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2� 17��85� <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> Loan No: ���3�2�35 �Cvnt�nued} Page 8 <br /> and upon any a�peal. Vllhe�her or nvt any cour� action is in�alWed, and �o the extent no� prohibi�ed by iaw, all <br /> reasanabie expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lend�r's opinian are necessary at any fiime for the protection of its <br /> interest or�he enforcemen�af ifis rights shall hecame a part a�the lndebtedness payable ❑n demand and shall bear <br /> intersst afi fihe Note rate from the da�e o��he expenditure un�il repaid. Expenses coWered by this paragraph in�lude, <br /> wi�hout limitatian, hawe��r suhject tv any lim�ts under applicable law, Lenderr5 attorneys' �ees and Lender's lega� <br /> expenses, whether ar not there is a lawsuit, in�lud�ng attorneys' �ees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> ��ncluding �fforts to modify ar�acate any automati�stay�r injunction�, appeals, and any anticipated past-judgmen�t <br /> co�lectivn ser�ices, the �vst of searching records, obtaining fiitle reports {inc�uding �areclosure reports}, sur�ey�rs' <br /> reparts, and appraisal �ees, �i�l� insurance, and fees far the Trustee, to the ex�ent permit�ed by applicab�e law. <br /> Trustor also wi�I pay any court cvsts, in additivn to a�I other sums pr�Wided by iaw. <br /> Rights of Trus�ee. Trustee shall ha�e a�l of�he rights and duties ❑�Lender as set farth in�his sectivn. <br /> PDWERS AN❑ ❑gLiGAT[�N5 DF TRUSTEE. The fallowing pro�isians reiating ta the pawers and ❑bliga�ians of Trus�ee <br /> are part❑f this l�eed ❑�Trust: <br /> Pvwers of Trustee. tn additivn ta all powers vf Trustee arising as a matter of law,Trus�ee sha�l have�he power to <br /> take the �a�lowing actians wi�h respect to the Property upon�he written requesfi��F Lender and Trustar: �a} join in <br /> preparing and fi�ing a map ❑r pla� vf the Real Property, includzng the dedicativn �f stree�s or other righ�ks t❑ the <br /> public; 4b} �oin in granfiing any easement vr �reating any restriction on the Real Proper�y; and {c� jo�n in any <br /> subardination or�ther agreemen�a��ecting this Deed of Trus�❑r�h�in�erest of Lender under�his Deed vf Trust. <br /> Trus�ee. Trus�ee shal� meet all qualificati�ns required for Trus�ee under applicable law. ln addition �a the rights <br /> and remedies set #orth aba�e, with respect t❑ all ar any part of the Praper�y, the Trustee shall ha�e the right to <br /> fivreclose by notiGe and sa€e, and Lender shall ha�e the right t❑ foreclose hy judicial �oreclosu�e, in �ither case in <br /> accvrdance wi�h and tv�the�u[f�xten�pro�ided by app�icable law. <br /> 5uccessar Trusfiee. Lend�r, a� Lender's ❑ptian, may firom time to time app�in�a successor Trus�ee to any Trus�ee <br /> appointed under�his Deed ❑f Trust by an ins�rument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recarded in the <br /> ❑��ice of the recard�r flf HALL �oun�y, State o� Nebraska. The instrument shall cantain, in additinn �o all o�her <br /> mat�ters required by s�a�e �av+r, -�he nam�s ❑f �he original Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustor, fihe hvok and Qage {vr <br /> compu�er sys�em re�erence} where this Deed ❑f Trust is recorded, and fihe name and address ❑f the success�r <br /> trustee, and�he insfirument shall be executed and acknvwledged by all the bene�ficiaries under�his ❑eed o�Trus�or <br /> �heir successo�-s in interest. The successvr�rustee, withau� conWeyan�e ❑f�he Property, shall succeed to all �he <br /> �i�le, powe�, and du�ies conferred upan�he Trust�e in this ❑eed o-�Trust and �y app[i�ai�le law. This pro�edure for <br /> substitution❑�f Trustee sha[l goWern to the exclusivn❑f all v�her pro�isivns�ar subs�i�ut�on. <br /> N�Tl�ES. Any notice requi�ed ta be gi�en under this Deed af Trust, including w�th�ut limita�ian any no�ice of default <br /> and any notice v�sale shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be effecti�e when actually deli�ered, when actually receiWed <br /> by�elefacsimile �unless oth�rwise required hy law�, when deposified with a natianally recognized a�ernigh�caurier, or, if <br /> maifed, when deposi�ed in the United 5�a�es mail, as first c[ass, certified or registered mail postage prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shown near the beginning of this ❑eed �f Trust. All copies of natic�s v��oreclosure from the holder vf <br /> any lien which has pr�nrity over this Deed o�Trust shall 1ae sent ta Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of <br /> �his Deed af Trust. Any party may change its address for no�ices under thFs �]eed o� Trust by gi�ing ��rmal written <br /> notice to the ❑ther parti�s, specifying that the purpose a� the no�i�e is t� �hange #he party's address. Far nvtice <br /> purposes, Trustor agrees t❑ keep Lender informed a� all �imes ��Trustvr's current address. �nl�ss otherwEse prv�id�d <br /> ar requir�d 1ay law, E�fihere is more�han vne Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender�to any Trus�vr is deemed t❑ be nvti�e <br /> giWen�o ai!Trustors. <br /> M15CELLANE�US PRDV15l�NS. The fvl�awing misceElaneaus pro�isi�ns are a part�f�his ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. This Deed of Trus�, together wi�h any Related ❑ocuments, const�tu�es�he en�ire understanding and <br /> agreemen�vf�he par�ies as tv�he matters set forth in this Deed of Trust. Na altera�ian �f or amendment�o fihis <br /> Deed o�Trust shai! be e��ecti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party ❑r parti�s sought ta be charged or <br /> bound by the alterativn vr amendment. <br /> Annua! Reporxs. �fi the Prvperty is used for purpnses other �khan Trustor's �esidence, Trus�or sha�t furnish �o <br /> Lender, upon reques�, a �er�ified statement ❑f net ❑pera��ng income recei�ed �rom the Prvperty during Trusfivr's <br /> pre�ious fiscai year in such form and detail as Lender shall �-e�u�re. "Ne� operating income" shall mean a!i cash <br /> receipts#r�m�he Property Iess all cash expenditures made in connection with the apera�ian af�he Praperty. <br /> Captivn Headings. Gaptian headings in �khis De�d ❑f Trust are for con�enience purp�ses ❑n�y and are no� to �e <br /> used t❑interpre�or de�ine the prv�isions o�fihis ❑eed of Trust. <br /> IVlerger. There sha�� be no merger❑f the interest or estate crea�ed by thEs Deed of Trust wi�h any other in�erest or <br /> estate in�he Property a�any fiime held by or for the bene�it of Lender in any capacifiy, wi�haut the written consent <br /> a�Lender. <br /> Governing Law. This De�d of Trust will be gvWerned by federal law applicable tv Lender and, �v the exten� nvt <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws o�the 5tate❑�IVebraska without regard fo its confli�ts v�r law pravisions. This <br /> ❑e�d of Trust has been accepted by Lender in the 5�ate of Nehraska. <br /> Chvi�e vf Venue. lf there is a lawsuEt, Trus�vr agrees upon Lender's request t❑ suhmi�t❑ the jurisdiction �f the <br />