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2� 17��8�4 <br /> ASS��NIVIENT �F RENTS <br /> Loan Nv: 'I�'i 3�2'�47 ��antinued} Page 5 <br /> deemed to �e notice gi�en�o all Grantors. <br /> Powers a�Attorney. The�ariaus agencies and pawers a�attarney con�eyed on Lende� under�his Assignment are <br /> granted �or purpases o�securi�y and may nofi b� r��oked by Grantar unfiil such time as �he same are �enounced �ay <br /> Lender. <br /> Severa�ility. If a cour� ❑f compe�tenfi jurisdictian finds any pro�ision of this Assignmen� t❑ he illegal, in�alid, vr <br /> unen�Forceahle as ta any ci�cumstance, that findin� shall n�f make �he af�Fending pra�isian illegal, �n�alid, or <br /> unenforceable as to any ofiher circumstance. If feasi�le, the offending pro�isian shall be �onsidered modi�ied 5D <br /> that ifi becvmes Iegal, �alid and en�orceable. It the o�fending provisivn cannot be so modified, i� shall be <br /> �onsidered del�tsd f�am �his Assignmenfi. Unless oth�rwise required by �aw, �he i��egaIity, in�alidity, or <br /> unenforceabilifiy o� any pro�isi�n af th�s Assignment shall nofi a��ect the legality, �alidi�y ❑r en�forcea�ili�y a� any <br /> a�her pro�isivn vf�his Assignment. <br /> Su��essors and Assigns. 5u�jec��a any limitatians stated in this Assignment❑n trans�er o�F Gran�or's interest,�his <br /> Assignmenfi shall be binding upan and inure �❑ �he benefi� of �he parties, their successors and assigns. I� <br /> ownership of the Praper�y hecomes ves�ed in a person other�han Granto�-, Lender, wfthout notice t� Grant�r, may <br /> deal with Gran�or's successors with reference ta th�s Assignment and the lndebtedness �y way o�f�orbearance ar <br /> extension with�ut re�easing Grantar�r�m�he❑bliga�ians o�F this Assignment❑r liability under�he lndebtedness. <br /> Time is of�he Essence, Time is a�the essence in�he per�ormance of this Assignmen�. <br /> Watver of Homestead Exemp�ion. Gran�or hereby releases and waiWes a1� rights and benefi�s of �he homestead <br /> exemption laws ❑�the Sta�te of Nebraska as�a all lndebtedness secured 1�y this Assignment. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The fivllowing capi�alized words and terms shall ha�e �he �o�l�wing meanings when used in this <br /> Assignment. Unless specifically sta�ed t❑ �he cantrary, a�� references to dollar amaunts shall mean amounts in lawful <br /> mvney of�he United States ❑f Amer;ca. Wards and t�rms used in fihe singular shall include the plural, and the p[ural <br /> shall inc�ude the singular, as the context may require. V1lords and terms na�vtherwise defined in this Assignment sha�j <br /> ha�e the meanings at�rihuted tv such terms in the Uni�orm Commercial Code: <br /> Assignment. The word "Assignment" means this ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS, as this ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS may <br /> he amended vr modified �from time�o time, together with a�l exhibits and schedules attached �o�his ASSIGNMENT <br /> �F RENTS from time�a time. <br /> Borrvwer. The ward "Borrv�rver" means L&P INVESTIIIiENTS, L.L.C.. <br /> ❑efau��. The word "Default"�means�he De�Fau�t set�orth in this Assignment in the sec�ion tifiled "Defau�t". <br /> Even�v�Default. The words "EWent of I�efault" mean any ❑f the e��nts ❑f de�ault set forth in this I�ssignmen� in <br /> the defiault se��ion af�his Assignmen�. <br /> Gran�vr. The word "Grantor" means L&P INVESTMENTS, L.L.C.. <br /> Guaran�y. The ward "Guaranty" means fihe gua�-anty from guaran�or, endarser, surety, or accvmmvdation party t❑ <br /> Lender, in�luding wi�hou�IimitatEon a guaranty❑�alI o�-�art o�the Note. <br /> �ndeb�edness. The word "Indebtedness" means aIl principal, in�eres�, and o�h�r amaunts, costs and expens�s <br /> payable under �he Note ❑r Re�a�ed ❑ocuments, fiagefiher wi�h all renewals ❑f, ex�ensions o�, modificativns vf, <br /> consolida�ians o�and substitut�ans�Fvr the Note ❑r Re�a�ed Documents and any amounts expended or advanced 1ay <br /> Lender to discharge Grantvr's ❑�liga�ions or expenses incurred by Lender �a en���ce G�antor's obiiga�ivns under <br /> this Assignmenfi, �vgether with interest on su�h amounts as provided in this Assignment. SpecifiGa�iy, wi�hout <br /> �imitativn, Indebtedness includes �he future ad�ances set�For�h in the Fu�ure Ad�ances pravision, together v+iith all <br /> interes� therean and all amounts �hafi may he indirectly secured by �he C�-�ss--Co[[a�te�a[izativn pr�Wision �� this <br /> Assignment. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Poin�s E3ank, its su�cesso�-s and assigns. <br /> Note. The wa�d "Note" means the promissory note dated February 3, 2D�7, In the vrigina! princ�pal <br /> amount vf $1��.7g�.�7 �rom Grantar fio Lender, together wi�h all ren�wa[s of, extensions of, modi�ica�ions <br /> a�, refinan�ings of, cansvlidations af, and substitutions far fihe pramissory note or agreement. <br /> Property. The word "Proper�y" means a�l ❑f Grantor's right, �i�le and interes� in and tv all the Praper#y as <br /> described in the "Assignment" sectian❑f this Assignment. <br /> Reiated Documen#s. The wvrds "Rela�ed Documents" mean all pramissory notes, credit agreements, loan <br /> agreements, environmental agreemen�s, gua�anties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of �rust, secu�ity <br /> deeds, ca�lat�ra� martgages, and a�l n�her inst�uments, agreemen�s and documen�s, whe�her now ar he�eafter <br /> exist�ng, executed in c�nnectian with the �ndebtedness. <br /> Renfis. The ward "Ren�s" means all v� Grantvr's p�esent and �uture rights, �itle and inte�-est in, �a and under any <br /> and all present and future leases, including, withaut Eimifia�ivn, all ren�s, revenue, inc�me, issues, royalfiies, <br /> bvnuses, accounts recei�a�le, cash ar security depvsi�s, advance rentals, prvfifis and proceeds from the Prvperty, <br /> and other payments and benefi�s deri�ed vr�❑ be deri�ed from such Eeases �f e�ery kind and nature, whe�her due <br /> nvw or la�er, including wi�hout limi�a�ion Gran�or's right to en�Fvr�e such �eases and fi❑ �ece��e and co�lect paymen� <br /> and praceeds thereunder. <br />