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2� 17��79� <br /> Transfe�-uf�he Property or a�enef�c�a� I�t�rest�n Forr�wer.�f a��or�.ny par�nf the Property�r any interest <br /> in it is sold or transfer�-ed �or if a benef cial interest �n �3orrower is sold or transferred and Borrn�uer xs �ot a <br /> natural perso�} vv��hout L�nder's pr�or wr��teza consent, Lender m�y, at zts opt�on, requ�re immediate payr�ent in <br /> full of all surr�t� secured �y th�s Secur��y �ns�ru�rn�nt. Hfl�vever, �his aptian shall not be exercise� by L�nder if <br /> exerc�se is prar�zbz�ed by federa��a�v as of the date of this Secur�ty Ins�rumet��. <br /> �f Lender exer��ises this ap�ian, Lender �ha�I g�ve Borrawer notz�e �f a�cel�ration. The no��ce �hall pravide a <br /> period of nat �E�ss than �he minzmum number of days established b�Applicable Law from the date th� n��i�e �s <br /> delivered ar �n,ail�d w��hi� which Barrower mu�t pay a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument. If B�rro,wer <br /> fa��s �o pay these sums priflr �o t�e expiration af�h�s perxod, Lender�zay invoke any remed�es permit�ed by this <br /> Secur��y�nstrumen��vi�haut further natice�r demar�d on Borraw�r. <br /> Borraw�r'� I��igh� to Reinsta�eo If Borr�w�r me��s certa�n �ondi�ions, ]��rro�er shall have �he righ� to have <br /> enforcemen� a�'th�s Security Instrumen�discor�tinu�d a�any��me pr�or to �he earlier af �a� 5 day� �or such other <br /> period as Appli.cable Law may specify for reir�stlter�en�}befare sa�e of�he Prnper�y pursuant to an�po�ver of sale <br /> cantained �n ����s Securi�y �nstrument; or �b} entry of a judgment enfor�ing this Security �nstru.ment. Th�se <br /> condi�ions are that Bnrrawer: �a} pays Lender aI� sums wh�ch then v�rauld �e due under this Security Inst�-umen� <br /> and�he C�n�rac�t as�f na accelera�ian had accurred;�b}cures any default of any�ther c�venants�r agreements;�c} <br /> pays a��expenses in�urred in enf�rc�ng th�s S�cu�-ity Instrument,in��udzng,but no�limited�o,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees to the extent perm���ed by�a�; and�d} takes such ac��on as Le�.der may reasonably require t�assure�hat the <br /> l�en of this Security�nstrument, Lender's rights��the Pr�perty and Borr��Yer's ob��gatiar��a pay�h�sum.s secured <br /> by thzs 5ecuri��r rns�rumen� sha1� continue unchanged. Upon rexnsta�e�nent by Borrower, thiS Secur����nst�-ument <br /> and �he obl�gati�ns secured hereby shall remaxn ful�y effec�ive as if no a���Ieratzon had �ccurred. Ho�vev�r, this <br /> r�gh�to reinsta�e sha���.ot app�y in�he cas�of ac�e�erati�n under the sectior�t�tled TranSfer of�he Proper�y or a <br /> Senef�cia�In�eres�in�3orrorver. <br /> �-Iazardous Suibs�anees.Borrower sha�l n�t cau�;e ar perm���he�r�sence,u�e,disposal, stflrage, or re�ease of any <br /> Ha2ardous Sub�tanc�s on or in�he Pr�per�y.B�or�o�er shall nat do,�aor allativ any�ne else to do,an_yth�ng affectzng <br /> the Praper�y �ha� is �n v�ola�ion af any Envir�n�nen�al La�. The preced�xng two sentences sha�I n�� a�p�y to the <br /> presence,use,�rr starage nn the Propert�of srna��quantities of Hazardous Substances�hat are general�y recagnized <br /> to be�ppr�pr�ate to norma�res�dentia�uses an�to maintena�.ce of t�e Proper�y. <br /> Borro�ver s1�a11 prampt�y give Ler�der wr�tten not�ce of any invest�ga�ion,cia�m, demand, �aw�ui�or a�her action by <br /> any gavex�nmenta� or regu�a�ory �.gency or pr�va�e party inva���ng the Prfl�er�y and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> Environmen�a� L�aw of which Sorro�ver ha� �.c�.ua� knavv�edge. �f Borrower �earns, or is natif ed by any <br /> governmenta�or regu�a�ary authority, that any re�n��ral or other remed�ation af any Ha�ardous Substanc�affecting <br /> the Pro�erty 1rf necessary, Borr�wer sha�� pr��np�ly �ake a�I necessary remed�a� ac�ians in accordanc� wi�h <br /> Envzrt�x�.�nental Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Hazardflus Substances" are thase substances def�ned as �oxic nr hazar�ous �ubs�ances <br /> by Env�ronmern�al Law and the fol�owzng subs�ance�: gasoline, kerosene, ather flamrnable or �ox�c petraleum <br /> praducts, toxi� pes��cides and herb�cides, vo�at��e soiven�s, mater�a�s containing asbestns or formaldeh�de, and <br /> radioac�ive materials. As used in this paragrap�, "E�.vxronmen�al Lav�" n�eans federai Iaws and laws of the s�a�e of <br /> �ebraska that r��Iate�o heal�h, safety or environmen��.l pratection. <br /> Accelera���n; ��temed�es. Lende� sha�l give not��e tu B�r�awer pri�r t� acce�era��on fallowing E�rruv+�er's <br /> br�ach of an��coWenan�flr agre�ment ir� �hi�Securi�y Ins�rumen�ar th��on�ract under whic� acce��ration <br /> �s permi��ed ��ut not pr��r ta a�ce�era�ian ur�der fhe secti�� �i���d Transfer of the Prnper�y ar a�3enef�cial <br /> In�erest in ��rrodver, unless A�plicable La� �pr�vides atherwis�}. The notice shal� 5pecify: �a} �h� d�faul�; <br /> �b} the ac�i�n required to �ure the default; ��} a da�e, n�� Iess than �he r�in�mum nurnher af days <br /> es�abl�shed b�App��cable Law fram�he c�a�e�he�o��ce�s giver� �o�3orro�v�r, by whx�h�he defau�t�n.ust be <br /> cured; and �d} tha� fa��ure to cure �he �ef�ui� �n or b�f�re t�e �ate ��aec�fied in �he notice may re�ul� in <br /> accelera��o� o:f �he suxn� secured by �h�5 �e�uri�y Ins�rument and �a�e of �he Praper�y. To t�e �xtent <br /> per�.i��ed by l�aw, �he n�tice Shall fur�her ��xf�rm Larra�ver of the r�gh� to re�nstate after acc�l�rat�an and <br /> the r�ght�fl br�.ng a cour�ac�ion to asser�th��on-�exis�en�e of a defau��ar any�ther defense of�orruvver ta <br /> accelera�ion �r�d �ale. If�he defaul��5 nnt cur+ed �n �r b�fore ��e date 5p��ified in �he notice, Lender at its <br /> optixon may requir� �m.x�edia�e paymen� �n fui� �of a�I �ums secured �� ��.�s Secur�ty Instr�men� w��haut <br /> fur�her demand and may invake the pa�ver o�f s�le and any o�her r�m�d�es permi�ted by App�icab�e Law. <br /> Ta the exten� :permi��ed. by �aw, Lender sha�� be enti��e� �o c��lect all expenses incurred xn p�rsui�g the <br /> remedxe�pro��d.ed in th��Sect�an,includin�, b�ut not Iimi�ed �o, reas�n�b�e at�orneys' fees and. co�t��f titie <br /> evid�nce. <br /> If the powe� o�'sa��is invoked, Trustee s�a�� recard a n�tice of defauZ�in ea�h�oun�y in whic�. arn�part of <br /> �he Pr�perty��lo���ed and shall ma�I copi��of s��h no��ce in th� manrne�prescribed by A►pplicab�e Law to <br /> Barro�ver �r�d to the o�her per�ons pres�ribed �y App�zcable L�rv. Aft�r �he time requ�red �ay App�.�cable <br /> Law, Tru�tee �hal� give �aub�i� nat�ce of s��� �o �he persons and. in �he manner prescribed by Appl�cab�e <br /> Law. T�'rustee,�wi�h�ut��mand �n l3�rrow�r, �ha�I se�l�he Pra�er�y a�public auctx�n to the h�ghest bidder <br /> a�the tir�e and�plac�and under�he terms��signated in the n�ti�e of sa��in�ne or�rnore parce�s a�d�n any <br /> ❑rder Trus�ee determ�nes. Trustee �n.ay p�s�pax�e sa�e �f all �r any pa�-cel of the Praper�y by puh�i� <br /> announc�ment a��he�ime and��ace of��y pr�v��usly s�hedule�sa�e. L�nder or its de5�gnee may purchase <br /> �he Pr�per�y��any 5a1�. <br /> Upon rece���of paymen� of the pr�ce bid, T�-u�stee shall �e�iver tv the �purcha�er TruStee's de�d conveying <br /> �he Property. '�ryhe recitals in �h� T�uStee's dee�d s�al�be�r��a fac�e �v�den�e of#he truth of th��tate�m�n�s <br /> tt`�?0�4-?Q 1 S Cnznplianc�S�stems,Inc.G i�A-l G59-?a l S.1?.3.f.i 1 I 5 <br /> Cor�s«mes•Real�state-Sec�rity Instrurner�t DL'��6 Pa��4 af� ��������cnmpliancesy:stet� <br />