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2� 17��773 <br /> c�nt�nue t�pa� ta L,�:nder the amount of the separa�ely designated paym�nts tha�v�ere du�when the <br /> �nsurance co�erage�eased�o�e �n effe�t. Lender w�ll a��ept, use and r��ain these paym�n�s as a <br /> n�n-refundable�flss reser�e�n lieu of Mortga�e �nsuranc�. Su�h loss rese�-v�e shai�be non-refundable, <br /> notwi�hstanding�he fa��that the Loan is uitima�ely paid in full, and Lender shal�nflt be required to pay <br /> Borrav�rer any in�erest or earn�ngs on such Ioss res�rve. Lender can no�onger require loss reserv�payments <br /> if Mor�gage Insurance cov�rage�in�h�amoun�and for the period tha�Lender requ�re�} pra�ided b� an <br /> insurer selec�ed b� Lender again becomes availabl�, �s o�tained, and Lend�r requires separa�e�y�es�gnated <br /> payments �oward�he premiums f�r Nl�r�gage Tnsuranc�. Zf I,ender required IV�or�gage Insurance as a <br /> condition flf mak�ng�he I:oan and Borrawer v�ras required t�make separatel�designated pa�ments�oward the <br /> premiums far Mortgage�nsurance, Borr�wer shall pay the pr�miums requ�red to maintain Mor�gage <br /> Insurance in effect, or�o pro��de a non-refundable�oss reserve, un�ii Lender's requ�remen�for Mnr��a�e <br /> �nsurance ends in accordanG�vv�th any writ�er�agreemen�betv�een Borrower and Lender praviding for such <br /> terminat�on�r unti� termina�xon�s requ�red by AppliGabl�Law. No�hing in th�s Se��i�n 1�affe�ts <br /> Borrov��r's obligat�an to pay inter�st at�he ra�e pro�ided in the Note. <br /> Mor�ga�e�nsurance re�mburses Lender�or any�nti��r t�at purchases the N�te} for certain��sses �t may�n�ur <br /> if�orrawer does not repa�th� Laan as agreed. Borrow�r�s no�a par�y�o the Mor��age Insurance. <br /> Mor��age �nsurers eva�ua�e their total risk an al� such insurance�n f�rce from�im�to t�m�, and may enter <br /> in�o a�reemen�s�ith o�her parties�hat share or mad�f� the�r r�sk, or reduce lo�ses. These a�reemen�s are an <br /> terms and cond�txons�ha�are sa�isfactory to the mor�gage insurer and�he other par�y (or par��es}to��aese <br /> agree�nents. These agreements may r�quire�he m�r�gage insurer to mak�payments using any source of funds <br /> that the mor��age insurer may ha�e a�ailable�wh�ch may �nciude funds ohta�ned from Mortgage�nsuran�e <br /> prem�ums}. <br /> As a resu��af these a�reemer�ts, Lender, any purchaser af the No�e, another�nsurer, an}�reinsurer, an�o�her <br /> enti�y, or any af��ia�e af any of�he fore�o�ng, may receiv��dire�tly or�ndir�c��y} amoun�s that deri�re from <br /> �ar mi�ht be character�zed as} a p�rt�on of Borr�wer's payments for M�rtgag��nsurance, in exchang�for <br /> sharing or mad�fy�ng the mart�a�e insurer's�risk, or reduc�n�losses. �f such agreement prov�des�hat an <br /> af��iat�of L,end�r takes a sharc of the insurer's risk in�xchange for a share of�he premiums paid ta�h� <br /> �nsurer, the arrangem�nt is oft�n�ermed "capti�e reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agreements►w���not affec��he amounts�ha�Bvrrower has agreed tv pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any other�erms of the I�oan. Such agreements wil�na� increase the amoun� <br /> Borrower wi�i ovve far Nior�gage Insurances and�hey will not en�itle Barrower to any refund. <br /> �b} Any such agreements wi�l no�aFfe��the rights Borrvwer has�if any-w��h respect to the <br /> Mor�gage Insuran�e under the Honr�eov�ners Protectivn Ac�af 1998 or any other�aw. Thes�r�g�ts <br /> may�nc�ude�he r�gh��o re�e�v�e cer�ain disclosures, to request and�b�ain�ancel�at�an of�he <br /> NTar�gage Insurance, to have the Mnr�gage Insurance term�na�ed au�omatica��y, andlor tv rece��ve <br /> a refund of any Mort�age Insurance prerniums that were unearned a�the t�m�vf such <br /> can�ellat�on or t�rmina��on. <br /> �'1, Assignment of Miscel�an�ous P�ro�eeds: Forfe�ture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are h�re�y assigned to <br /> and sha�l�e�aid�o I�nder. <br /> �f the Prope�y �s damag�d, such Misce�lane�us Fro�eet�s shal�be applied to res�oratian or repair of�he <br /> Proper��, if the restoration or repair�s�canomically feasibie and Lender's security is not l�ss�ned. During <br /> such repair and restora�ion per�od, Lender shal�ha�e�he righ�to hald su�h Mzscel�aneous Proceeds until <br /> L.ender has had an opp�rtunity ta inspe�t such Froper�y ta ensure the work has be�n comp�eted fo Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Family-�annie Ma�IFre�die Mac UNI�DRM INSTRLJM�NT Farm 3�28 1107 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNfj�3302f <br /> Wolters Ktuwer Financ�a!Ser�ices Page 9 0#17 <br />