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�aEE�a �F TRusT <br /> 2� 17��854 <br />� Lvan No: 'I�'l 3�2"�4'1 ��antinued} Page 9 <br /> shall operate as a wai�er of such right or any other right. A wai�er by Lender o� a pro�ision of this Deed of Trust <br /> shall not pre�udice ar const�tu�e a wai�er at Lender's righ� ❑�herwise to demand s�ric� compl�ance with that <br /> pro�ision ar any ❑ther pro�ision o� this Deed ❑f Trus�. N❑ privr wai�er by Lender, nor any caurse o� dea�ing <br /> be�twesn Lender and Trustor, shall cons�i�u�e a wai�er ❑� any at Lender's rights ❑r ❑�f any ❑�Trus�or's abligat�ons <br /> as t❑ any �uture transac�ions. Whene�er the cvnsent �f Lend�r is required unde�-this deed ❑f Trus�, the granting <br /> of such �ansenfi by Lender in any instance shall not constitute can�tinuing consent to subsequ�n� instanGes where <br /> such consen�is required and in all cases su�h consent may be granted ❑r withhe�d in the sole discre�ivn af Lender. <br /> Se�erabili�y. If a court of campetent jurisdic�ion finds any pra��sian of fhis Deed a�f Trus�to be illegal, in�alid, ❑r <br /> unen�orceahle as �❑ any circums�ance, that finding shall no� make the vffending pro�isian il�ega�, Fn�alid, vr <br /> unenfarceable as �o any afiher �ir�umstance. �f feasible, fihe o��ending pro�isian shall be considered madi�ied so <br /> tha� it becomes le�al, �aIid and enforceable. lf the vffending pro�ision cannot be so modi�ied, i� sha�� be <br /> cansidered de�eted from �his Deed of Trust. Unless ❑�herwise required by law, the illega�ity, in�a��d�ty, or <br /> unenforcea�ili�y ❑f any pro�ision of�his Deed o�Trust shall not affiect the legali�y, �alidity ❑r enfvrceahility af any <br /> other pro�isian a�fihis Deed vf Trust. <br /> 5u��essors and Assigns. Subject�❑ any limitations s�ated in fihis aeed of Trust ❑n firansfer of Trustor's interest, <br /> this ❑eed af Trus� shall be binding upvn and inure to the benefi� of the parties, their su�cessars and assigns. If <br /> ❑wnership ❑f the Pr�per�y becomes �es�ed in a person ❑�her�han Trustar, Lender, without no�ice�a Trustor, may <br /> deal wi�h Trus�ar's successors with re��rence to�this ❑eed af Trust and the Indebtedness by way o�f forbearance ar <br /> extension without releasing Trus�ar fram�he obligations af this Deed vf Trust ar liability under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is of�he Essence. Time is of the essence in�the perfvrmance ❑f�his Deed ❑�T�ust. <br /> V�1ai�er vf Homes#ead Exempfiion. Trusfior hereby releases and wai�es all rights and henefiits o� fihe hvmestead <br /> ex�mption (aws ❑f fihe Sfiafie vf Nebraska as�ko a�l lndebtedness secured by this Deed ❑f Trus�. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The following capitalized words and terms shall ha�e the following meanings when used in�his �3eed o� <br /> Trus�. Llnless specifically s�ated tv fihe �on�rary, all references to dvllar amounts shall mean amoun�s in law�u[ money <br /> ❑�f �he Uni�ed 5�a�es of Ameri�a. Vllords and terms used in �he singu[ar shall include the piural, and fihe plura� shall <br /> include the singular, as �he context may require. Words and terms nvt ❑therwise de�ined in fihis ❑eed of Trust shafl <br /> ha�e the meanings at�ributed tv such fierms in�he Unifarm Commercial Code: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "6eneficiary" means FiWe P�in�s Bank, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> Borr�wer. The word "gorrower" means L & P INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. and includes a[I ca-signers and �v-makers <br /> signing�he Note and all their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed o# Trusfi. The words "Deed vf Trus�" mean this Deed a� T�-us� among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> in�fud�s withvut limitatian all assignment and security interes� pra�isions relat�ng to the Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> De�ault. The word "�efau�t" means the Default se�for�h �n this Deed o�Trust in�he sec�ian titled "De�ault". <br /> Environmerr�al Laws. The words "En�ironmen�al Laws" mean any and all s�a�e, �ederal and Iocal statutes, <br /> regula�ivns and ordinances relating to the protection ��f human health ❑r the en�ironment, inc�uding without <br /> limita�ion �he C�mprehensi�e En�iranmen�al Respanse, Compensativn, and L�abili�y Act ❑f �98�, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Sectivn 96D�, et set�. �"CERCLA"�, fihe 5uperfund Amendments and Reaufihorization Act nf 'i 98�, Puh. L. <br /> Na. 93-499 �"SARA"y, �he Hazardous Materials Transpar�ativn Act, 49 U.S.C. Section �8�1, e�seq.,the Resaurce <br /> Conser�ati�n and Recovery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. Sec�ion 63��, e�seq., or other applicable state or federal laws, rules, <br /> or regulatEons adopted pursuant theret�. <br /> E�ent vf De�ault. The words "E�en�of Defaul�" mean any o�the e�ents af defaul�set forth in this Deed o�Trus�in <br /> �he e�ents af default sectivn❑t this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means th� guaranty from guaran�or, endorse�r, surety, vr accvmmodation par�y t� <br /> Lender, �ncluding withoufi limitation a guaranty o�a��or par�❑f the Nv�e. <br /> Hazardous Su�stances. The words "Hazardaus 5ubstances" mean materia[s that, because of their quantity, <br /> c�ncentra�ian or physical, �hemical or infectious characterisfiics, may cause or pose a present or pafienfiial hazard <br /> to human health o�the en�iranment when imprvperly used, treated, s�ored, disposed v�, g�nera�ed, manu�actured, <br /> transported ar o�herwise handled. The wo�ds "Hazardous Sulastan�es" are used �n their W�ry broades� sense and <br /> include withou� limitativn any and all hazardous or fivxi� substances, ma�erials vr waste as defined by or �ist�d <br /> under the Environmental Laws. The��rm "Hazardous Substances" a�so includes, wi�hout lim��katEon, petroleum and <br /> petroleum by--products or any fractivn fihereof and asbes�as. <br /> �mpravements. The word "lmproWemen�s" means all exist�ng and �uture imprv�ements, huild�n�s, struc�ures, <br /> mvbile hvmes af#�xed ❑n �he Rea� Prvperty, faci�ities, additivns, repfa�ements and vthe�- cvns�ructi�n an �he Real <br /> Property. <br /> Indebfedness. The word "indeb�edness" means all principal, interest, and o�her amounfis, cvsts and expenses <br /> payable under the Note or Rela�ed Do�umenfis, �vge�her wi�h all ren�wals vf, extensions of, mad�ficat�ons o�, <br /> consofidativns ❑f and substitu�ions for�he Na�e ❑r Related Dvcumen�s and any amounts expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender �o discharge Trus�or's ❑bligatians vr expenses in�urred by Trus�ee ❑r Lender to enforce Trustor's <br />