde�-to effectuate, �omplete,
<br /> perfect, cvntinue, or preser�e ��� Trustar's obliga�ivns under fihe Note, �h�s Deed o� Trust, and �he Re�ated
<br /> aocuments, and t2y the liens and securifiy in�erests crea�ed by�his I�e�d af Trusfi as first and priar liens on the
<br /> Prvperty, whether nvw owned ❑r hereafter acquired by Trustvr. Unless prahibi�ed by law ar Lender agrees �❑the
<br /> con�rary in writing, Trus�or shal� reimburse Lender for all C�5�5 and expenses in�urred �n connect��n wi�h the
<br /> ma�te�-s referred�a in�his paragraph.
<br /> Attvrney-in-Fact. lf Trus�or fails to do any o�the�hings re�erred to in the pr�ceding paragraph, Lender may dv sa
<br /> far and in the name of Trusto� and at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, T�ustar hereby irre�ocab�y appoints
<br /> Lender as Trus�ar's attorney--in--fact�vr the purpvse a�making, executing, deEi�ering, fi�ing, recarding, and doing all
<br /> ofiher�hings as may be necessary ❑r desirable, in Lender's sale opinivn, t� accomplish the matters re�erred t❑ in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> Fl1LL PERF�RMANCE. lf T�-ustnr pays all �th� Indeb�edness, incEuding withvut�imita�ion all future advances, wh�n due,
<br /> and otherwise perfvrms all �he vhligations impvsed upon Trustor under this Deed o� Trust, Lender shall �xe�ute and
<br /> d�Ei�er tv Trustee a request for full recon�eyance and shafE execute and deli�e� �o Trus�or sui�al�le stafiements o#
<br /> termination of any �inancing statemen� ❑n �i�e e�Eden�ing Lender's securi�y �n�erest in �he Rents and the Persvnal
<br /> Property. Any recon�eyance�ee required by!aw shall be paid by Trustor, if permi��ed by applicable law.
<br />