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2� 17��8�4 <br /> ASS1GNi1l�ENT �F RENTS <br /> Lvan No: '1 D�3�Z'I47 �C�ntinued} Page � <br /> TH15 A551GNNiENT 1S GIVEN T� SECURE {"1} PAYMENT �F THE 1NDEgTE�NE55 AND {2} PERFORNIANCE OF ANY <br /> ANB ALL DBL[�ATIQNS �F GRANT�R UNDER THE N�TE, THIS A551GNMENT, AND THE RELATED D�CUMENTS. <br /> TH15 A551�NIVIENT 1S G�VEN AND AGCEPTED �N THE F�LLD�JV�NG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as ❑therwise pro�ided in this Assignmen�or any Related ❑ocuments, Grantor <br /> shall pay t� Lender alf amounts secured by this Assignmen�k as �khey be�ome due, and shall stric�ly per�arm all o-� <br /> Granfior's obiiga�ions under fihis Assignmen�. lJnless and un�il Lender e�er�ises its righ�to colle�fi the Renfis as pro�ided <br /> below and so Ivng as �here is na default under fihis Assignment, Grantor may remain in possession and contra� o� and <br /> operate and manage the Prvperty and cvfle��the Rents, pra��ded that fihe gran�ing o�fihe righ�to coliect the Rents shall <br /> na�cans�itute Lender's consen�to the use of cash co!lateral in a bankruptcy proceeding. <br /> GRANT�R'S REPRESENTAT��NS AND 1NARRANTIES. Gran�vr warrants thafi: <br /> ❑wnership. Grant�r is en�i�led �o receiWe �khe Rents free and �lear of aI� rights, I�ans, �iens, encumbranGes, and <br /> clafms excep�as disclosed fio and acc�p�ed by Lende�-in writing. <br /> Righ#t❑ Assign. Grantor has the full righ�, power and au�thvr�ty to enter inta th�s Assignmen� and t❑ assign and <br /> convey the Rents fio Lender. <br /> No Prior Assignment. G�antor has na� preWiously assigned or con�eyed �he Ren�s to any ❑�her person by any <br /> instrument now in force. <br /> No Further Trans#er. Gran�or will nat sell, assign, encu�nber, or atherwise dispvse of any of Grantor's rights En the <br /> Rents except as pro�ided in this Assignmen�. <br /> LENDER'S R1GHT T� RECEIVE AND C�LLECT RENTS. Lender sha�f ha�e the righ� at any time, and e�en though no <br /> defaul�shall have accurred under th�s Assignment, to co[lec� and recei�e the Rents. For�khis purpos�, Lender is hereby <br /> gi�en and gran�ed the�allowing righ�s, pawers and aufihvrifiy: <br /> Nvtice �❑ Tenan�s. Lende� may send na�ices t❑ any and all tenants a�f the Proper�y ad�ising them af this <br /> Assignmenfi and directing all Rents ta be paid direc�ly ta Lender vr Lender's agen�. <br /> En�ter�he Property. Lender may enfier upan and take possession ❑�the Property; demand, collect and recei�e from <br /> �he �enan�s or from any o�he� pers�ns liab�e therefor, all of fihe Rents; institute and carry nn all legal pr�ceedings <br /> necessary far �he pro�ecfiivn a� �he P�-operty, including such proceedings as may be necessary �o �eco�er <br /> possession❑�f th� Property; col�ec��he Rents and rema�e any�enant or tenants ❑r o�her persons from the Praperty. <br /> lUlaintain�he Proper�y. Lender may enter upan �the Praperty to maintain the Property and k�ep the same in repair; <br /> tv pay the �osts therea€and of all services ❑�all emplvyees. including their equipment, and a�al� continuing �osts <br /> and expenses o�mainta�ning the Property in proper repair and condi�ian, and also�o pay all taxes, assessmen�s and <br /> water utilities, and the premiums vn fire and ather insurance effected by Lender on the Property. <br /> Cvmplian�e with Laws. Lender may dv any and all things �❑ execute and camp�y with �he iaws ❑f the Sta�e af <br /> Nebraska and als❑ all other laws, ruies, orders, ordinances and requi�em�nts o� a[! ❑ther gv�ernmenfial agenci�s <br /> affeGfiing the Property. <br /> Lease#he Proper�ty. Lender may rent or lease the whale�r any par�❑f the Prvperty��r such�erm or terms and on <br /> such�onditivns as Lender may deem apprapriate. <br /> Empfvy Agen#s. Lend�r may engage such agent ar agents as Lender may deem appropriate, either in Lender's <br /> name or in Grantor's name,to rent and manage the Property, including�he cvftec�ian and applicativn ot Rents. <br /> �fiher A��s. Lender may d� all su�h ather things and acts with respe�t �o the Proper�y as Lender may deem <br /> appropriate and may act exclusi�ely and solely in �he place and s�ead o� Grantor and t❑ ha�e all of the powers of <br /> Gran�or f�r�he purposes sta�ed above. <br /> Nn Requirement tv Act. Lende� shall not be required �o do any ❑�F the �oregoing ac�s ❑r things, and �he fact tha� <br /> Lender shall ha�e perfvrmed ❑ne ar more ❑f�he foregoing ac�s or�hings shall nat require Lender tv dv any athe� <br /> spe�ifi� a��❑r�hing. <br /> APPLICATi�N �F RENTS. All cvsts and expenses incurred by Lender in connection wi�h �he Pr�perty shafl be �Fvr <br /> Grantor's accoun� and Lender may pay such C�5�5 and expenses from the Rents. Lender, in its sole discretion, sha[[ <br /> determine th� application of any and all Rents �-ec�E��d by it; howeWer, any su�h Rents recei�ed by Lender which a�e <br /> nofi applied to such cos�s and expenses shall 1�e applied fio the lndelatedness. AEi expendi�ures made by Lender und�r <br /> �his Assignmen� and not reimbursed from the ften�s shall become a part of th� Indebtedness se�ured 1�y fihis <br /> Assignmen�, and sha�! be payable on demand, with interest at the Note ra�e fr�m date v�expendi�ure until paid. <br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. I� Crantar pays a�f ❑f th� lndebtedness when due and ❑�herwise perfa�ms all �he vbligafiivns <br /> impvsed upon Grantor under fihis Assignment,�he Note, and the R�lated ❑ocumenfis, Lende�shall execute and deli�er�o <br /> Gran�or a suitable satisfa�tion vf this Assignmen�and suita�le sta�ements ❑f te�minatian of any finan�ing statement on <br /> file e�idencEng Lender's secu��ty interes� in the Ren�s and �he Proper�y. Any �ermination f�e required hy law shall be <br /> paid by Grantvr, if permi��ed hy appl�cable law. <br /> LENDER'S EXPEND�TURES. !f any ac�ion or proceed�ng is cvmmenced that would materially a��ect Lender's interest �n <br /> the Praperfiy❑r if Grantvr�ails ta comply with any pro�isifln❑f�his Assignment❑r any Re[a�ed �]ocuments, in�luding but <br /> not limited to Grant�r's#aEfure to dis�harge ❑r pay when due any amoun�s Gran�or is required to discharge❑r pay under <br />