2� 17��8�3
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: '1�'13D2�47 ��ontinued} Page 9
<br /> sha11 operate as a wai�er of such right or any oth�r right. A wai��r hy Lender❑� a pra�ision ❑��his Deed af Trus�
<br /> shaii not prejudice ❑r consti�ute a wai�er ❑f Lend�r's r-i�ht ofiherwise to demand strict comp�iance with �hat
<br /> pro�ision ar any other praWision vf this Deed af Trusfi. N❑ prior wai�er by Lender, nor any �ourse o� dealing
<br /> he�ween Lender and Trustor, shall cvnsti�u�e a wai�er o� any o� Lender's rights ❑r o� any o�Trustor's obliga�tions
<br /> as to any fu�ure �ransa�tions. Whenever the Gonsent ❑f Lender is requ�red under this Deed of Trus�, fihe granting
<br /> ❑f such cansent 1ay Lender in any insfian�e shall no�k cons�i�ufie confiinuing consent�o subsequent ins�an�es where
<br /> such consent is r�quired and in all �ases such consent may be granted ❑r wifihheld in the svle discretion of L�nd�r.
<br /> Se�erabi[ity. lf a cour� o� �ompeten�jurisd�ction finds any pro�isivn v�r this Deed ��Trust to be illegal, in�alid, ❑r
<br /> unenfarceab�e as �❑ any circums�ance, �that �inding shall not make the of�ending pro�ision illegal, in�alid, or
<br /> un�nforceab�e as fia any other �ircums�ance. lf �easihle, the offending pro�isivn shall be considered modified so
<br /> that it he�omes legal, �alid and enforceable. I� �he of�ending pro�ision canno� be s❑ modified, Et shall be
<br /> cansidered deleted �rom �his Deed of Trust. Uniess o�herwise required by law, �he i�legality, inWalidity, or
<br /> unen�orceabilifiy of any prv�ision of this I]eed of Trust shall na� af�ecfi the �egality, Walidi�y vr enforceability ❑f any
<br /> o�her pra�isian vf this ❑eed of Trus�.
<br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subjecfi�a any limitatians sfa�ed in this ❑esd ❑�Trust an trans�er ofi Trustor's inte�est,
<br /> �his Deed vf Trust sha�� be binding upon and inure to the bene�ifi of the parties, their successors and assigns. lf
<br /> �wnership of�khe P�-operty i�ecomes �ested in a person vther than Trustar, Lender, withou�notice �❑Trustor, may
<br /> deal wi�h Trustvr's successors wi�h re�erence t❑this Deed ❑�Trust and�he Indebtedness hy way of farbearance ar
<br /> extension v+rithvu�releasing Trustar from the ob�iga�ions of�his Deed af Trust a��iability under�he Indehtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in fihe performance ❑-��his Deed o�f Trus�.
<br /> VIlai�er of Homes�ead Exemptian. Trus�ar h�rel�y re�eases and wai��s at� �ights and benefits of the hamestead
<br /> exemption laws of�he State ❑f Nebraska as t❑ all lndeb�edness secured by this ❑eed vf Trust.
<br /> DEFIN�T[DNS. The f�llowing capi�alized wards and terms shall ha�e�he following mean�ngs when used in�his Deed af
<br /> Trust. Unless speGifically stated t� the contra�y, a[I references to dvllar amounts sha�� mean amoun�s in law�ful money
<br /> o� the United 5tates ❑f Am�rica. Vllo�-ds and terms used in �he singular shall in�lude fihe plural, and the plural shall
<br /> include fihe singular, as the �ontext may require. V1lords and terms not otherwise defined in this aeed ❑f Trust shall
<br /> ha�e�he meanings attributed to such�terms in fihe Uniform Cvmmercial Code:
<br /> Bene�Eciary. The word "Bene�iciary" means Fi�e Paints 6ank, and i�s suc�essors and assigns.
<br /> Bvrrvwer. The word "Borrower" means L & P INVESTMENTS, L.L.�. and includes all ca-signers and ca-makers
<br /> signing the No�e and all their successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed a-� Trus�" mean �his Deed a�f Trust amang Trus�ar, �,ender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes wi�hout Eimitation all assignm�n� and security interest prv�isivns relating ta the Personal Property and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Defau�t. The word "Defiaul�" means the ❑efaui�set for�h in this Deed of Trusfi in�he section titied "Default".
<br /> Environmental Laws. The words "En�iranmental Larrvs" mean any and all state, federa� and I�cal sta�utes,
<br /> regula�ions and ❑rdinances relating to the pratection af human health or the en�ironment, including withvut
<br /> Iimi�a�ion �he Cvmprehensi�e En�irvnmen�al Response, Compensat�on, and Liability Act of �98�, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Sec�ian 95��, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reau�horiza�ion Ac� vf 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 39-499 �"SARA"�,�he Hazardous Materials Transpartation Ac�, 49 U.S.C. Sectian �8��, et seq.,the Resaurce
<br /> Conser�ativn and Reco�e�y Act, 4� U.S.C. Se��ion 6���, e�seq., or❑ther applicable sta�ke or federal laws, rules,
<br /> ar regufatians adopted pursuant there�a.
<br /> E�ent of Defaul�. The words "E�ent❑f❑efault" mean any o�the e�ents a�defaulfi set�orth in this Deed vf Trust in
<br /> fihe e�en�s vf de�ault sectivn afi�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> �uaran�y. The word "Guaran�y" means the guaranty�r�m guarantor, endorser, sure�y, ❑r accammodation party�❑
<br /> Lender, including withou�limi�ation a guaranty❑f all ❑r part o�the Nafie.
<br /> Hazardvus Subs#ances. The wvrds "Hazardous Substan�es" mean ma�erials �ha�, because ❑� thei�- quant�ty,
<br /> concen�ration ar physFcal, chemical ar in�ec�ious characteristics, may �ause ❑r pose a presen� ❑r potentEal hazard
<br /> fio human healfih or the en�iranment wh�n improperly us�d, trea�ed, stored, disposed ❑f, generated, manu�actured,
<br /> transpvrted or atherwise hand�ed. The words "Hazardous Subs�ances" are used in thei��ery loroadsst s�nse and
<br /> incfude wi�hout limi�ation any and all hazardous ❑r toxEc substances, materials or was�e as de�ined by or listed
<br /> under�he En�ironmental Laws. The term "Hazardous 5ubstances" a�so includes, withou�limita�ian, petroleum and
<br /> petraleum by�products or any�rac�ian�thereaf and asbestas.
<br /> Impro�emen�s. The word "lmprvWemen�s" means all exis�ing and futur� impro�emen�ks, buildings, s�ru��ures,
<br /> mabile homes affixed ❑n the Real Property, facilities, addi�ions, rep�acemenfis and vther canstruc�ion vn the Reaf
<br /> Property.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means alf principa�, interes�, and a�her amounts, c�sts and expenses
<br /> payalale under �he No�e ar Rela�ed �3ocuments, tvgether with all renewals of, extensions af, modificat��ns ��,
<br /> consvlidativns ❑f and substitu�ions for�he Note or Rela�ed Documen�s and any am�un�s expended o� ad�anc�d by
<br /> Lender �� discharge Trustor's ❑bligatians or expenses incurred by Trustee vr Lender �a enforce Trustar's
<br />