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2� 17��8�5 <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS that Borrovver�s �awfu��y se�sed of the es�ate hereby�onveyed and ha�the r�gh.t to <br /> grant and convey the Proper�y and that the Proper��r �s unencumb�r�d, ex�ep�far��acunzbranGes of reCar�. <br /> Borrov�er warran�s and wi�� defend gen�ra��y the ti�le��the Pr�p�r�y against al�c�ai�ns and demand�, �uhje�t t� <br /> any encumbranc�s af record. <br /> TH��SE�UR�TY�NSTRUMENT c�mb�nes uniform covenan�s for nat�onal use and non�unif�rm covena�ts vv�th <br /> ��mited var�a��ons b�jur�s��ct�on to cons���ute a uniform security �ns�rument covering rea�prQper�y. <br /> Uniform Co�enants. B�rraw�r and Lender c�venant and a�ree as f����ws: <br /> 'l. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escraw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Cnarges, Borr�wer <br /> sha.�l pay vvhen du�the principa� �f, and in�erest�n, the d��t e��denced�y�he�o�e and an�r prepa�z�xent <br /> charges and�ate charges due under the N��e. B�rrow�r sha�l a�sa pay func�s f�r Escr�vv Xtems pursuant to <br /> Se���on 3. Paym�nts due un�.er�h�Note and�his Security �nstru�rz�n�sha.���e made�n U.S. curren�y, <br /> Hawever, if any c�ae�k�r other xn��rumen�re��i�ved by Lend�r as payment under the Not�or�his ��cur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�is returned�a L�nder unpa�d, L�nder may require that any or a�� subs�que�zt payxn�r�ts du�und�r <br /> �he Note and this Securit� �nstrument be made in�n�or more of�he following forms, as s�iected b�Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b}maney arder; �c} cer��fxed check, bank che�k, treasurer's c���k ar cashier's check, provided any <br /> such check is drawn upan an ins�ituti�n wh�se d�pos�ts are�nsur�d b�r a fed�ral ag�ricy, �n��rumenta.l�ty, �r <br /> ent��y; or�d} Elec�ranic Funds Transf�r. <br /> Paymen�s are d�em��re�eive�b� L�nder w�en rece�vec�a��he�acat�on des�gna�ed�n�h��ote ar at such <br /> o�her�acation as mEay be des�gnated by Lend�r�n accardazace w�th the no��ce prov�s�ons �n�e�ti�n �S. <br /> Lender ma�return an�paym�nt or partial payment if�h�paym�nt ar partia�payments are insuffic�ent�� <br /> bring the Laan current. L�nder nlay accept any pa�ment�r partial payment insuff�ci�n�t�bring the L�oan <br /> curren�, wz�hou�vvai�er of any rights hereund�r�r pr�jud�ce�a�ts rxghts��refus�such payment nr gar�ia.� <br /> paym�.en�s �n the futur�, �u�Lender is no�obligated t� app�y such payments at�h�txme such payments are <br /> accepted. �f each Per��dic Pa�men�is applied a�af its scheduled due date, then L�nder need not pa�in�erest <br /> on u�appiitd funds. Lender ma�hold such unapp�ied funds until Borr�wer makes payments to bring the <br /> Loar�.�urren�. If Borrower does n�t do so w�thin a reasonab�e p�riod nf time, Lend�r shall�ither app�y su�h <br /> funds�r returr�th�m�o Borr��ver. �f not app��ed earlier, suGh funds w�ll�e app�ied to the ou�s�andzng <br /> princ�pa�balance under�he Note�mmediat��y pr��r�a fore���sure. Na offset or��a�m wh�ch Borro�ver might <br /> ha�e now�r in th�futur�aga�ns� Lend�r shall rel�eve Borrow�r from mak�ng paym�n�s due under the Note <br /> and this�ecurity Ins�ru�ment or perform�ng the cavenants and agreements st�ured b�this S��urity <br /> Instrument. <br /> Z. Appli�atiQn of Payments or Proceeds. Except as othez-�v�se descr�bed�n thzs Sec�ion Z, a�l payn�en�s <br /> accepted and app��ed�y L�nder sha�� be app�ied �n�h�fo��ow�ng ard�r of pr�or��y: �a} �n�erest due under the <br /> Note; �b}principa� du�under�he N�te; �c} amoun�s due under S�c�ion 3. Such payments shal�b�app�ied�� <br /> each Periadic Payment in the�rd�r�n which i�became due. Any remain�ng am�u�ts shall be app��ed f�rst to <br /> lat�charges, sec�nd ta any ather amoun�� du�under this Securi�y Instrument, and then ta reduc���.e <br /> princ�pal�a�anc��f�he No�e. <br /> �f Lender rece���s a payment from Borrflwer for a delinquen� Per�odic Payment�hzch in�ludes a sufficien� <br /> amount�a pay any�ate charge du�, �he payment may�be app�zed�� �he d���nquen�payment and th�Iate <br /> �harge. If more�han one P�riodic Paym.en�is ou�s�and�ng, Lend�r ma�app�y any payment rece�ved from <br /> B�rrower to��e repayme��of�he Peri�dic Payn�en�s �f, an��o the e�ten��hat, each payment can be pa�d�n <br /> fu�l. Ta the exten�that any ex��ss exists af�er the payment zs appli�d to th�fu��payment of�ne�r more <br /> P�riodic Paymen�s, �uch�xces�may be app�ied �o any�a�e charges�u�. Vo�un�ary prepaymen�s shai�be <br /> app�ied first�a any pr�pa�m�rit charg�s and�hen as descri��d in the No�e. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Ma�l�reddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTftUMENT F�rm 3��8't1�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi4NEf�13�2j <br /> Wvlters Klcawer Financial Ser�i�es Page 4❑f 17 <br />