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2� 17��8�4 <br /> B�RR�V�I'ER CQVENANTS that Borrower is Iawfull� seis�d af�he estate hereby con�eyed and ha�th�right to <br /> grant and con�ey the Property and tha�the Praper�y is unencumbered, except for encumbranc�s af recard. <br /> Barrower warran�s and vvi11 defend genera�ty the�i�le�o the Proper�� again�t a�� claims and demands, �ubject�� <br /> any encum�rances of record. <br /> THIS�E�UR�TY �NSTRUMENT Comb�nes uniform c�venant� f�r na�i�nal use and non-unifarm c���nants with <br /> ��mi�ed�ariations by�urisdiction�o eonstitute a un�f�rm s�cur�ty �nstrum�nt co��ring real property, <br /> U nif vrm Cv�enants. B�rrower an� Lender covenant and agree as f�l�ows: <br /> �, Payment �f Principal, lnterest, Es�raw ltems, Prepayment �ha��es, and Late �harg�s. Borrav�er <br /> sha��pay when due the pr�nc�pal of, and �nterest an, �he debt evidenGed by the Nate and any prepayment <br /> charges and late charges due under�he No�e. Borro�rer sha�l alsa pay funds for Escr�w Items pursuant to <br /> � SeC�ion 3. Paymen�s du�under the Nat�and�his S�curity �nstrument shal�be made in U.S. Currency. <br /> �owever, �f any che�k ar o�h�r ins�rument recei�e�i b� Lender as payment under the Na�e or this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrurnen� �s re�urned t� Lender unpaid, Lender may require tha�any�r al� subsequen�paym.ents due under <br /> the Nflte and�his Securi�y Instrurnent be made�n ane or more of the fnli�w�ng farms, as se�ect�d by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b} money order; �c} cer�ified check, bank check, �reasur�r'�Gheck or cashier's Gh�ck, pr���d�d any <br /> such check is drawn upon an insti�u�ion whase deposits are�nsured by a federa� agen�y, instrurnentali�y, or <br /> en��ty; or�d} E�ectron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed recei�ed by Lender wh�n r�cezved at�h�location des�gnat�d in the Nn�e�r at such <br /> a�her loca�ion as may be designated by Lender�n acc�rdan�e w�th the n�t�ce prav�s�ans �n Sec��on �S. <br /> Lender may re�urn any payment or par�ial payment if the payment or par�ial paym.ents are insufficient t� <br /> bring the Laan current. Lender may acc�pt any payment or par�ial payment insufficient to br�ng�he Loan <br /> Curren�, v�i�hou�waiver of any r�ghts hereunder or prejudice ta �ts rights ta refuse such paymen�ar partiai <br /> payments �n�h� future, bu�L�nder is no�obi�ga�ec�to appiy such paym�nts at the time such pa�ments are <br /> accepted. If each Periadi� Paym�n� is appl�ed as�f its sch�du�ed due date, then Lender need not pay �nterest <br /> on unapp�ie� fun�s, L�nder may hold such unappli�d funds unti� Borrfltiver makes paym.en�s �a br�ng th� <br /> Loan current. �f Borrawer daes not da sn w�thin a reasanable period of�im�, Lender shall�ither apply �uch <br /> funds�r r��urn�hen1 to Borrotiver. �f not appl�ed ear��er, such funds wi�l b�appl���i to the�utstanding <br /> princ�pal ba�ance under the Nate im�mediate��pr�o�tQ f�r�c�asure. N��ffs�t or�laim whi�h Borrawer m�ght <br /> have naw ar in��he future against Lender shal� relie�e BQrrower fr�n�n�ak�ng paym�nts due und�r the Note <br /> and th�s 5ecurity �nstrument ar performing the co�enants and agreem.�n�s secured by thzs Security <br /> �nstrument. <br /> 2. App�icatian flf Payments or Prflceeds. �xcept a�fl�herw�se descri�ed in�his SeGtion 2, ali paym�nts <br /> accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the f��l�w�ng order of priori�y; �a} inter�st due und�r the <br /> Note; �h}principal due under th� Note; �c} amount�due under Sect�Qn 3. Su�h paym.ents sha�� be applied to <br /> each Periodic Pa�ment in the order in which it became due. Any remaining arnounts shall be applied first�o <br /> �ate charges, second to any o�her amoun�s due under this S�cur�ty Instrument, and�h�n to reduce the <br /> principa�balance of�he No�e. <br /> If L�nder receives a payment fr�m Borrav�er for a delinquent Periadic Payment which inciude�a suff�cient <br /> amaunt to pay any�ate charge due, the payment ma�he applied to the delinquent pa�ment and the�at� <br /> charg�. �f m.ore than ane Per�ad�c Paymen� �s outstanding, Lender may apply an�payment r��e�W�d fram <br /> Borr�wer tfl the repaymen��f the Periodic Paymen�s �f, and�o the extent tha�, each payment can be paid �n <br /> fu�l. To th�ex�en�that arz�e��ess exist� after�he payment is app��ed t❑ the ful�paym.en�af one or nrzare <br /> P�r�odzc Pa�rm�n�s, such�x�ess may be a�p�ied t� any la�e Ghar�ges du�. Voluntary prepaym�nts shall be <br /> appl�ed�rst to any prepay�nent char�es and�hen a��es�r�bed in�he N�te. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac[JNIFORM lNSTRUMENT Fnrm 3028 il�� <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�y f 1302� <br /> Wvlters Kl�awer�ir�ancia!Ser�ices Pag�4 0#�7 <br />