2� 17��839
<br /> in the Praper��an.d r�g�.�s under�his Securi�y Xnstrum�nt; and �d}�akes such actzan as Lender may
<br /> reasanab�y require�o assure tha�Lender's zn��res�in the Proper�y and r�gh�s under th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�,
<br /> and BQrr�v�er's ob��gat�on�a pay�he sums secure�.by th�s S�cur��y �nstrumen�, sha�� con�inue unchange�..
<br /> Lender m�.a�r require tha�Borrower pay such re�ns�a�ement sums and expenses in�ne or mare of�he fa�l�w�ng
<br /> forms, as �e�ec�ed by Lender: �a� cash; �b}maney�rder; �c}cer�ifi�d check, bank check, �reasurer's�heck�r
<br /> cash�er's�heck, pr�vid�d an� such check�s dra�n upan an ins�i�ut�on whose dep�s��s are insur�d by a
<br /> federa� agency, instrumen�ality or en�it�; or�d} Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon r�instatemen�b� Borrow�r,
<br /> �his Se�ur�ty �nstru.m�nt and obligat�ans secured hereby shall remain fu��y eff�c��ve as �f na acce�erat��n had
<br /> occurred. �3owev�r, ��is r�ght to reins�ate sha��not app�y in�he ca�e of acc�leration under Sect�on 18.
<br /> ��. Sale af Note; Change af Loan Ser�ic�r; Notice of Grievance. The No�e or a par�riai �n�eres� �n�he
<br /> N�����og��her w��h�h�s Securi�y �nstrumen�} can be so�d�ne ar more��mes vvithout pr�or not�ce�a
<br /> Borrawer. A sa��n�ght resui�in a chang�in�he entity �kn�wn as �he ".�oan Seruicer"} �hat�o�lects Per�ad�c
<br /> Paymen�s due und�r�he Note and�h�s 5ecurity Ins�rument and p�rforms o�her mor�gage loan ser�icing
<br /> obliga�i�ns und�r the No�e, t�is S�cur��y �ns�rumen�, and App��cable Law, There alsa might be one or rnar�
<br /> changes vf t�xe Loan Ser�icer unreia��d��a sa�e of the No�e. �f there�s a change of the L�an Ser�r�cer,
<br /> Borr�v�rer w���be gxven vvri��en no�ic�vf�he change which wi11 �ta�e the name and addr�s�of�he new Laan
<br /> Ser��cer, ��e address�a whi�h payments s�ould be made a.r�d an�o��ier�nfnrma��on RESPA r�quir�s in
<br /> c�nnection wi�h a no�ice of�ransfer of serv�cing. If�e Note�s sald and thereaf�er the L�an is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servi�er ot�er�han�he purchaser af the Note, �he�n.or�gage�oan servici�g obliga�ions to B�rrov�er w���
<br /> rema�n with�h�Loan Ser�ricer or�e transferred�a a�uc�essar Laan Servicer and are nat assum.ed by�h�
<br /> Not�purchaser unXess o�herwise pro�ided by the�o�e�urchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrawer nor Lender m�ay commence,joi�, or be jo�ned ta any�udic�a� ac�i�n�as e�ther an
<br /> individua� 1�tigant or�h�m�mber of a Gla�s}�hat arises from the ot�a.er part�'s actians pursuant to�h�s
<br /> Secur��y�nstrumE.en�.or that allege��hat the o�her party has breached any pro�isian of, or any duty owed b�
<br /> reason of, this Security Zns�rument, un�.�l such�3arrovver or Lender has no��fied�he o�her party �w��h such
<br /> nat�c�given in campliance�vith�e requ�rements of Section 1 S}of such a��eged 1�reach and�fforded the
<br /> other par�y her��� a reas�nabie perifld af�er��.e g�ving�f such not�ce�o�ake correct��e ac�ion. Yf Appl�cable
<br /> Law provides a t�nr�e perzfld which mus�elaps�before certain act�on can be taken, �hat�xme per�a�wi��be
<br /> deemed ta�e reasanab�e for purp�ses of th�s paragra�h. The no�ic�of accelerat�fln and oppar�unit�to cure
<br /> ��ven to B�rrower pursuan��o Sec�ion 22 ata.d the no�ice of accel�ra��on given�o Borr�v��r pursuan��o
<br /> Sectiori 1 S shai�be deemed ta sa�isfy�he no�ice and oppor�u��ty to take correc�ive act�an pro�risions of this
<br /> �ect�on��.
<br /> ��. Hazardflus Substances, A�used in this Sect�on Z 1: �a} ".I�"azar�aus Substances"are�hose substances
<br /> defined as tox�c or hazardous substances, po�iutants, or wastes by En��ronmen�al Law and the fol�ow�ng
<br /> subs�ances: gasol�ne, kerosene, ather flamnzabie�r�o�zc petroleum produc�s, �o�ic pesticides and�herbicides,
<br /> vo�at�ie saxvents, ma�erials contain�ng as�estos or formaldehyde, and radxoactive mat�riais; �b�
<br /> "En�iron��ntal.L�w"means federal ia�vs and �aws of�he jur�sd���i�n where the Proper�y�s �oca�ed that
<br /> re�ate�o health, safe��or en��ronnaen�ai pro�ection; {c} ".�`nvironmerttc�r �`lear�up" in�ludes any response
<br /> action, remedial ac�ion, �r�-emoval a��ion, as de�ned in En�ir�n.�men�a�Law; and (d} an "�'rtvzronme�t�al
<br /> �onditi�n"meax�s a c�ndition�ha�can cause, contribut�to, or��herw�s�trigger an Envir�nmental �leanup.
<br /> Borro�rer shal.�n��cause or perm�t the presence, use, d�spasal, s��rage, or release of an.y Hazardaus
<br /> Subst�aces, �r�hrea�en�o re�ease any Hazardou� Subs�anc�s, on or in the Pr�p�r�y. Borrower sha��no�do,
<br /> nor a�lavv an�ane�Ise to do, an�r�hing affec�ing�he Proper�y �a}that is in�xolation af an�r En��ronmen�a�
<br /> Lavv, �b�vvhich creates an En�ironnr�en�.C�nd��ion, or�c}which, due t��he pres�nce, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, �rea�es a�ondi�ian�hat ad�vers�Iy affec�s the vaXue of�he Prop�r�y. The preceding two
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Famify-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�DRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP(] VMPfi�N�f tl��Zy
<br /> Wolters Kf�wer Financial S�r�ice� Page 3 3�f 17
<br />