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2� 17��8� 1 <br /> [�EIE� �F T�I��T' <br /> ������r����� ���� � <br /> balar�ce of th�l�ar��r�d an��riar fi�n��n�he����r���ec�ring�h�Ic��n,up�a#h��rr�aximurr��oli�y limx�s�e#und�r <br /> �he ��fio�nal Ffood ln�urance Pr�gr�m, or a� �th�r�i��r�quired��� L�nd�r� �r�d ta rr��ir�tain �uch in�uranc� fc�r�h� <br /> t�rm af t h���►a n. <br /> �►���i�����n t�f Prt���e�d�. �ru���r�ha�! �r�rnp#ly not��'L�nder of any I�s��r dat�n��e�a th�P��ert�, Lender may <br /> m��i�� �r��f o�r 1��� �f T�u�tar fail� t❑ do� �o v�ri�hi� fift��n� ���� d�y� �f th� ���u a�t�r� ';,11lhe#h�r or n�� Len��r'� <br /> s�cunt�r i� �m�rair�d, Lender ma�r, �t L�r�d�r's ele�i�n, r���iv� and r�#ain�h�proc�ed�o�f a�� in�uranc� a�nd a��ly <br /> �h� �roceeds �a the r�duc#ion af th� Ind�bt�d����, p�a�m�nt �f an� lien aff�ctin� #h� Pr���rt�, c�r the re�tc�r�fi�n <br /> �nd re pair �f th� Pro�er��. If Lender el�ct�to a��I��h�pro��ed��o r��tar�t��n and rep��ir,Tn��tor�ha{E ��p��r�r <br /> rep{ace th� d�maged or d��#���d fm�r�a��m�n#� in � m�r�ner �a�i�ac�t�ry 't� L�nder. Le�der �hail, upr�n <br /> �atis�act�r�r pr�vf of su�h ����ndi�z�re, p�� or reim��r�e Yru���r firom �he p�oceeds �o� #he �ea��na�l� co� of <br /> re�air or re�toration if Tru��o�r i� nat in d�fau�t unde� thi� �eed of Tru�t. ��� proceed� �F�ich have nat beet� <br /> d��bur�ed �i�hin "�8� ���s aft�r their �c�i�� �nd �r+�l�ich� Lend�r ha� n��cc�mrni��d ta the r�p��r or r�stt�r��ivn a� <br /> #he F�r��erty�h�1� b� u��d firs�t� pay a��am�unt o��ng'�� Lender�nd�r thi�C?eed ��Trus�,th�n t� ����ccrued <br /> int�r�st., ar�d tne remainder, if an}�, �hall b� applied ta th� �nnci�af balance cif th� fnd�bt��ne�s. if L�nden c���d� <br /> an� pra�ee�� aft�r �a�m�nt ir� f�� ��f the lndeb�edne��, ���h pro��ed� ��all b� �aid to Tru�#ar �� T�u�tt�r'� <br /> in#�re�ts rriay ap��ar. <br /> ��rn�iianc� �i#h E�i�tir�g Ind�i�t�dn�ss. L�uring the p�ric�d in �vhich �ny E����ing �ndek�tedn��s d��cr�bed I�elc��is <br /> in ef��c.�, �om�li�nce v4ri#h the insurance pr�vi�ion� �an�ain�d in th�: instrument e�iden�ing �uch E�ci�ting <br /> �ndebt�dne�� �hal� �on�ti#�ut� c�m�lian�e vtirith� th� �n�uranc� �r��ri�ic�n� c�nd�r th;s a�ed of Tru�t, t� the �xt�nt <br /> c�m�liance �ri�h th�t�ri�� a�thi� �eed taf Trust��ul� ��ns�.i�.i�� a dup��cati�n �`F in�urance �quir�ment, if an� <br /> p�aceed�frc�m th�in�urance become pa��ble on lo��,the p�ro�i�ic�n� in thi� C7eed af Tru�t fc��divi�ian af proc�ed� <br /> �hall a�pl��nly�ta�h��t p�rtian of the proceeds n��p��a�le to#he ha�der�f#h�E�i�ting Ind���edrte��, <br /> LEt�aE�.'S E�t�Ehl DiTU�.E�. ff Tru�tc�r fails ��� to ke�p #h e Rr���rty ft�� �� �il t�x��, �ien�, �ecurity in�.e���s, <br /> encum�rance�, �nd o�h�r claim�, ��} �� j�r��id� an�+r�quir�d in�uranc� �n the Pr�����, ��} �� m�l�� re�air�ta the <br /> Prc��e�t� or�o com�ly�ith �ny c��lig�tic�n �� m�in#�in E�ci�#in� lndebtedne��in ��od �tanding �s required ��la�, then <br /> �ende� m��r dcr �a, if an� �ct�on c�r pr�ce�ding i� c�mm�nced tl�at�ould �at�ri�Il� �tff�c� Lend�r's inter��t� in �h� <br /> I�r��e��� fher� L�r�der c�r� Tru���r`� �a�h�i� m��, �ut i� n�t requir�d.�o, ta�� �n� ,���on ���t L�nder b�l��ve� to be <br /> ap�r�priate xo pr�tect Len�er'� in#,�r��ts, ��l exp�r�s�� iricu�r�d �r paid �y L�nde�for �uch purp��es�,rill th�n bear <br /> int�r��t at th� �ate ch�rged ur�der �he �ic��e frc�m the dat� in�urr�d c�r p�i� �� Lende� �o the dat� c+� r��a�rrt�nf ��r <br /> Tru�o�r, �lI �uch ex�ense� �i{� become a par� �f#he Endebt�dne�� and� a�Lend��'� c�ption, �ri�� ��►� �e pa�able �n <br /> demand; �B� be added �o th� b�lanc� of�h� i`��t� ar�d �e �p�r�rtiQne� among �n� b� pa��bf� �rith ar�y ins#allmen� <br /> �a�ment�tr� hecome �ue during �i#her ��� �he�.�rm Qf�ri�applicabke �n�urance �c�lic�r; o� ��� th� ��rr�aEning t�rm �� <br /> the Note; c�r ��� be tre�#�d �� � ba�l��n ��ym�n��I�i�h���I �e �ue and pa��bl e a��he h�at�'�matu rity. Th� aeed af <br /> Tru���i�o u�,riil �ecure p�yment a��hese amc�un#s. The �'�gh�-�r����ded `For in thi�par�graph �halE b� in addi��t�n tc� any <br /> o#her r�ghts or an� r�rrr�die��a ��ich Lerrder may �e_�nti�ied �n �cc�unt �f an� ��fault. �n� �uch ��t�r�n b�r Ler�der <br /> �ha[l nat b�c�n�#ru�� a�curing#he defrau��so a��c�b�r L�nder�r�crm �n�r remedy t���it ath�nr�ri���ould h�ve had. <br /> 11�����NT�';aEFEN�E�?F TITLE. The fo����ring�ra�i�ian�reiat�ng ta ��ner�hi�af#h�Prr������are��art a��hi�De�d <br /> ❑f T ru s�. <br /> Title. Tru���r��:rr�nt�th�t; ���Tru�t�n c������o�d �nd n�arke�able titl� �+f r�cor�d �a #h� P'r��er�� in �e �Em�i�, <br /> f�e and Glear �f a�l {ien� �nd �ncum�rance� c�ther�han tha�� ��t for�� in th� R�a�! Pr�p�rty de��rip#i�n or ir� #h� <br /> E�c��tin� lnd���e�nes���cti�n be�c�� or�n �ny ti��e �n�uran�e ��lic�, �itl� r�par#., or fin�#title ��inio�n i��ued in�avar <br /> ��f, and a�c�-�#�d t��, L�nde� in conne�ion �ri�h this ��e�i �f Tru�t, and ��}Tru�tor ha�#he f�Il ri�l��, pc��ter, �r�d <br /> auth�r��'�Q ex�cute a�d deiiv��thi���ed af Tru��.ta L;ender. <br /> D�f�n�e �f Tifi�. �u����t�a the ��c���io�n in #h� pa�ag�aph a���e, Trus�o�r�arran#� arr� �rill �nr��rer d e�nd the <br /> �itle�o th�F'r��ert�ag�in�t the [�ir�rFul ci�im�af�1! persc�n�. I n th���r�n�a ny a�:ti�n r�r prc�c��d��� i��orrtmenced <br /> tt�at que�t�4n�Trustor'�tit���r the in�er���c�f Tru�t��:or Lender und�r thi� �eed a�Tru��,Tru�tar�h��f d��nd the <br /> ac���n a�Tru�tor'�e�pen�e. Tru��o�m��r be the nt��inal p��ty in �u�h �r����ding, l�ut Ler�der �hal� i���ntitied to <br /> ��rticipa#� in the proceedin� and tc� be repre�ented �n �he pr��eeding !�� cc�un�el a�L�nde�s o�rn choic�, �nd <br /> Trustc�r�i�[ de�i�rer, ar�au�e to be ��liw�re�,to L�r�de�such in���umen#�a� L��d�r m�y�qu���fr�m time�c��it�n� <br /> to��rmi�such �a�ticip�#.ic�n, <br /> G�rn�li�nc� '�i�� L��s. Tru�#�r��rr�nt� �h���he Pro��rt�r �r�d Tn��tor'� u�e c�f#h� Prc��er��r �orn�li�� v�rith �!I <br /> ��i��ing appli�able�av,r�, �rd�nanc��, ar�d r�g�€ta�i�ns of go�remmental auth�riti��. <br /> �u�r��ral a� P'rarni���. �I ��mi���, �g�;ement�, and �tatem�nt� Tru�tar �a� n��de irr this a�e�d c�f Trust �hall <br /> ��rvi�e th��xecW�iQn �r��deli�r�r� af�hi�De�d c+f Trus�, �ha�� i�� con#inu�ng in nat�� and �h�li ren�ain in�rufl�r�rce <br /> and�ff�ct un��l such t�me as Trustar�� In�ebtedne��i�paid in fuil. <br /> E�I�TIf�� I�laE�TEaNE�S. The follr���n�p�rovi�inn��c�nc�rning Exi�fing inde��edne��ar�a�a�t of�hi��eed of T�u�t: <br /> Exi��in� Li�n. The l�en �f th�� ��ed af Trus� �ec�ari�g #h� ]ndebtedne�� ma� be ��canda�y.��d in�eri�r ta an <br /> exi�ting fien. T����or e�p�e��ly c��renan��and ag��es to �a�, ar se��a th� �aym�n� of, th� E���tin� ]ndebt�dn�s� <br /> and 1x� pr�v�nt�n�defauit c�n ��ch ind��#edn���, �n����ault�n�er th��n�#rum�n#���idencing su�h ind��#�dnes�, <br /> �r�n�d��ault under an��e�uri�y dncum�n#�fiar�uch �nde�t�dne��. <br /> �1� I�c�di�i���i c�r�. T�u�tc�r �hall nc�t �nter'in�c� an� �gree mer�t ��'�h #he hc�Ider c�f an� m�r�tg ag�, d�ed �f t�u��, �r <br /> i o#h�r �ecuri#�r agreerrtent �i�ich� ha� �riari��r a�er �hi� ��ed of Tru�� �� �vhi�h� �ha� agreement i� m adifi�d, <br /> �mend�d, e�#end�d, �r r�n�v+��d �ithc�u� �h� �rior����ter� cQ��ent �f Lend�re Tru���r �h�f� nei�h�r requ��t n�r <br /> acc���any fu�ur��d�rance�under an�such �ecunt�agr��ment�ri�hau�th��nor v�rit�en can�ent�f Lender. <br /> ��NI�EI�JiN�Tlt�t�. The f�llo�r+rin��rc��ision��elat�ng i��c�nclemnatic�n pr�ceeding��re��rart�f#k'[i�i�e�d of Trust: <br /> Pr�G�ding�. ff an� pr�ce�d�n� in cond�rrdna#�c�n��d, �ru�t�� �ha�[ �rc�mptfy r�afif} Lender in �rtir�it�nc�, and <br /> Tru�tc�r�haf{ ��omp��ly tak� �uch �#��� a� m�� be nece��ar��c� defi�nd �he a�tion �r�d �t��ain th� a�t�rd. Trustc�r <br /> may be th�nt�min�l�ar���n �uch �rc�ceedin�, but Len�er�h�il b��nt��I�d tc���rtic[pat��n th�proc��dir�� artd to f�e <br /> rep re�en��d in th� p rt�ee edin� l�� c�unse� �f it� c��n �haic�, and `frusttar�i�l deIi�r�r or cau�e �a �� deli�e r�d �r� <br /> L�r�der ��ch in����men#s arrd d�cument�#ion as ma� be �'eque���c� �� L�n�er fram ��me ta tim� �a �erm�� �uch <br /> �a�t�ci�atiar[� <br /> Ap��!i��ti�n �f�l$fi Rroc��d�. if all or an}����t of�h�Pr�pe�rt�i��ond�mn�d b��min�n�dc�m�in prc�c�edinc��or b� <br /> an�pr��eedir�g c�r p��ch��e in I i�u c�f cond�mnat�c�n, Ler��ier ma�r a�i� �l�ctian requir��hat all or any�c�r��c�n c�f th� <br /> ne# praceed� c�f#h� a�rard be �pplied to #h� Inde�tedn��� ���h� re��ir or ��tor�#ion of�he P��p�r��, The n�# <br /> proceed��f th�a�ard �hall rnean#h� a��rd aft�r p��rn�;n� �f all r��a�onabie c����, ��pe��e�� �nd att�rn��s'�ee� <br /> in�urred�ay T����ee ar L�nder in c�n n���i�n�ri�h�he con d�mna�it�n. <br /> li�lP�S1TIi�h� �F TA�€E�, FEE��N�CH�F�GES B'���'+�Et���ENTAL#�1.1THC�I�IT�E�. The falla�in� �rQ�ri�i�n�rei�t�ng <br /> t❑gc���mme�nt�l#a���,f�e��nd charge�ar� a�ar#af�hi���ed of Tru�: <br /> Curr�n'�Ta3ces, F��e� and Charg�s. �Upon �eq�ae�� �� Lende�, Trust��'�h�I� ��ecu#� �u�h d��um�:n�� in addi#��n �� <br /> thi� �e�d �f Tru�t and ��i���hat��r�r t�ther ac�tiar� i� r�qu���ed a� Lend�r�a p�rf�:c��r�d con�inue Lender's lien on <br /> 'fh� F���f Pra�ert�, Tru�t�r �hal� re�mbur�� L�nder�ar al! #a�e�, a� de�cr���d t�eia�, t�geth�r�►rri�� alf expen�e� <br /> in�u�r�� in recc�r�ding, p��r���ting o�r �c�ntinuing thi� Deed of Trust, incj�ding �vithout �imita�an alf ta���, fee�, <br /> d�cumentar���am��, �nd oth�r ch�rg��far���or�dirtg �r r�gi�'�ering this I�eed�f T�'u�t. <br />