� 2� 17��79�
<br /> Payment of P�•�nc�pal and Interes�; �ther�harg�s.Borr�tiver shall pran�ptly pay when due�he principa�of and
<br /> in�eres�an�he tieb��vved under the Con�rac�and la�e charges or any��her f�es�.nd charges due und�r the��n�rac�.
<br /> Appl�cable L�w. As used in �t�is Securz�y I�strument, the term ".A�.ppl��able Law" sha�l mean a�� controlling
<br /> app�icable fed�ral, state and ��ca� statu�es, reguiat�ans, ard�nances and ad��ninistratxve ru�es and orders �that have
<br /> the effec�of�a��}as we�l as ai1 applicab�e f�nal,non-appealab�e jud�c�a�opi�nions.
<br /> Ch�.rge�; I.a��r.ts. Borrourer sha�� pay al� tax�s, assessments, charge�, f�nes and impositions a�tributa�ble to the
<br /> Property which:may atta�n przorit�over th�s Security Instrument, and �e��ehold payments or ground re�ts, if any.
<br /> A��he requ�s�c�f Lender,Borrow�r sha��promptly furnish�o Lender receipt�evzdenc�ng�he paymen��.
<br /> Borrawer sha1l promp��y discharge any�xen�vhi�h has pr�ority ov�r this S�curx�y�nstrumen�unles�Borro�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in v�-iting to the payment of the ab�igation secured by �he �ien ir� a manner accep�able t� Lender; �b}
<br /> con�ests in gnc�d faith the �ien bv, or defe�ds agains� enforcemen� �f�he ��e�. xn, legal pro�eedinbs which in the
<br /> Lender's opininn �pera�e to preven� the enf�rc�mer�t of the Iien; or ��} secures from the ho�der of the �ien an
<br /> agreemerit sati�,fa���ry to Lender subordinating the �ien to thi� Secu�i�y Zri�trument. �f Lender determin�s tha�a�y
<br /> part of the Pro�perty is subjec�to a iien v�hxch may a�ta�n przority aver thi� Securi�y�nstrumen�, L�nde�rnay give
<br /> Barro�ver a no�ice iden�zf��ng the lien. Borro�ver�hal� satisfy the l�en or ta�e one or more of the ac�ions set forth
<br /> abflve within ���days of the g�v�ng of notzCe.
<br /> Hazard or P��perty Insuran�e.Borrflvver sh�ll keep �he impr�vements naw exis�ing or hereafter erec�ed on the
<br /> Property�nsured against loss by f�re,hazards included w�thin the�erm"extended ca�erage" and any other hazards,
<br /> inc�uding f�ao�ls or flooding, fox� �vhich Len�e�- requ�res insuran�e. This insurance sha11 be main�ax�.ed �n the
<br /> am�unts and for the peri�ds�iat Lender requxres.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> Borrotiver sub�ec� to Lender's approval whxch shall no� be unreasonab�y wi�hheid. �f BorroWer fa��s �o n�aintain
<br /> coverage descr�bed above,�Lender may, a� Le��der's option, obta�� c�v�rage �a protec� Lende�s r�gh�s �n �he
<br /> Property in a���ardance�ri�h sect��n ti�led Pr�t�cti�n�f Lender°s�.gh��in the Proper��.
<br /> AlI insurance ��o�zcies and reneur�.ls shall be a�ceptable �o Lender �.nd sh�.�� �n�iude a standard martgage �lause.
<br /> Ler�der shal�ha.ve �he right�o ho�d�he po�icies and renewals. If Lender rec�uires,Bnrrotiver shall pFomptly gi�� �o
<br /> Lender aI�rece�ipts of pa�d premiums and r�new�l n�ti�es. �n the event of IaSs, Borrower shall g�ve pro�np�n�t�ce
<br /> to the insurancE�arrzer and Lender. Lender may�nake pr�of af Xoss��'no�m.ade prompt�y by Borro��er.
<br /> Un��ss Lender and Barrower other�ise agree i� wri�ing, insuran�e �roceeds shall be app�xed t� restoratian ar
<br /> repa�r flf the �roper�y damag�d, �f, xn Lender's �o1e discreti�n, the res��ratian �r repair �s ec�nor�i�a��y feasible
<br /> and Lender`� s�curi�y zs nat lessened. If, zz� Lender'� s�le discre�ion, the restoration or repair is nc�t econa�n�ca�ly
<br /> feasible or Len�ier's securi�y wouid be�essened,tkae insurance proceeds shall be appl�ed�o�he sums�ecured by thxs
<br /> Secur��y Instru3ment, whether or nnt then due, w��h an� excess paid �o Bor�-ov�rer. �f Borrovver a�andons the
<br /> Property,ar d���s not ans�ver within the number�f days prescrib�d b�.�pplicab�e Law as set forth i�.a n��ice frorn
<br /> �ender to Borr«wer�hat the insurance carrier has flffered�o se���e a claim, then Lender may co��ect�he insurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use �he prflceeds to repair�r restnre �he Pr�per�y or to pay sums seGured���h�s S�cur�ty
<br /> Ins�rument,wh���her or not�hen due.The perio�of��me for Borra��r to anSv�er as set forth in the no��ce�i11 begin
<br /> when�he notice zs given.
<br /> Un�ess Lender��r�d Borrov�er atherw�se agre� ��.writing, any app�ica�ian of proceeds to princ�pal s�a�l no��xtend
<br /> or pos�pone the due date of the payments due under the Contrac�or change �he am�un�of the payment�. �f under
<br /> the section�i��e�d Acce�era�ian; 1�emecl�es, �he Proper�y is acquzred��Lender, Borro�er'�rzgh� ta any�nsurance
<br /> poli��es and prt�ceeds resu��ing from damage t� the Pr�per�y przor �o the ��quisi���n shaTl pass to Lerider �� the
<br /> extent of�he su�ns secured by this Security�nstru�nent immedza�ely�rzflr�o�he acquisi��on.
<br /> Preserva�i�n� :�Viaintenance and Praf�ction af the Proper�y; Borrow�r's Loan �ppli�a�io�� L�aseho�ds.
<br /> Borro�vsrer sha�l nat des�ray, damabe or impair�he Praper�y, allow the Property�o deteriora�e, or c�mmi�w�,s�� on
<br /> the Praper�y. �c�rr�wer sha��be in defaul�zf any forf�i�ure action or proceedzng,whether ci�il or crimina�,�s begun
<br /> that �n Lender's good faith�udgment cou�d resu��t in farfeiture of the Proper�y or otherwise ma�eri���y impazr�he
<br /> lien crea�ed by this Securi�y �ns�rument or Ler�der's �ecurity xnter�s�. Borrn�ver may cure such a default and
<br /> re�n�ta�e, as pro�vided in section tit�ed Barrawv�r�s F�.ght �a ]Ete�nsta�e, by�ausing the action or pr�ceed�ng to be
<br /> dism�ssed u�ith��ruling tha�, �n Lender's good faith d��erminat�on,pr�c�udes�orfeiture of�he B�rraurer's�nterest�n
<br /> the Pr�perty or other mater�a� impa�rmen� of the lien created by t�is Se�;uri�y �ns�rument or Le�.der's se�urity
<br /> �nteres�. Borrov�rer sha��alsa be in defaul��f Borrower,durxng the�oan app��ca�i�n pracess,gave ma�er�ally fa�se or
<br /> inaccurat� �nfor�mation or sta�ements to Ler�der (�r failed �o pravzde Lender urith any material i7farr�a�ion} in
<br /> connec��on wx�h th� Ioan e�iden�ed by�he �ontr�c�. �f this Securit��nst�ument is on a leasehold, Borra�er shall
<br /> compl�wzth a��the pro�isi�ns of�he�ease. �f��rrawer acquires fee����e to t�e Property,the leasehoid and the fee
<br /> title shall not mE�rge unless Lender agrees to the�erg�r in v�r�ting.
<br /> Protect��n of ��ender's l�ights �n the Praper�y. If Borrower faz�s to p�rform the covenan�s and agreem�nts
<br /> conta�ned zn�hi;� Securx�y�nstrum�nt, or there�s a 1egal pro�eeding that ma�r s�gnificantly affect Lender'�righ�s�n
<br /> the Praper�y �sU��h as a �roceeding zn bankr�ptcy, probate, for c�ndemna�ion or forfez�ure or �a enforce lavvs or
<br /> regula��ons}, �h�;n Lender may do and pay for whatever �s necessary to pro�ect the va�ue af the Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Proper�y. Lender's ac�zox�s may include payzng any sums secured by a Iien whi�h has priori�y
<br /> over�his Secur��:y Instrument, appearirig xn cou�t,pay�ng reas�nable attorne�r�'fees and entering on�he P�operty to
<br /> make repair�.A��though Lender may ta�e actian unde��his section,Le�der do�s not ha�e t�do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Ler�der under this sec�ion s�a�� bec�me ac�d��xanal debt �f Borr�wer s�cured by this
<br /> S�cur�ty �nstrunlent. Unless Borro�er ar�d Lender agree t� other �erm� of pa�ment, these amount� shal� bear
<br /> <<'�?�p4-2�15 Comp�iance Syste�ns.In�.G[SA-i G59-2413.i 2.�.I.i 1 l S
<br /> C�nsurrter Real Estate-Se��u�-ity Instz-ument UL?0�6 Page 2 nf 5 ����ti�.;,axnp[ianresystems.com
<br />