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2� 17��771 <br /> requir�d by RESPA, and Borrower sha11 pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the de�c�ency�n <br /> a�ccardance wi�h RESPA,but i�.n no mnre�han 12 rnonth�y payments. <br /> Upon payment in full of a11 su�ns secured by th�s Security Instru�ment, Lender sha�l promptly refund to <br /> Barrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges: Liens. Borrower sha��pay a��taxes, ass�essments,charges, fines,and imposi�ions attributable to <br /> the Property wluch can attain pr�ority oWer this S�curi�r�istrument, leasehald payments or ground rents on <br /> the Property, if any, and Commuruty Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To th�extent that <br /> these items are Es�craw Items, Borrower sha��pay t�iem in the m�anner pro�ided in Sect��n 3. <br /> Barrower sha11 pramptly discharge any lien which has priority a�er this Security Ins�rument unless <br /> Borrawer: [a}agrees in vvriting to the payment af the obligation secured by the iien in a manner ac�eptable <br /> to Lender,but only so�ong as Barrower is perforrrung such agreement; �b}contests t�ie l�en in good faith by, <br /> or defends agains�enfarcement of the�ien in, lega�proceedings which in Lender's�pinion operate to preWent <br /> �ie�nfurcement of the lien whi1�thase prviceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are <br /> concluded;ur�c}secures from th�ho�der of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> lien to this Securiry Instrun�ent. if Lender deter�mines that any part of the Property is subj�ct to a lien which <br /> can attain priority o�er this Security Instrument, Lender meay gi�e Barrower a notice identifying the 1ien. <br /> Within 14 days of the date an which�hat notice is given, Borrawer sha11 satisfy the l�e�n ar take one ar more <br /> uf�ie actions set forth abo��in this Sec�ion 4. <br /> . <br /> Lender ma.y requ�re�3orrawer to pay a one-time c�arge for a real estate tax�eri�ication andlor reportir�g <br /> service used by Lender in connection with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower sha�l keep the�mpro�ements naw existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Praperty insured agai.nst loss by�ire,hazards included within the term"extended ca�erage,"and any other <br /> haza,rds including, but not lim�ited to, earthquakes and floods, f�r which Lender requires insurance. This <br /> uasurance shali be m�aintained�n the amounts�including deductible 1eWe1s}and for the periods that Lender <br /> r0quires.What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of�he Loan. <br /> T�ie insurance c.a� pro�iding the ir�surance sha11 be chos�n by Borrower subject to Lender's right to <br /> disapprave Borrower's choice, wh.ich right sha�l not be exercised unreasonabiy. Lender may require <br /> Borrower ta pay, in connection with t�us Loa�,eit�ier: �a}a one-time charge fnr f�ood zan�determin,a�tion, <br /> certificarion and�ra�king services;or(b}a one-time charge for f�ood zone determination and certificatiun <br /> services and subsequent charges ea�ch time rem,appings or similar changes occur which r�asanably might <br /> affect such determination ar certi�cat�on. Borrower sha�ll also be responsxble for�he payment of any fe,es <br /> imposed by th�Federa�Emergency Manag�men�Agency in connectian with the review of any flood zone <br /> determinati�n fram an objection by Barrower. <br /> If Borrower fa�ls to maintain any of the co�erages described aba�e, Lender may obtain insurance co�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and Barrower's expense. Lender is under no obl�gation to purchase any particular type or <br /> amount of ca�erage. Therefore, such co�erage sha�l co�er Lender, but m�ight or might not protect Borrower, <br /> Barrower's equity in the Froperty, ar the contents of the Property, against any risk,hazard or�iability and <br /> might pro�ide greater or lesser ca�erage than was pre�iously in effect. Borrower acknow�edges that the cost <br /> af the u�surance co�erage so ab�ained might sign��cantly exceed the cost of insurance�ha�Barravver could <br /> ha�e obtained. Any amounts disbursed by L,ender under�his Sectiun 5 sha11 became additional debt of <br /> Borrower secured by�his Security�nstrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and shali be payable,with such�nterest, upan notice from Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NEBRASI�A-Single Famrly-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3028 11D1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEj t13n2).DD <br /> Wolters K�uwer F4nanc�al Ser�rces Page fi of 17 <br />