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2� 17��855 <br /> ASSI�NMENT DF RENTS <br /> Lvan Nv: ��'13��'�4'i ���nt�nued} Page � <br /> TH15 A55IGNMENT �S GIVEN T� SECI]RE ('I} PAYMENT �F THE INDEgTEDNE55 AND ��} PERF�RMANCE �F ANY <br /> AND ALL ❑BLiGATI�NS �F �RANT�R UNDER THE N�TE, THIS A551GNIVIENT, AN❑ THE RELATED DOCUMENTS. <br /> TH15 A551GNMENT�5 �IVEN AN❑ACCEPTED DN THE F�LL�WING TERMS; <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFaRMANCE. Except as otherw�se pr��ided in this Assignment❑r any Refated ❑acumen�s, G�antvr <br /> shall pay to Lender all amounts secured by �his Assignmen� as �hey become due, and shall s�rictly perform all of <br /> Gran�or's ob�igations under this Assignment. Unless and until Lender exercises i�s righ�t� coIlect�he Rents as proWided <br /> helow and s❑ lang as fihere is n❑ defaul� under�this Assignment, Granfiar may remafn in �3D55E551�n and contral of and <br /> opera�e and manage�he Property and ca�Iect the Rents, prar��ded �hat the granting ❑f the right ta �ollect the Ren�s shal! <br /> no�cons�i�u�e Lender's cansent t❑the use❑f cash co1lateral in a bankrup�cy praceeding. <br /> GRANT�R'S REPRESENTATIDNS AND�1VARRANTIES. Granfior warran�s fihafi: <br /> ❑wnership. Grantor is entitled t❑ recei�e the Rents free and clear ❑f all righfis, Ivans, liens, encumhranGes, and <br /> c�a�ms excep�as disclosed ta and accep�ed by Lender in wri�ing. <br /> Right ta Assign. Grantor has the �ull right, pawer and authvrity to enfier into this Assignmen� and ta assign and <br /> con�ey the R�nts t❑ Lender. <br /> Nv Prior Assignment. Grantor has not pre�iously assigned or con�eyed fihe Rents to any a�her person �y any <br /> ins�rumen�k now in force. <br /> No Further Transfer. Grantor will not sell, assign, encumber, ❑r atherwise dispose o�any of Gran�or's rights in the <br /> Rents except as proWided in�his Assignmenfi. <br /> LEN�ER'S R1GHT T� RECEIVE AN[3 C�LLECT RENTS. L�nder shal! ha�e �he right a� any time, and even thaugh nv <br /> defaul�shall have occurred under this Assignment, to collec�and recei�e the Renfis. Fvr fihis purpose, Lender is h�reby <br /> gi�en and gran�ed the following righ�s, powers and au�hority: <br /> Nv�i�e to Tenants. Lender may send notices to any and a�� tenants ❑f the Property ad�ising �hem vf this <br /> Assignment and directing alf Ren�s to be paid dire��ly ta Lender a�Lender's agent. <br /> En�er�he Proper�y. Lender may en�er upon and �ake possession a��he Praperty; demand, collect and receive from <br /> the tenants or ��vm any ❑ther pers�ns ��able fihe�-e�or, a�� o��he Rents; institute and carry on ail legal proceedings <br /> necessary -�or �he prote�tion ❑� the P�-flperty, �ncluding such proceedings as may be necessary to recvWe�- <br /> p�ssessi�n of th� Property; c�llect the Rents and remvue any�enant ar tenan�s❑r v�her persvns from fihe Praperty. <br /> 1Vlaintain �he Property. Lender may enter upon the Praperfiy to maintain the Prvperty and keep the same in �epair; <br /> fio pay th� cosfis th�reaf and ❑� all ser�ices of al1 emplayees, inc�uding their equipment, and of all cantinuing costs <br /> and expenses vf maintaining the Property in proper repai�and condifiian, and also�❑ pay a�[taxes, assessm�nts and <br /> water utili�ies, and�he premiums ❑n fire and other insuran�e effected by Lender on�he P�-�per�y. <br /> �omplian�e with Laws. Lender may da any and all things to execu�e and comp[y with the laws ❑� �he 5tate o�f <br /> Nebraska and also all o�her �aws, rules, orders, ordinances and requirements o� all a�her go�ernmental agen�ies <br /> a��ectEng fihe Praperty. <br /> Lease the Property. Lende�may rent vr iease the who�e vr any part o�the Prape�ty�Fvr such term or�erms and on <br /> such conditians as Lender may deem appra�ria�e. <br /> Employ Agen#s. Lender may engage suGh agent ❑r agen�s as Lender may deem appropriate, either in Lender's <br /> name or in Grantor's name,to rent and mana�e�he Properfiy, inc�uding the colle��ion and applicativn o�Rents. <br /> ��her Acts. Lender may da all such vther fihings and acts with respecfi tv the Property as Lender may deem <br /> appropriat� and may act exGlusi�eiy and salely in the place and stead ❑�Grantor and ta ha�e a�E of the powers af <br /> Gran�or far fihe purposes stated aboWe. <br /> Na R�quirement to Act. Lender shall not be requ�red fio do any af�he fvregoing acts vr�hings, and the �act�hat <br /> Lender shaEl ha�e performed one or more �f the �aregoing acts �r things sha�l not require Lender to d❑ any v�her <br /> specific act ar�hing. <br /> APPLECATI�N �F FiENTS. All costs and e�tpens�s incurred hy Lender in connection with the Property shal� �e for <br /> Gran�or's ac�vunt and Lender may pay such �osts and expenses fram �he Ren�s. Lender, in i�s svle dEs�retion, shall <br /> d�termine the applicatian vf any and all Rents recei�ed by it; hawe�er, any such Rents r�cei�ed by Lender which are <br /> na� applied �❑ such costs and expenses shall be applied �o the Indeb�edn�ss. All expenditures made by Lender under <br /> �his Assignment and nat reiml�ursed frvm the Rents sha�i became a pa�t ❑f �he lndehtedness seGured by this <br /> Assignment, and shall be paya�f�❑n demand, wi�h in�erest a�the Na�e rate from date❑f expenditure until paEd. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. I� Granfivr pays all v� �he Indebtedness when due and ❑therwise performs al1 �he ❑bligatFons <br /> impased upon Grantor unde�-�his Assignment,�he Note, and�he Rela�ed Documents, Lender shall execute and deliWer ta <br /> Grantv�-a suitab�e satEsfaction ❑f�his Assignment and sui�able statements vf termination ofi any financing s�atement�n <br /> file e�idencing Lender's security in�eres� in the Ren�s and �he Prvperty. Any termina�ion ��e required by law shall be <br /> paid by Grantor, if permi��ed by appli�ahie [aw. � <br /> LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. if any action or proceeding is commenced tha�wauld materialEy a#�ect Lender's interest in <br /> �he Property❑�-i�Grantar fails to comply w�th any prv�ision❑f this Assignmen�or any Related Dacumen�s, including bu� <br /> no�lim�ted�o Granfior's�aifure to discharge vr pay when due any amaun�s Grantor�s requ�red to discharge or pay under <br />