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2� 17��858 <br /> aEE� oF T�usT <br /> Lvan Na: 'I��3��'I 38 �Cantinued} Page 9 <br /> shall aperate as a wai�er of suGh right ❑� any ❑ther right. A waF�er by Lender o�a pro�isian o��his Deed ❑f Trust <br /> shall not pre�udFce vr cans�i�u�e a wai�e�- af Lender's right otherwise �t❑ demand s�riGt �ompliance with tha� <br /> prv�isian or any other pro�isian o� this Deed of Trust. N❑ prior wai�er by Lender, nor any �ourse of dealing <br /> be�ween Lender and Trus�or, shall constitute a wai�er af any of Lender's rights ❑r o� any ❑f T�-usfior`s obligations <br /> as to any future �kransac�ions. Vllhene�er�he consen� a� Lender is required under�his ❑eed o�Trust, the granting <br /> o�such cansent by Lender in any ins�ance shall nat cansfii'tufie cont�nuing consen�to subsequent instances where <br /> such consen�is required and in all cases such cansen�t may be granted vr wi�hheld in fih�sol�discretion of Lender. <br /> 5errerabili�y. lf a cvur� of compe�en�jurisdiction finds any pro�ision o-�fihfs Deed ❑f Trust�a �e il�egal, �n�alid, �r <br /> unen�orceable as �❑ any circumstance, that �inding shaIl not make.the a��ending pr��isian ill�gal, in�alid, or <br /> unenfiorceable as t❑ any ofiher cir�umstance. I� feasible, the offending pro��sion shall be considered modifi�d so <br /> that it becames legal, �a�id and enforceab�e. if the o�F�ending praWisian cannot be s❑ mvdified, it shall be <br /> considered deleted from �his Deed af Trust. Unless ❑�kherwise required by law, �he illegali�y, in�alidi�y, vr <br /> unen�orceabi�i�y o� any prv�isivn of�his ❑eed a�Trus� shall not affec�the iega�ity, �a�idity ar enf�rceability o� any <br /> ❑ther pro�is�on❑�this Deed��Trus�. <br /> Successars and Assigns. 5u�ject tv any limi�a�ions sta�ed in �his Deed a�Trus� on �ransfer o�F T�ustvr's in�erest, <br /> �his Deed af Trus� sha1� be binding upon and inure t❑ the bene�it of the parties, fiheir suc�essors and assigns. I� <br /> awnership o�the Property becomes �ested in a person o�her than Trus�ar, Lender, wi�haut notice ta Trusfiar, may <br /> deal wi�h T�ustor's successars with re�erence�❑�his Deed af Trust and the Indebtedness by way❑f farbearance or <br /> extension v+�ith�ut releasing Trus�ar fram�he abliga�ivns vf�his ❑eed of Trus�ar lialaility under�he Endeb��dness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is ❑f�he essenGe in�he perfarmance o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> V1la�ver o� Homestead Exemp�tion. Trust�r hereby releases and wai�es all righ�s and bene��ts o�F �he homestead <br /> exemption laws a�the S�a�e ❑�Nebraska as t❑ all �ndeb�edness secured �y�his aeed vf Trus�. <br /> ❑EF�NITl�NS. The fa#�owing capi�alized words and terms shaj� haWe the follaw;ng meanings when ussd in fihis De�d ❑f <br /> Trus�. lJnless spec��fica[[y s�ated ta the �on�rary, all references �a dollar amounts shall mean amounts in lawfiul money <br /> of the United S�a�es o� Amer€ca. Words and terms used in �he singular shall includ� fihe plural, and the plural shall <br /> include the sin�ular, as the con�ex� may require. Vllords and �erms no� ❑the�wise de#ined in this ❑eed af Trust shall <br /> haWe�he meanings att�Ebufied�v such terms in�he Unifarm Cammercial C�de: <br /> Bene�iciary. The word "Bene�iciary" means Fi�e Poin�s Bank, and its suc�essors and assigns. <br /> Barrower. The ward "Borrower" means L & P 1NVESTMENTS, L.L.C. and inGludes all ca-signe�s and co�makers <br /> signing the Note and all�heir suc�essors and assigns. <br /> Deed o� Trust. The wards "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed ❑� Trus� amvng Trus�or, Lender, and Truste�, and <br /> includes without fimitation all assignment and security interest prv�isions rela�ing �a �he Persvnal Property and <br /> R e nts. <br /> Defau[t. The word "L]efault" means the Default se�fvrth in this De�d ❑f Trust in the section titl�d "De�aul�". <br /> Environmental Laws. The wvrds "En�iranmenta� Laws" mean any and alf sta�e, federal and locai statu�es, <br /> regu�ations and vrdinances re�ating fia the prv�e��ivn vf human health or fihe en�ironmen�, inciuding withnut <br /> limitation the ComprehensiWe EnWironmen�al Response, Compensatian, and Liabi�ity Act vf 198�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.�. Se�tion 9���, et seq. �"CERCLA"�, the 5uper�u�d Amendments and Reauthorization Act af 1986, Pub. L. <br /> N�. 99-499 �"SARA"},�he Hazardvus Materials Transpor�a�ion Ac�, 49 U.S.C. 5e��ivn 'IB��, et seq.,the Resource <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery Ac�, 42 LJ.S.C. Section �9D�, et seq., or o�her applicable state or�edera� laws, rules, <br /> or regulativns adop�ed pursuant the�-eto. <br /> E�en�o�De�auEt. The words "Even�of Default" mean any of the events vf de�aul�se�forth in this Deed vf Trusfi in <br /> the e�ents❑f defaul�section vf this Deed�f Trus#. <br /> Guaranty. The ward "Guaranfiy" means the guaranty�rom guarantv�-, endvrser, surety, ❑r ac�ommodatEon par�y ta <br /> Lender, in�luding wi�hout limitation a guaran�y vf all vr par�of�he Nate. <br /> Hazardous 5uhs�an�es. The w�rds "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" mean mater;afs �ha�, because vf their quantity, <br /> cvn�entra�ion ❑r physical, chemical or infectious characte�istics, may cause vr pose a presen� or po�ential hazard <br /> to human healfih or the en�ironmen�when imprvperly used, treated, stored, disposed o�, gene�ated, manufactured, <br /> transpor�ed ❑r otherwise handfed. The wards "Ha�ardaus Substances" are used in�heir very broadest sense and <br /> include wi�hou� limitatEan any and a�� hazardous or taxi� subs�ances, ma�erials or was�e as defined �ay ❑r listed <br /> under the En�iranmen�al Laws. The�erm "Hazardous Substanc�s" also includes, without limitat�an, pe�roleum and <br /> petr�leum hy-pr�ducts or any#ra�tion�hereof and asbes�as. <br /> lmprorrements. The word "Imprv�ements" means af! ex�sting and future impro�ements, buildings, strucfiures, <br /> mobile hvmes affixed on �he Real Proper�y, facilities, addi�ivns, replacements and ❑�h�r consfiruction ❑n the Real <br /> Proper�y. <br /> lndeb�edness. The �rvord "�ndebtedness" means a�� principal, Enterest, and ather amounts, cos�s and expenses <br /> payable under �he No�e vr Related ❑acuments, toge�her wi�h all renewals of, extensians of, mvdifications of, <br /> cansalidations o�and substitutions fvr fihe Note or Re�ated ❑��uments and any amvunts expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender ta dis�harge Trustor`s abligations ❑r expenses incurred by Trus�ee or Lender tv en�Fvrce Trustor's <br />