2� 17��8� 1
<br /> DEED �F TF�UST
<br /> Loan No: '1 D�3��'�5� ��onti�ued} Page 8
<br /> interes�at�he Note rate from�he date vf the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses �o�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> w�thou� limitation, hvweWer subje�t�❑ any limits under applicable law, Lender's at�torneys' fees and Lender's lega�
<br /> expenses, whe�her ❑r not there is a �awsui�, inciudin� attarneys' �ees and expenses for bankrup�cy pro�eedings
<br /> �including e��orfis to modifiy❑r�aca�e any autama�ic stay ar Fnjunction�, appeals, and any ant�cipafied past�judgment
<br /> colle��ian ser�ices, the �ost o�sear�hing r�cards, ❑btainin� �itle repvrts tin�luding ��reclosure repor�s�, sur�eyars'
<br /> reports, and appraisal �ees, title insuran�e, and �ees far �he Trus�ee, �o the extent permi��ed by applicable law.
<br /> Trustar also will pay any court cos�s, in addi�ion t❑ aIl o�her sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trusfiee. Trustee shall haWe all o�fihe rights and dufiies of Lender as set forth in this sectivn.
<br /> PQWERS AND �BLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The following pro��sions relating t❑the powers and ob�iga�ions of Trus�ee
<br /> are part of�his Deed af Trus�:
<br /> Powers of Trus�ee. ln additi�n to all powers ❑f Trustee arising as a ma��er❑f law, Trustee shal� ha�e�he �ower to
<br /> take�he following ac�ions wi�h respect�❑ the Praperty upon the wri��en request o�Lender and Trustor: �a� join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or p�afi af fihe Real Proper�y, including the dedica�ion of sfireefis or ather rights to the
<br /> pul�l�c; �b} jain in granting any easement ar creating any res�rictivn vn �he Real Praper�y; and �c� �o�n in any
<br /> subordina�ion or ather agreement affect�ng this Deed vf Trust or the tnterest o�Lender under�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet all qualifiicatians required fvr Trustee under appli�able law. ln addition to the rights
<br /> and remedies set forth abv�e, wi�h respe�� t❑ all or any part of the Property, �he Trustee shall haWe �he right to
<br /> foreclose by natice and sale, and Lender sha�[ ha�e fihe right to foreclose by judicial ��reclosure, in either case in
<br /> accvrdance with and�v�he full extent pra�ided by appli�able law.
<br /> 5uc�essor Trus�ee. Lender, at Lender's ❑pt�on, may from time fio�ime appoint a suc�essor T�ustee to any Trustee
<br /> appoinfied under this ❑eed o�Trust by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in �he
<br /> office of �he recvrder af HALL County, State ❑f Ne�raska. The ins�rument shall contain, in additian tv a�� ❑ther
<br /> matfiers required hy sfiate law, the names a� �he origina� Lender, Trustee, and Trustnr, the boak and page �or
<br /> computer sys�em reference� where this Deed of Trus� is recorded, and the name and address ❑f �he suc�essor
<br /> firusfiee, and the ins�rumen�shall be executed and acknowledged by all�he hene�iGiaries under�his ❑eed of Trust or
<br /> �heir successors in interes�. The successor trustee, without can�eyance af the Property, shall succeed tv all the
<br /> title, p�wer, and dutE�s conferred upon�khe Trus�ee in this ❑eed of Trus�and by applicable law. This procedure�or
<br /> subs�itution of Trusfiee shall gv�ern fiv�he exclusion of all other pro�isivns fvr subs�ituti�n.
<br /> N�T10E5. Any nvtice required t❑ be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, �nc[uding �vi�hout lim�tatian any no�ice ❑f de�ault
<br /> and any no�ice of sale shall be gi�en in wr�ting, and shall be effecti�e vvhen ac�ually deli�e�-ed, when ac�ually re�ei�ed
<br /> by�telefacsimile �unless otherwise required by law�, when d�pvsited with a na�ionally recogni�ed ❑�ernight courier, or, if
<br /> mailed, v+rhen deposEted in the Uni�ed 5tates mail, as first classr cer�ified or regis�ered mail postage prepaid, directed to
<br /> the addresses shawn near the beginning o��his Deed af Trust. A[I cvpies ❑f notices �f��reclosure from the holder of
<br /> any lien whi�h has priori�y o�er�his I�eed of Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust. Any.party may chan�e i�s address �or notices under �his Deed �f Trust by gi�ing farmal wri��en
<br /> notice �v the ❑�her parties, spe�ifying �hat the purpose �� the nv�i�� is �o change �he party's address. For na�i�e
<br /> purposes, Trusto� agrees t❑ keep Lender �n�ormed at all times of Trus�ar's �urrent address. Unfess a�herw�se pro�ided
<br /> or required by [aw, if there is mare than one Trus�or, any nvtice gi�en �y Lender�o any Trus�vr is deemed to be notice
<br /> gi�en t❑ all Trustars.
<br /> MISCELLANEQUS PRQV151�N5. The following miscellaneous pro�isions are a part❑f this I�eed a�Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This Deed of Trust,toge�he�-wi�h any Re�ated ❑acumen�s, constifiutes the entire understand�ng and
<br /> agr�ement vf the parti�s as �ta the matters sefi forth in this Deed of Trus�. N❑ altera�ian v� ❑r amendment t❑ this
<br /> ❑eed ❑f Trust shall be effecti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party vr parties s�ugh�t❑ be �harged ❑r
<br /> baund hy the altera�ion❑r amendmen�.
<br /> Annual Reports. l� �he Property is used �vr purposes ❑ther than Trustor's residence, Trustor shall furnish fio
<br /> Lender, upon request. a cer�ified sfia�emen� o# ne� aperating incvme re�ei�ed �rom the Property during Trustor's
<br /> pre�ious fiscal year in su�h �orm and de�ail as Lender shall require. "Net operafiing incvme" shall mean al� Gash
<br /> receipfis fram fihe Prvperty less a�i cash expenditures made �n cvnnec�ion with�he operativn vf fihe Property.
<br /> Captian Headings. Captian headings in this Deed af Trust are �or con�enience purposes only and are no-� �a be
<br /> used tv interpret or define the prv�isions�f�his I�eed ❑f Trust.
<br /> IlJlerger. There shall be no m�rger a��he in�erest or esfiate created by this ❑eed ❑�Trust with any ather interes�vr
<br /> estate �n the Property at any�ime held by ar for the be�e�i�❑f Lender in any capa�ity, wi�hou�k�he wri��en consen�
<br /> ❑f Lender.
<br /> Governing Law, This Deed v#Trus� wi�t he go�rerned by #ederal !aw applicahle ta Lender and, to the exten� not
<br /> preempted hy f�derai�aw.the laws o�F the 5�ate of Nehraska without regard ta i�s conf�i��s af law provisions. This
<br /> ❑eed of Trust has been accepted by Lender in the S�ate of Nebraska.
<br /> Chvice of Venue. 1fi�here is a lawsuit, Trus�or agrees upan Lender's request �❑ sulam�t to �he jur�sdiction of the
<br /> caurts of Hall �ounty, 5tate of Neb�aska.
<br /> Na Waiver by Lender. Lender sha�� no�be deemed tv ha�e wai�ed any rights under�his Deed v�Trus� unless such
<br /> wai�er is gi�en in wri�ing and signed f�y Lender. N❑ deEay❑r vmission on�he pa�t vf Lender in exer�cising any r�ght
<br />