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_- ....�lYv�c. 'w`S'�_ .:' _oAi��_\ .��. ¢ CeR` •t� ?�s�F.� — y':ii.�`�._��,ct<f.C.. r.,.�: :i>�p�E,�� � . <br /> . �__�'_'.SSC�lF:�i�.t.t an� ��` \'ti+�• �'P--:.'�is`;.,. •5"r:-:'i�:���:1� 4J;-y :1k..,i::.' L, 'f ���`''Y�1 �� 4,,.^.%' -__ . <br /> �' I �,,,.�*� _���°,��'�4`� r�F't,���5���,'!;s�,.�:��..: �i��t.�3�2�$F`t�i;,_��;f='z'4a`�� ` <br /> �3,�?����7��.• - �'?�,.� �'*�• `•7�_„__ -_.�.,,_,�.y�a. <br /> —:� <br /> , �__.� <br /> f . � <br /> . 9�-' f 047'72 , � ; � . <br /> UNtfi�At►t Cov�vwNTS. Horro+ver and L�cda wvenant and agra as foltows: - <br /> - !. P��iat of.Frin¢i(�l�nd LLe�a�P�rep�}aeat ud Lte C�arga. Bo:towu shall promptDy piy when dut � �� •� <br /> tbe pri�stgal�tan�intcscst on the debt evideaced by the Note and any prepsymrnt ared]at�cbargss due undes the Note. <br /> — �. F�s far T�ca W Iasunaca Subject to agplicable I�w or to a wrattrn waiv�;by Lender.Borrower shatl�zy <br /> t4 Ls�ddr�n tb�.daV.msmthly pay�asnts ue due under thr Notef uatil the Note is pasd ir�;full,a sum(°Fuads")cqual to <br /> oeat�vdRb af: ta�.yarly tua a�►d assessmeats ahich msy att:in priorety over tbis Security Instrumeat; (b} yrarty . <br /> {atebdd p�ymtat�or graund rents on the Propeny, if as�y; (c)y.suty hszard insurance premiums; u►d (d) ytarly • <br /> enortp�e inwraa�ae psLmiums,�f any.Thae itema ue called"acru�►ite��."I.endes m�y atimate the Funds due an th� <br /> b�tis oicurr�mt data and r�asonsbk es�imsta af�uture escroR itsns. <br /> 7be Funds shalt be t�dd in sn it�stituaon the dep�sits or accounts of wlucb ue insured or gwrantoed by a federal ar <br /> _.� uate ssmc.y(includint Ler�der if F.�ader is such an instituqon). Lmder sh�ll apply the Fnnds to psy the escrow itaas. <br /> I.eader msy not ch�trK foc 6oidina uid appJyia=t6e Fuads,anaIyiin�tl�t ucouat or verifying the acroW items,unkss • . <br /> — L.eader p�ys Bosrower interat on the Funds and�pplirable 4w penaits Lmder to miice such a chuge.Borrawer and . <br /> Lmder msy aira in�vritinj that interat sha11 be paid on the Funds.Unless an agrxmmt is made ar app�ic�ble law , . <br /> roquiras interest te be paid,I.ender shaU not be requ'sred w p�y Borrower any interest or arnings on th�Fun�Ss:Lender <br /> t6aU�va Eo Borranver,without chuge.w annual accounting of the Fundsshowing ctedits and debits to the Fund�and the ' <br /> parpose for xbicb ssch�ebit to the Funds was a�ude.The Fuads ue pladged as addition�sccurity fos ttr_sums sacu�by <br /> this Secudty Iasttutnent. � . <br /> If ti�e amouat of the Funds held by Leader.tosesher with the future enont&IY p�ymaits of Funds peyab2s prinr to ��• <br /> t6e due dates af the escruw items�s�W l exceed the amount required to psy the acrow items when due,ths exa��6�1 be, <br /> u Horrowrdi option�either promptl�repaid to Horrower or credited to Borrower on monthly paymeuts af Fuads:If the � <br /> ' amoaat of i�e Fuads hrld by Leada is not sul5cient to pay the escrrnv items when due,Borrower shW psy to Lender any <br /> �nnavat necas�ry to ennkt up the defceiency in one or mare psymeatsss required by L=nder. . <br /> — Upon payn�eat ir►fuU of aU�ums savred by this Sxurityr Inurumeat, Lrnder:hsll promptly refund to Banaw�x . <br /> say Funds beW by Leader.If under patagnph 19 the Property is sold or acguired by J.aider.Lender shaU apply;nfl lates � <br /> tban ir�e�ituIy prior to the sate of the Property ar iu sc�uisition by Leader.any Furtds held by Lender at tht tfm=of <br /> ajrplicatlon ss a credit against the sums secnred by this Securfty�ns�rumsnt. <br />—� 3. A�itn@o�of Ps�b. Ueks�applicablt IsM p�vides oihe:wise,sll paymeats received by Leader uader <br /> paasnphs i�nd 2slull be spplied:flist,to late charga due under ths l�m�second,toprep�ymrnt chuga dut undcr the . <br /> Not�tbUd,to smouatt�ysble an�sr parapaph Z;founh,W�nt�t du�end last�to prindpal due. • <br /> 4. C1tt�e��Je� Harro�r�ehaU pay all taxa.�uaaits.chu�es.finrs tnd impositions attribuubte to the <br /> - property�rbich may atuin priothy,aver this Security Instrument. aa� leaiehok.I �tyments ar ground rents. if any. <br /> Borto�va slWl psy thrse obbptions in the manner provided in pusgraPb Z,or if nos piid in tlui muinec,Sorro�er shaU <br /> pay them on time dltnesYy�to the penon o�+ed paymenG Bonower�hall psomptly fumich to Lendtr�l notica oFamounts i�� <br /> w be ptW nnder t6is peresrsph.If Borro�►er malces tbae payments dirxtly.Horrav�rer sh�ll promptly fumi�h to Lsndcr . <br /> : tnoelpts�vida�cina t6e p�yment�. • <br /> f &sraxer eh�U pramptty diuhu�e any tien ahich his priority ercr this Security Inatrument unless Borrower:(a) . <br /> � axtea in�vritin;to tHe p�yment of the oblipdoa secured by tbe lier����.mraner accept�bla to Ler.d�s(b)cantats in tood <br /> faitb the liea by,or ddm�4s ajainst eaforcanace�the lien in,lepl p:v�danp which in the Lender's opiaion operate tv <br /> ,_ prevmt the eAtorcemeat of the lien or f�rPeiture of any part of tha Fra��r;or(c)secur�s from the hoisler of the lien an . <br /> ssreemait s�tisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to thi�Security Yrntrumerst.If Lender determines that any put of <br /> �i ttu Propesty i�subjact to a lien wi��msy�ttain priority a�ver thit Serurity lnatrnment,Lender may give Hotrower s — <br /> aotk�e identifyinf t6e lien.Hartawer�hall ataf�►the lirn or take one or m:�ta of the actions�et forth above within 10 days <br /> af the pvin�of notice. � <br /> S. Kss�r!I�er�ce. �rrower sh+ill keep the improvemenu now existi»g ar heratter erecta!on the Property <br /> inwred�ptt�t tea by Rn.harud��fincluded wlthin the term'•eatendad coven�e"and�ny ather huuds for which Lender <br /> � requira fainu-ance. 'This inwnnar shall be cnaintuned ia�Ji�e amouau and for the �eriods that Lender reruira. 'H'he � � <br /> � insuratsce�rrfer provi��the inswYnce�hall be chos�n by 8onowet subject to Lender's approval which shsli aat be `.'-� <br /> wrrwoaabiy�vithlx�i. ,�. <br /> All inwraace po3i�ia�nd rene+vals ihall be acceptable to Lendcr sna ihall include�sta.�dard mort�age elause. ;� ,�. <br /> I,ender�haU h�►ve tbe tight to hold the policia�nd rrne�val�.If Lender require��Barcdwer�hall��:mptly�ive to Lender <br /> all recripts of paid premiums�nd renead notiea.In the evmt of lou.Borroaer sh�Il�ae prompt notice to the insurance . <br /> — ; canirr�nd lxnder.Lmder msy m�lce praof of lou if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> Ualeu Lenderand HorroMer othenvise s�ra in wrian�,inaurance proceeds shall be ippliad t�ratontion or repair , <br /> ot tbe Property d�m�aed�if the restorttion ot rtpair is ecanomicaUy feuible and Lender•s sec�:ri��as not lessened.lf ths , <br /> rawnttian or repair u not ccanomicaDly fa�ible or LendePs secudty would be leua�ed, the inaarance procads aha11 be � <br /> �p�Ikd�tiae sum:�ecur+ed by ehis,Security Instrumrnt��h+�her or not then due,v�i�h a.�y exc�est ptid to Earmwer.If <br /> Hotro�r�aaadon�the Property.or doa not an�s�rer�vitIti�30 d�ys s notice from Lender that t1.e smusmce�sr.ier hu <br /> oQ'ered to nrttle s cltin�then Lender msy collc�t the insursnce procccd�treader msy uk the pra�s to rep�ir or mtore <br /> the Propa'�x or to pry sum��ecured by this 5�urity In�trumrnt��he�rha nr not then due.Thc 3�sy period will be�ia <br />_ when tbcnatioe is pven. <br /> Ua3a�Lenda md HorroMer othenvise�jrce in�vritlnj��ny�ppiication of procecds to principal shaA not extend or <br /> q»tpone the dut dats of the monthly psyment4 refesred to in ptra�raphs 1 and 2 or chsnae the amount of'the payments.If <br /> undet ptnjraph 19 tht Property is acquired by Lender.Barrawet's ri�ht to�ny insurance policias and proceeds resulting <br />-" from damaje to the Property prior to the ncquisitfon s2u11 pw to L�ndsr to the eatent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> _ ___ Instcuma�t immadixtely prior to the acquisition. %= _—"" ` <br /> i. Pr�eadae u�l M�te�uce otPra�er�;IRa�t�oN�. Botrower sha11 not dqtroy.dam�ge or substantislJy ' <br /> chan�e the Property.�Ilow the Property to deterionte or commit waste. 1f this Security Dnstrument is on a lasehold, <br /> Horro+rer d�11 comply�ith the provi�iomt oPthe leax.and lf&mower uquires fa title to the Propeny,the lasehold and <br /> fee dtk�hall not mer�e unless Lendera�reato the mes�er in aritin�. � <br /> - 7. F�+nr�etion ad IIa�ie�� T�iiib in tu� �rrv�tviy; F.��i�IIair�:ac�e. if �:r�,wef f�i'sls tv �e�':u �� the <br /> eavenrnu and a�roements conuined in this Security Instrument.or there is s leaal proceeding that m�y signiftcantly dtect � <br /> �._�._. � I.ender'�rijbts in the Property(�uch as a proceedin�in btnkruptcy,prob�te, f4r cflnd�mnation or to�enforce I�xs or ' ' . <br /> I re=uLtions)�then Lender may do and p�y for whatcver is neceswy to protect the vdue of the Propeny�nd Lendet's ri�hts � <br /> in the Praperty. Lender's 4ctions m�y mctude psying�ny sums secured by a lien wi�ich has pnority over this Security <br /> �. I�ttrummt.��rparin�on coutt.payin�reason�ble�uomeys'tas�nd entering on the property to mokc repiirs.Atthouah � <br /> I�endcs msy take action urtder this puagnah�.Lendrr dop ndt have to do so. <br /> Any amounts di�Dur�ed by Lendu undet thi�pste�rotph 7 slul!become addi[ianil debt of Borrawer secure�by this ,� �� <br /> ;� Secvtity in�trument.Unless Borrower�nd Lender agrer tt�other terms uf payrnent.these amounos sha!!bear interest from L�• ° <br /> -- the date ot dlsburdement a1 the Note rete and shtll bt p�yable. with interrst, upon rtotice irom I,ender to 8arrnwrr <br /> i; reQurstin�paYmrne, <br /> — i< <br /> r��< <br /> �f Y � <br /> �j. <br /> . ��I(' <br /> - ,�' ' <br /> '�:e <br />�f Y� <br /> •'r" . <br />