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2� 17��773 <br /> required�y RE�PA, and Borrower shall pay�o Lender�h�amaunt nec�ssar�r to ma�e up the defi���nc� in <br /> acc�rdance with RESPA, bu� in na mar��han �2 x�on�h�y paymen�s. <br /> Upon payment�n fui� of a1I sums se�ur�d�y this Secur�ty Ins�rumen�, L�nder sha�� promptl�r refund�o <br /> Borrower any Funds heid by Lender. <br /> 4, Charges: Liens. Barr�w�r sha��pay a��tax�s, as�essments, charges, f�nes, and impos�tzans at�ributable to <br /> the Pr�perty vvh�ch can atta�n pr�or�ty�ver this S�cur�ty �nstrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> th�Pr�perty, if an�, a.nd ��mmunity Associa�ian Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the exten�tha� <br /> �hese item�s are Escrow Items, Borr�v�er shall pay�hem in the manner provid�d in Section 3. <br /> B�rrower shal�promp�iy discharge any�ien wh�ch ha�pr�or�ty flver thi� �e�ur��y�ns�rument unless <br /> Barrower: �a} agrees �n wr�ting�a th�payment af the�b��ga��on secured by the Iien in a manner accep�able <br /> ta Lender, but on�y so�ong as B�rrower is perfarming such agreem�nt; �b} contests�he lien in gaad fai�h by, <br /> or defends against enforcement of the lien in, l�ga�proceedings which in Lend�r's apinion operate t�prevent <br /> the enfarcement af the lien while thos�proCeedings ar�pending, but on�y un�il such proCeedings are <br /> conc�ud�d; ar�c} s�cures fr�m th�holder of the��en an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> iien ta�his Security �nstrument. �f Lender determ�nes �ha�any par�af�he Pr�perty �s subjec�to a lien which <br /> can at�ain pr�ority over th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, L�nder may g�ve Borrower a notic�iden�ifying�he lien. <br /> �Vz�h�n ��days of�h�da�e on wh�ch tha�notic�is given, Barr�wer sha�� satisfy the lien or take one nr more <br /> af the ac�ions�et f�rth above in�his Secti�n 4. <br /> L�nder rnay r�quire B�rro�ver��pay a one-�ime charge for a rea� estate�ax�er���ca���n andlar reporting <br /> servi�e used by Lender in cannec�ion w�th th�s Laan. <br /> 5. Prvperty lnsuranGe. Borrow�r shail keep the�mprovements now exist�ng or hereafter erected on the <br /> Proper�y insured against loss�y fire, hazards includ�d wi�hin the term "extended c�v�rage," and any other <br /> ha2ard� including, but nat limited��, earthquakes and fla�ds, for vvhich Lender requires �nsurance. Th�s <br /> insurance�hall be mainta�n�d in the amounts ��nc�udin� deductib���eveis} and for the p�r�flds tha� Lend�r <br /> requires. '�'hat Lender requires pursuant�o the preceding sentences can�hange durzng the term�f the Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier pro��d�ng the�nsuranc�sha�� b�chos�n b�r Borrower sub��ct ta L�nder'� right ta <br /> d�sapprove Barrower's chflic�, wh�ch right shal� no�be exercised unreasonably. L�nder ma� require <br /> Borr�wer to pay, in coz�nection with this Loan, either: �a} a one-t�rne charge for fload zon�d�term�nat�on, <br /> cer�ificati�n and tracking ��r�v����; or�b} a�ne-��me charge for flnod z�ne de�ermi.nat�an and cer���ication <br /> s�rvic�s an�subsequent charg�s�a�h t�me remappings or szm��ar changes accur wh�ch reasanab�y might <br /> affec�such de�erm�na��an�r cert���cation. Barro�ver sha�� a�so be respans�b��far the pa�ment af any fees <br /> �mposed by th�Federa� Emergency Management Agency in connection with the rev�ew af any f�a�d zone <br /> det�rm.�nati�n resulting fram an objection by Borr�u�er. <br /> �f B�rrow�r fai�s to main�ain any�f�he co�erages�i�scribed above, Lender may ab�azn�nsurance c�verage, <br /> at Ler�der's�ptxon and B�rr�wer's expens�. Lender�s under na ob��gat�on to purchase any particular t�pe or <br /> am�un�of coverage. 'I`her�for�, such co�erage sha�l c�ver Lender, bu�m�igh�or migh�not pr�tect Borrawer, <br /> Bflrrow�r's equity in the Pr�per�y, or the contents af the Proper�y, against any risk, hazard�r liabi�ity and <br /> m�ght provide grea��r or lesser coverage than was pr�viau�I� in effect. Barro�ver acknowledges�ha��he cos� <br /> of the insurance�overag�so obtained might s�gnif�can��y exce�d the cast of insurance that Barrow�r c�uld <br /> hav����ain�d. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Sect��n 5 sha�� became additional deb�of <br /> Borrower secured by�h�s Secur�ty �nstrument. These an-�.aun�s sha�� b�ar interest at the N�te rate fram the <br /> date�f disbursemen� and sha�l be payable, wi�h such interest, upan not��e from Lender ta B�rrnw�r <br /> requ�sting payment. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amity-Far�ni�Ma�IFreddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUMENT Form 3D28 110� <br /> VMP 0 VMPfi�NEj t130�1 <br /> Wolters Kiuwer Fin�ncia�5�r�ices Page fi af 17 <br />