_vu�,_ .v: - ' �5���—f.ti.:- -� �t :: .t:�it ,i�p,«.;- � ��s�._u y;•e � w•a�riai.yy5• a'�"'3:cad�.�t'r`-��iiia'.:.__t.[•3'�.t a"'F- ' '_s,��'i�i-.�wk±�
<br /> —___� _� _ ,t.a"�s�d.t4:�� :�;:�;SL,�r�vnm�ri�l'h�i ���sY.���x.\ t �' ,� rn�.�.Y'=
<br /> :��, "``� �:�,.•-
<br /> , r . --- �
<br /> ^ � 50-=1007�� .
<br /> t�,gQ,�py�� �ay�*nd�r(�pt s yfyirer.F_ctensqn ef tRe t�mg Mr pEt7finen?or mod:ticaton ot art;ortaat:on ot me sums seCUroa py ttus�c�.�y msuument
<br /> gr�nt�py(st�r m 'aAy '�sec' irfirt'E�lreSt of Borroxet S�afl rs6t oper�e tD ce�exsA the hab:!ityr ot tha origin�i Borrower or Burrott�eis SuCCessors in inte25t.lender shall nat be rgquired
<br /> tp Wmmente proceed;n�s against azry su�T:n irtterest m r�fusa to ertsnd Gme tor payment ar cthe�wisff�,od�tyr Amatt,zaLan pt the Sums setured by U�s Secunry InstnimentEy reasnn
<br /> of afry demand made by the origna7 Borrower or fiorto'aer's sucoa5sars in m4erest.Any tar�eazance bV�enCEr m eaprGSing any nght ar remedy sha�i nat bo a�ra���er of or p2cNde the
<br /> exerc�se at any rigm a RmeQy-
<br /> 1�, Stt�s�ors an0 As�ipn�Bound;,kint and S�wral Ltabifityr Cas��nM.Tha tovenants enG agreements o!this Seeurity tnstromont 5!�?JI OmG an0 bCneLt thes sWxessO�s end
<br /> gS5ign9 p!LgtfQ�er gnd BortOwOr,6vbjexttn tffe p+avisions oi parbgrapt!17.Sorta�+yeYS COV2nant3 and ABteE�errts shail Ao�omt anQ Suveral.Any Borrower wlio Co•s:�s 4his fiecurtty InsIIUment
<br />- hut Qces not e.�aqrta the Nate:ia)is ca-Sign�Rg ihis Sesurity tnSU�smerrtany ta m�tgage.gra�t and cQrnoy ttia!Bonar.trr s interest in the Propeny ucxter lhe tertrts ot this Secunty Instrumertt;
<br /> � (b)is not perWx�aeyt obiigated to Ray tRe sums securea CY this Sacunty I�swm_nt:a:�ci(c}sg,�ees tRat l.er�er ana any otner 8orrovrcr may agras to extend.mod;fy,farUear ar make arty
<br /> aecom�a w.�m�egard ta the tertns at this Seccuity tru'trurrtent or ihs No!e witt�ut that 8ormner's consent.
<br /> _ 12 Le�n CM�.Ii the loan secvred by this Seeuriiy Instru.•nent is subject to a taw wnich sets maximurr�toan cAarges.an�that law is t�r.ai�y interyretea so thdt the intetesf or othes toan
<br /> d�ar�es cWbcteO ar t0 be:oYecfeQ{n oonnactia�with 1he toan 6Ycee0 the Dennitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charga sha9 be reduced oy tne amwm necessary to re�ce�he charge
<br /> io the permitfed fimit:and C4)am/sums&iready ceQeGed from Eorrc�uer wtfict�e�cceesSed pemtitted fimits witi be refun�ed to Borrower.lessder m.ay t�loose to make tt��refu:�d Dy raduUng
<br /> tt,e pritsGipal pwed urfder the Hota or Oy m�iting e d'aDA p3y�ttentta Bocroxrer.f1 a ratund taduoes prinapai.ine rcrJucticn Wnl►Oe treated es a parlas prepa•�ment wahout any p�apaymerrt chazge
<br /> �.�er the Nota
<br /> i�_�'�Q�i��. !1�1,�s Ri9A�.It 2nHCQ�ifrtl Or e7fp'.idti0n pf aj1�,1GC3bk'J 12wS hd9!hb efffCt Ot rdrtdfiilso 3ny pr0Vi51(ff9 Ot th9 t10tB�t 1f1'S S�.ttAy t�5�117Ii@711 UTiQ`lifaiL2dGt°
<br /> accor�ng to i[s te+frs.Lea�der.at it9 o�an.rtcay[eQuire imir.ediate payment in fu0 of a1 sums seeuretl by tn:s Secu►icy In,-Vurr.ent and:nay'+imroke arry remedies germi�ea DY Paregraph 19.
<br /> 1f LeMx axercises Mi9 optian.Lerh.�er s�all ta[ce the steps apecified in the secaM Fa�a9�aDh af P�9�i 7
<br /> - 1�, f�oQeM.My npiice to Borro+�er prst�d ter in M+s Se�curi*f tnstrument shail be grrert 4y detivenng it ar by maling it by Frst Gaas ma:l urteas app�icab!e taw reqv�res use oi arrofher
<br /> rtietteod.The notice ShalF 6e d"�ecte0 ta VrE Err�ei.y ACdrESS cr vry other a�ass 8orm�+vei designates by notiee to Ge�sdar.Any r�ttita to L.ender shall Ee given by first ttass mal to t enCer's
<br /> a�ss st�eQ l�e�ein or arry other eOdRSS�CC�designates 6y no::ce to 8�raerer.Amf notice provideA�or in ttes Sea,rity►nstrumern shal bo QeArred to have been given to Borrawer ar
<br /> t.�+4.�r x�,i�ten as prvrided in this par33��
<br /> L5,CseYma�fi�y L�w;S�wrat�N�:This Sec:^:^��nswrs�ertt sha:!be gavamed by feCorat law and th°1ax of ths juns,G:ttion+n wtich the Property is facate3.ln ihe event thaz arry•provisio�
<br /> a:�tuse at firs Secudry L�1^r�,*S or the Note+xnHic�xith eppticabte lavA�Ch conl?ict shall rtaf aNect o:her pro•risians ot th;s Secu;iry Instrurrtent or ths No��e�ts�cfi can be given eRect
<br /> ,y�out the conftidiryg prpyisfrrs,T��,iis end thg provislorts oY'�:�Security tnsWmert arsd tha Na!e are Ceclared to be ssverab'e. ,
<br /> 16. 8ore�wra Copy.BC�"�s?Shall be g'nren one ccntc-r��opy of tT:e Noto snd ot this Security In;VUment .
<br /> 17,lf�ufa(K pf tM propety�r�B�n�ai:�tnst in�ermwar.I!afl or any paA of the Properry or any interest m rt is sctd or transferred(or if a tseneficlal interest in Borrmn�-;s so:d � �
<br /> or transferred and Bortnwer i3 not e nalura�'!wlthout LendeYs prior wrtttert consent.Lenrler may,at�ts optian.[equira immectia!e payment i�fu8 of all sums secured by lttis fic�rrty
<br /> Instrument.kaweve�Ni9 oplion Shat1 rt0i Qe�.5�sed hy LerCe:�f exarcue i;proh�Oted Gy federa!(aw as ot the date ot thu Secunty tnstrum�rrt
<br /> It LenGer exercisas 1h(s option,LenCer stc�ll r�s^�arrov�r r.Ctsce of acce:erat�on.The notice shall proviQe e psriaA ot rtot less than 30 days from the Qate the rtotice is detivere3 csT�it93
<br /> withinwhichBorrovwBrmustpayntlsumssea�ad�}.:`rs�eci:r-E�instrument.Il6ortowerfalstapaythnsesumspriortolheexp�ratienotthisperia.f,LenQermayinwkeanyrem9ciias�sr+1�'� , �
<br /> tsyH4is Seturity tnstrument wAhout lurther nCtics o-aer.���.!�,.''srawer.
<br /> 1S, gprrowwr•�qi�t to iMkfflaM It 8or.r�meefs�^s��nd+UOr.s.Barroh�er shall have the nynt to have errtorcement of this Security Instrument disconGnued at 8ny time pnor to �.
<br /> the earlier ot:(a)5 days(ar wct�other peried�s�alieab:e�w may speciry tar.e�nstatemem}before sate of the Property pursuant to any power of sate contained in this Security I�stament;
<br /> or(b)entry at a judgnent enforcirg Viis Sec:ri�L�irument Those cortCi�icrt a�e ihat Borrower.(a)pays Lender all sums which then would�e C�o unCer this Security tnstrumenf and the
<br /> Nate had no eccaleratian oaurred:(D)eures any�efault ot any other cover�.^ac�agreaments;(c)pays alf expertses incurted in enforcing this Seasily Instrument,inGuding,Gut na!�nited
<br /> to,reasanable attomeys'fees;artd{d)takes s:�.:i action as Lender may reasa-+�.y require to assum that me fien oi this Searity Insuument.��•'S rights in the Properry artd�.awer's
<br /> � ohI'�gation tn pa/tne sums secured tiy this Sec,;r.,y Inswrnert sha0 tontinue urtchanged.Upon re!nstatement by Bortower.Mis SeCUriry Instrur:�';and ttie ohligations secured Rereby shatl .
<br /> - remain futty eHeGUve as if r+J�:?leration had cecurred.Her:e�ar,this right to reinstate shatl nat app(y i�the case N acCeleraTion under paragta�hs 13 or 17.
<br /> NON•UNIFOHM COYEhAS��3.�arrower a:d Lender(crfi.=r covenant and agree as faftovis: �
<br /> , 1!. Aec�F�atlan;F�in�+t.J.��r slui!9t�notic�to Bortower prbr to acaNratlon toltowing Barovnrs bAach af�ny eov�+�ant or ay►wment(n this S�eurity Instrurnant
<br /> (put not pdprto accNuaWn trrdK pNa�p�s t3�nd 17 unbss appuc�hN law provld�s otMrwlp?.Th�notic�sha11 speeffy:(a�ths dMault;(D)tM�ctlon hqulnd to eun th� ,
<br /> _� d�faulh(a)�¢�.not i�N tlW��BD d�a+�7im 7J�dat�tfw notle�Is g[�n W Burowu,by Nlfkh tM d�huR must G cund:.nd f�e�u�rsrmrs co cur..th.aautt on o.ae!urr
<br /> qw d��p�cflisd tn Ui�no'�..oi m�y nat,�t I�aa�rsNon af th�aums t�c�m�d by thts S�cuNty tn�trum�ni ancf aat�of th�Prop�rty.Th�notk�t shall turtMr Irtortn Bo�r of
<br /> tM rtyM�p rMnWl�rMr�epWrNioe is�p��t.�SMs+p a eourt sctlon to�s�t tl�nort�:i�bne�of a d�fault a�ny oth�r d�iM�e of Borrow�r to acaNnUon an�t tia7e.N
<br /> fM dMwH h na wwd on or bNb�Ms d�i��e►fl�d l:�x�s notte�.L�nd�r tl Iq optlon mafr�W+he InxrNdi�a paym�rtt in tu110!�11 wms Ncu�d b�r�s S�curriy M,�sn+�nt . �
<br /> • �Rtl�o�nhNlfNidMlrlld Mt0 n�y Invok�1M polwr�4arale�.ad frty ofM►wfrndl�s P���!I�PP�IcabN Iaw.1.�nGK�hall Q�MfNthd W colNet all�spNtws Mcurt�d In p�xsWk�
<br /> t!N nn�lb�prpvldW In thi�p�q�spA 19.Ine�d'ing,�:,�t not I1mItW to,cMSOnabN nttorn�ys'h�s�nd costs of titN wiMnc�. '
<br /> M tM ppw�r pf sW Is kfwbd,ituaEw�aS!�seord a�otkt of d�huB In tacb counry in whkh�ny part ot th�P�opectq Is locahd ar�d atfa(1 mail copNs of suct�nodca'rn 3He
<br /> nwm�r P�+�d blr�ppYcabh�w fo 8an�wr rn0 to�N etlwr p�rsons p�serl�O�d by�pp�teabt�t�rv.Att�r ttw tirn�rsquirad�5►�iceitYie law.Ttu�tN sMll 9iw puQii�na^�ee
<br /> � of aN fc:l�e{�eraons�rtd In tfw manrNr���d by ay7gfS�abls law Tnm6er,wttnaut d�mand on 8orrowsr,shall pll tfw Cropety at�ufili�auctfon to tM h{pMtt biQdsr�r�4:�e ,n�.
<br /> UnN�nd pfa�c�ruW ur�r 1hs btms d�si�hrd tn tfN r_p�oe o1 qf�in orN or mors p�rcNs tnd U�rty ordK Tivala�dK�rtnit�.7ivstN msy Dostpo++�saN W all w�pey pareai ,°:.`.
<br /> ot th�?rop�rty by pubilo�rr�r.unc�nt�t ttN UrtN�nS y!�af�ny prsvlousty sehWulad sat�.Unsfar or iu dastgne�mry Rucchaas th�Propsrty�i a:ry wl�.
<br /> Upon�eNpt ot p�ynNt�t�a'f tM prla bt0,TrusW sha0 deilv�r to th�purchaNr TnntN's d�wnwytny th�Propoty.Th�neitals In tM 1FustN'�W�d stutl b�prlma f+�ei�
<br /> wlQ�nc�01 tfN puth p/tM�Mnwnts n�tlwnlrt.Truat»shall�pply tM Draa�d�01 tM saN In the folk.wlny orMr:(�)to�ll sxp�n Ws of tM aN.Includtny,but not Itmttod '
<br /> to,Ttu�M�'s N�s p p�rmltMd by ippNC�.raw arb rwwnabN ottorn�ys'f�rs:(b)to�tl sums a�curad by thfs S�cu►Ity Instrutn�nh,and(a)as�y�xcqs to fh�p�non or pe�^��s
<br /> �hl�blt • �.:�
<br /> 2p. L�rWw(n PorMt�ion.Upon 8caelen[i��unCer paragraph 19 or ebandonment of the Prcperty.Lender(in porson,by agent or by judicially appointed 2ceiver)shall be o-L'�!LZ 2„ '
<br /> enter trpon,taks pos�ession o�end manage"_�rroperty and to collect the rents o1 the Property inUu7ing those past duo.Any rants col!ected by Lender or the racenrer shall be aF�ir�`.+.rst
<br /> to paymenl ol the coets of management ot tlse Property artd cc'iectian of rents,inGuding,but ro!limited to,�eceiver's t@es,premlums on receivels bonQs end reasonable ettomeys'tee9,and _
<br /> � then to Iho sums aacured by thls Securiry Im,�.rment.
<br /> 21. Reeanv�ynna.Upon payment ol a1l s•�-^�secured try:hy Security Instrument,Lender shall requast Trustee ro reoorrvey t�e property end shall surrender ihls Securiry Insuumern and _
<br /> a11 notes evldencing c�ebt secured by this Sec.<-:',instrument ro Trustee.Trustee snall recarney the Properry wi�hout warranty and w'S�out charge ro tho person or persons tegalry entitted to —
<br /> if.SuCh per3n or persons shall pdy any rea�r:�a:��n wsta.
<br /> 72. SubaUl�wb TruriN.Lender,at its ap::o^.��i3y trom tirt:e!o t�me renc,%�Tr�stee and appomt a succe>sor irostee to any trustee a,po�r.t:Ji�zr�anQer by an instrumeN recartlaa m the '
<br /> eounty in whiCh thls SeCUriT/tn3t[ument Is rsGarJr9.111itha�n c�°A;r�.:ce:��h�•�r�perty.the successor trostee shall succeed to a1 t^e t:�!e.�t����^d duties canferr90 upon Trustee hereln �'
<br /> and by applicable�aw �
<br /> 23. Api�at tor Noticw.���TMwer req,.e„�s t�at cop�es oY'Yte�otrtes of defaNt and sato be sent to 8orcower's address wtc�cr >the Property Address.Bortower further request9 that �
<br /> caplee ol the noticea ol deta�Y and sale be;a.n:to each per�c.��:r��so is e party hereto at tne address of such person set}orth her�•n. . ! y"
<br /> 21. Rld�n to MIS S�cuMy frtafrunNrtt�:��.�ar more rlQer3 are exeCUt9d by BortOwer and recorded togatfier wrth this Securiry InEtrumenl,the covenants and agreemenfs n1 each such �•.
<br /> rider shan be incarporuted Into end shail a::c+��ar.d supplement the covenants and agreemertts ot this Security Instrumonl as it tno ridat(s)were e part ot this Securrty InStrume^t.iCheck �
<br /> appllcab�e box(es)) � .
<br /> ❑Adjustabio Rate RiCe� ❑Condominium R�der ❑2-4 Family Rider �r�
<br /> Q l3►a�:ated Payment F��6- � Planned Und Dovotopmont R�der -�
<br /> ' ❑Othy":.(SpeCityJ .
<br /> BY SILiNINti BELOW,Bar.ynrer acCepts a^C 3y.ees to"e':�s and covanants contained in this Secu ity Ins(rumen4 end in a y rider(s)executeC by BorrOwer and recorded wit"�3
<br /> i , :
<br /> � � / )/
<br /> �` � '' � � �C'C �LI ' `� , ( )
<br /> Soal
<br /> � -porrower
<br /> '%,�.�(G�'� ���l���' �l
<br /> _ , ��- � �� �s.an
<br /> -•Etlrrow9r
<br /> [Sp�ce Befow Thls Llne For Acknowledgmenl]
<br />� •
<br /> Sf]t0 of Npbf85k8 )
<br /> County 01: Hd�� ) ss: �
<br /> )
<br /> Qn thi9.26t.�1.�day ot._____�3�1d 2y'Y .19_�_,bofcro mo,a Notary Vublic in tho Stato ot___..N��"�S.�d ,
<br /> - personal�y eppeared ��chael �.�. l�!i 11 iams and Sandy Wi 1 i i ams __ husband and a�i fe) ,
<br /> _ to me personalty known to Le tM�>�:9�3cr.,,�named in end wr,p executed t`�e lorepo��g�nstrumont and ncknow,edgcd that _�t._�._CxoCUteO the Samo US �l .--_`-
<br /> vduntuy act arxl deed. , , , '
<br /> My Comm{ssion Expfas: � -f=--l�'_/°.- .%•'. :f_: �a!'!'2 E' �.
<br /> ,�""'^"�t�OTAl1Y•StN�otllelr�u NO7npY PUBLIC ,
<br /> �����/� �-� MICHtLIE M.CALLAHAH , �
<br /> _.. St8t9 ot fvCOf85h0 1 — - ..�f,�'.JC.:.-*C.t.:..- (�2 � . . ..
<br /> ) 55'
<br /> Countyof .____.._.________j �
<br /> -- ° � O^tC:9 0�%0! --��. 19 .LO1pr0 rn0 a�Jo!ttr�i'u�h{.�n tnn S!a!o o: -- - - _-- .--- -•
<br /> . Oersonai:,r�GPUarod------- ---- — — - ---
<br /> h
<br /> � to mo po�s005.'i�►kf1U'XR[b b0 th0 p0�5on(s�n�rned in and who oxt��u:ad tho�arnqo�nry u�;1�umCnt ancf ac�nnrradqed�h,u _ . . e�ecuteB me s:�mo as __._ __ ___ __ (p
<br /> l �xun�vy.^.d 4rtd COCD �1�l�
<br /> fi�
<br /> A,tr f�mm';;'Dr L'.;�'rC> . .
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